Fast Forward

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This can be a stand alone story but this is sequel.
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Naruto opened his eyes, they watered slightly as the brightness of the sun shining in caught him unexpectedly. He should be used to it, he's had these sheer curtains for so long now. He looked around his room, as usual his door was wide open.

Since his suicide attempt a lot has changed. There are rules in the house now, Naruto's door is open at all times. Not that it matters though because no one is home anyway. He also has to go to therapy every Tuesday and Thursday.

There are other things that changed. Much more serious changes. One of them being school. It is much different, everyone knows that he attempted to take his life. Many people felt bad, others thought he was a coward. None of them really deserve the right to make their own opinions anyway, they don't know him.

Neji feels guilty, would he feel this way if Naruto didn't try to kill himself? No he wouldn't.

The sad part is suicide is always a last resort and after it fails everyone and everything changes including yourself. And Naruto was very much healing, he's different right now. He'll be back soon.

Naruto got out of his bed and walked into the bathroom with his clothes. The bathroom is the only place he gets privacy. The only place he can feel like he didn't fail everybody while trying to make amends to himself. He messed up he knows that. But no one will ever know how much that truly helped him. No one.

He is senior in high school, how crazy is that? School started a while ago it was March now and Naruto is still trying to get into his old ways. He just can't, he can smile, well he does smile, and he does laugh. He is human. He's just not the same and it seems like everyone but a few are expecting him to go back to the way he used to be. When in reality he doesn't even know who that Naruto is. He can't even begin to tell you a thing about his old self.

He left him in the past where he belongs. His name is Naruto, he has blonde hair and blue eyes, his favorite color is orange, his best friends are Kiba and Shikamaru. Now Sasuke, Sasuke is a whole other story and right now school is beginning.

Naruto ran out of the bathroom and down the drive way he got on the bus and took a bite out of his pop tart. A lot of kids got their licenses and drive to school, not Naruto. He thinks of it as a punishment, truth is Tsunade doesn't trust him enough to drive. He knows that. Tsunade doesn't trust Naruto to do anything now a days.

Naruto got off the bus with everyone and walked to his locker, he opened it and put his books in he doesn't carry around much. He doesn't have a lot of classes just five in the morning that's not counting his lunch. After lunch he can leave, well he could go home if he had a car. He doesn't so he often hangs out with Kiba after all his classes are done.

He walked into the cafeteria a couple of people smiling at him and saying hello, a couple others gave him pitiful looks and the last share of people gave him glares. What a wonderful feeling it is to get every emotion thrown your way just by walking in a room. Naruto smiled at them all it was forced but it was there.

Naruto took a seat at the table, Sasukes table was right across from Narutos, everyone at the tables often has conversations. They're all friends, right?

Sasuke. Narutos heart bursts with nothing but joy when he sees Sasuke, his face, his eyes. Everything. Sasuke is just..perfect.

"Good Morning Naruto" Kiba handed Naruto another pop tart as he sat down. Naruto thanked him and put it in his bag. There was a lot of anxiety that approached Naruto without a nice greeting on many days, well everyday.

Some days he would just be sitting there and all of a sudden his stomach drops and his mind runs wild. Every time he saw Sasuke anxiety, every time he saw Kiba anxiety, Shikamaru waves at him? Bang! anxiety. Everything that happens makes Naruto anxious. Not one day does he go without his unwanted parasite.

Naruto didn't want to go back to school he didn't want to face anyone. The teachers all know of him. His friends what were they going to think? Neji what was he going to do? Anything else that could go wrong appeared in Narutos mind and he couldn't do anything but think.

"How are you Naruto?" Kiba asked, he's been asking Naruto that at least one time a day everyday. Every god damn day. And don't get anything wrong Naruto appreciates it he does, but he doesn't want to be asked every day.

"I'm doing really good, thanks Kiba" Naruto smiled at Kiba who smiled back nodding his head satisfied with himself and the answer.

Naruto had to do his homework getting into a good college was the only thing on his mind at the moment. Do homework, get good grades, community service? check, anything else? done.

Naruto was going to get into a college he is going to stay on campus and he is going to like it.

Naruto's plans might have changed a little, his goals a lot. He wanted to be a writer yes that didn't change but he also wants to help those with mental illness. He wants to help in anyway he can, writing books, poems, short stories to get the attention mental illness deserves. It's a problem and people need to know.

Naruto smiled to himself as he answered a question to his math homework, he was going to do something great he was going to be something great. He wasn't going to let this new reputation bring him down.

He couldn't.

"Naruto" Narutos face burned red, his heart rate increased, his eyes sparkled. The voice of his one true love, Sasuke Uchiha.

"Sasuke" Naruto smiled at him and moved his notebooks away so Sasuke could sit down next to him.

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