𝘛𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘉𝘰𝘺

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Malakai kicked a rock on the edge of the river. The rock sunk to the river, water rippling around it. He could hear his brother, Pierce, practicing his newfound power a bit away. He had to keep an eye on him, worried he could hurt someone if they came near him. Hardly anyone came to this lake this early in the day, but they still knew to be cautious.

Their father likely should have been the one to train the two boys, but considering he was constantly with the coven these days, that seemed unlikely. Instead, they had to figure out everything on their own. This situation was likely better, anyway. They could learn at their own pace instead of hearing their father's rage. The only downside was that he knew more about their powers than Malakai and could teach them more.

Malakai took a deep breath and relaxed his hands. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine a wall in front of him. He swept his hands in front of him and could feel something working. Feeling excited, he opened his eyes. However, he only saw a bit of green in front of him instead of the green shield he intended to create. Groaning in frustration, he glanced around for his brother. When he didn't see him, his panic quickly rose.

"Pierce? Pierce, where are you?" Malakai shouted, quickly running to where he saw him last. He went up to the tree where he saw his brother practicing but couldn't find him. He saw Pierce's knives in the tree, quickly ripping them out so they wouldn't lose them.

"Lost something?" a voice behind him asked. Malakai jumped in surprise and quickly turned, holding his hands in the air, prepared to attack.

There stood a pretty blonde who looked around the same age as him. Her pin straight hair fell past her shoulders, blowing slightly in the wind. She had a bit of a smirk on her face and he swore he could see electricity in her eyes. With her, his sheepish looking brother.

"Pierce," Malaki breathed out in relief, "you can't just run off like that."

"Sorry, I saw this girl and she was controlling lightning! Lightning! Isn't that cool?" Pierce exclaimed excitedly and Malakai couldn't help but grin at this.

"Very cool, but when you ran off you forgot something," Malakai told him.

Pierce paused for a moment before his eyes bulged. He frantically felt around his pockets, gulping a bit when he found them empty. Malakai flicked up his hands and held out the knives, watching as his brother relaxed immensely.

"You know you can't lose these, P," he berated, allowing his brother to take back the knives.

"I know," Pierce grumbled, walking back to his tree to practice his aim.

Malakai turned back to the girl who seemed to be amused. "Thank you for bringing him back here."

"No problem," she said before turning to walk away.

"So, lightning, huh?" Malakai asked, making her stop and turn back. She held her hand up between them with a smile and created a circle of lighting. Sparks jumped from it and she tamed it so that it wouldn't hit him. "What does it feel like?"

"Incredible, honestly," she admitted, turning her hand over to watch the ball of electricity run over the back of her hand, "kind of feels like every nerve of my body is electrified."

Malakai nodded, watching in curiosity. "I'm Malakai, by the way."

"Tempest," she introduced, her plump cherry lips twisting into a smile, "so, what about you?"

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