Finding Her

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Rory honestly thought they would be okay.

They all did.

They all crossed their fingers behind their backs, hoping the universe wouldn't notice.

But it did.

It did notice.

And they paid the price.

Her eyes flew open as her body jolted roughly

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Her eyes flew open as her body jolted roughly. She felt arms around her, carrying her. Her mind felt like it was spinning, nothing made sense. Her thoughts were scattered, and her mind was racing. She remembered an overwhelming feeling took over her before she blacked out. She felt jittery as the power infused itself into her, almost as if connecting and rewriting her DNA. Her legs flailed slightly as she was carried, her body practically entirely limp. Rory got a glimpse of her hands- they were still glowing. Her body strung deliciously, energy pulsing through her. Although disoriented, she tried to sit up to see what was happening.

"Rory! Hey, Maximus, she's awake!" Aidan exclaimed as he threw a stream of fire at a warlock chasing them. The bright fire made her squint her eyes as it blinded her, turning her head slightly.

"Hey, just relax, okay? We're gonna be fine!" Maximus shouted at her in a worried tone, making Rory concerned. She tiredly glanced around, and she saw coven members throwing spells at them. She didn't notice Malakai, and the others had joined them until a large green shield was thrown up to block some spells. He shouted at the others, pointing his finger at certain spots, telling them where to go.

"This is your definition of fine?" Rory asked groggily.

"Your star show brought some attention to us, but no worries, just keep napping!" Aidan joked in a strained tone, giving her a crooked smile.

"Sleep well?" Eira quipped as she soared past her on Channing's back. The wolf pranced along wildly as Eira hit the coven members with streams of ice. Channing growled and attacked some of them, careful not to do anything to knock Eira off. The two were indeed a sight to see, both fighting elegantly.

"What happened?" Rory asked in a whisper, moving gradually.

"There was an explosion when you created the portals, and as you can see, the rest of the coven noticed," Maximus told her before shifting her up slightly, kicking a man roughly in the stomach when they got too close, "you do love the dramatics, don't you?"

"Oh, shut it! Put me down, I'm fine," she told him with uncertainty. He gave her a pointed look and went to argue with her when she stopped him. "Maximus, you need to help them, just put me down so you can fight."

Her brother reluctantly put her down. Rory staggered slightly, swaying as she got a rushing feeling of dizziness overcame her. She gave him a reassuring look before he jumped into the fight. Standing in the middle of their fighting circle, she got a chance to breathe. It took a few moments for the dizziness to go away, allowing her to stand up straight without feeling nauseous. She spotted Eliphas as he threw spells towards the coven, bright lights escaping his hands. He appeared to be caught in a duel with another warlock, shield spells, and hexes thrown around.

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