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Aidan hustled through the hallways of their school. He weaved in and out of students who wore a similar uniform to him. It was a typical school uniform with pants and a sweater with their school symbol of an Igniscan on the upper right corner. He attended the main school in Fantamia with his brother and sister. There were a few others but this was apparently the most fit for the young royals.

At fifteen-years-old, the last thing he wanted to do was go to his class about basic medicine and how to make things like quick-healing gel. He supposed it would come in handy but he would rather be outside with his siblings. Speaking of them, Maximus has asked to cover for him this class period that they had together. He assumed it was because of a particular blonde boy he was flirting with during their sparring class.

There was to be a meeting with the lycastrals next week and everyone was tense. He didn't blame his brother for wanting to do a few spontaneous things. They all knew there was a war brewing, things with the covens were getting worse. If his brother wanted to have some fun before they were thrown into a battlefield, so be it.

Aurora, on the other hand, wanted to know everything about the war. She liked listening in on meetings and making small decisions for the realms. She wasn't doing it as a power grab, she genuinely cared about the best option for Fantamia and how to keep the people safe. Aidan could already tell that she would be a better ruler than either of the twins. Luckily, they're only fifteen and their sister is thirteen, they won't have to worry about that for a long time. Their parents would likely rule for many years to come.

He had been constantly worrying about the impending war, though. He just wanted to be able to live out his teen years normally. He knew that he wouldn't be able to avoid the war- nor would he want to. He wanted to help people and make sure whatever their family did was right for Thera and their people.

Something that had been making him increasingly angry, though, was the feeling of a missing piece. He couldn't figure it out but something was missing from this all. If they were to win the war, something more needed to come into play. He knew that he would know it if he saw it, but it was infuriating him that he had felt like this for years and still hadn't figured out what was wrong.

"Hey, your highness." Aidan immediately stopped in his tracks. He leaned his head back and groaned in exasperation.

"Oh, lovely, I was hoping that I couldn't have one day of peace from you, Deron," Aidan greeted sarcastically as he turned on his heel, already feeling his eyes flicker a bright orange.

"What purpose would your life have if I didn't torment you?" the dark-skinned boy asked coyly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh, I don't know... being Prince of a realm, I suppose. Remind me..." Aidan said, pretending to think as he clicked his tongue, "your purpose... hold on, it'll come to me-"

"You're funny, Lucina."

Aidan clapped once and grinned cheekily, "-right! You don't even have one."

"And if you weren't the Prince, what would you be doing?" Deron asked with a glare.

Aidan gave a loose grin, tilting his head as he walked towards Deron. "Let me paint you a picture, and I'll speak slowly so you can follow what I'm saying. You will torment people all throughout your school days like a real strong man. Then you will realize that you have built nothing in your life except for some less than mediocre insults that I will forget between now and my next meeting with my father, the King, for our plans to rule the realm. Good day, Deron."

As Aidan tried to walk away, he felt an arm grab him and yank him back. Immediately Aidan rounded back and lit his hand up in a flame. "You really wanna start a fight with me? Again?"

Deron raised an eyebrow as he glanced down at the boy's fist on fire. "A Prince breaking the rules? You know we can't use our powers here."

"Somehow I'm not too fussed," Aidan whispered as he ripped his arm from the boy. He began to walk away when he felt something hit his back. Turning around, the boy held the stream of water with a confident expression on his face.

"All right, I mean... you asked for it. He asked for it," Aidan told the audience that had formed around them.

He covered both his arms in flames, heat pouring from his body. Deron did the same, covering his arms in his frigid water. Aidan swung his arm at the boy with a grunt and Deron blocked it with both his arms, holding the flames back with the water covering his arms. Deron pushed him off before redirecting the water to cover his legs. He ducked and swung his leg under Aidan, knocking him to the ground with a thud. Flames lingered in the air.

Aidan quickly shot a fireball from his hands, careful to control it to just reach Deron and not the people around him. Deron swiped his hands and created a wall of water to protect himself. The fire disappeared as it hit the shield. The two boys panted slightly as they stared at each other.

Aidan swirled a stream of fire around his hands, eyeing his opponent carefully. Deron created streams of water that looked nearly like tentacles, twisting them around his body before shooting them at Aidan.

The Prince created streams of fire as well, sending them directly into the water. They go through the top of it and weave their way through until they reach the end. The two boys stare at each other, both fire and water fighting against each other and it was a fight of wills. Aidan squeezed his hand into a fist and the two elements exploded. Aidan was quick to grab control of the fire before it could hit any of the students watching.

Deron, on the other hand, didn't think so quickly. Students were drenched in water and were anything but pleased.

"What is going on here?" a teacher called out. Aidan saw the teacher was still far away but he wasn't sure if he could get away in time.

"You're an idiot," a voice told him in his ear and he could tell immediately who it belonged to.

Maximus dragged his twin away from the scene furiously. Aidan hadn't even noticed him in the crowd. "Is he really worth it? Is picking a fight with that kid actually worth it to you?"

"Oh, absolutely not," Aidan retorted as they reached an empty classroom, "but I got some anger out."

"We have better ways to deal with that! Do you remember what I was like a few years ago? We figured out better ways for me to deal with anger. We can do it for you too," Maximus reminded him as he tried to remain calm.

"What did you do?" a new voice asked and the two boys looked up to see their sister. "Because there's talk about a certain Prince nearly scorching someone."


"Obviously, seeing as the only efficient thing about this school is the gossip train. But I don't like hearing bad things said about my brother. Should I... should I beat someone up? That Deron kid is annoying," Aurora said, trying to act tough as she puffed out her chest.

"'That Deron kid' is two years older than you," Aidan reminded her with a laugh, rubbing his hands together. Aurora immediately brightened a bit, happy that she got her brother to laugh. However, she always hated that he reminded her that she was two years younger than them.

"Well, if I need to arrange to have someone beaten, I'm sure Eira would be up for the job," Aurora stated firmly.

"You mean if she can detach herself from Mabelle's face," Maximus said with a cheeky grin.

Aurora slapped his shoulder playfully as Aidan laughed. "You leave her be! She's only a year younger than you two she can make her own choices! I'm just glad that she's found someone that she likes so much." Maximus held his hands up as if to surrender. Aurora still had a small grin on her face as she turned back to the other twin. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, Aurora. No one beats a Lucina," Aidan said in a fond tone before turning to his twin. "I'll work on my anger."

Maximus snorted. "Good, because you're much better at the wit and annoying rambling jokes than you are angry rants."

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