Of Course

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Naruto watched as Sasuke sat in the seat next to him Naruto is still having a hard time coping with everything but Sasuke has been there. He's already been there through so much, he seems to want to be. Naruto wonders when that will change or if it ever will.

"Why are you so happy?" Sasuke asked a smile on his face as well.

Naruto moved closer to Sasuke "because we get to hangout today! What are we going to do?" Naruto has been asking Sasuke what they were going to do all week but still no answer just a shrug or a 'you'll see so shut up.'

"You're hanging out after school?" Kiba asked over hearing the conversation. He didn't assuming that it was supposed to be a private one. Him and Naruto are best pals, they do everything together. Plans between two people are just invitations to him. He'll invite himself, no shame only good times.

Naruto not even thinking twice answered "Yeah!" Sasuke glared at the loud mouth. Sometimes Naruto is so quiet you don't even know he is there other times he is too loud. He never thinks.

"Cool! Can Shikamaru and I join? We have no plans anyway" Kiba looked over at Shikamaru and nodded his head Shikamaru just shrugged he doesn't care he just goes with the flow.

Narutos smile faltered a bit but he didn't want to seem rude, he didn't dare look at Sasuke this was supposed to be their fun day it was the only time Tsunade agreed to let him stay out late. "Yeah, sure" Naruto said his cheery voice slowly losing its cheer.

Naruto was really hoping to talk to Sasuke alone, they have a lot to talk about and Sasuke is clearly avoiding the important topic that's been eating away at him. Relationships they are messy, but Naruto and Sasuke aren't even in one. They haven't talked about it since the suicide. Naruto is too scared to even touch Sasuke most days, even poking him is risky. He's just so confused and it hurts.

Naruto was scared truly he was. As if it were a tale back in time, Sasuke still talks to Sakura he still subtly touches her. Neji is still always looking and longing for Sasuke they haven't talked since Naruto tried to take his life but its a fear. Sasuke is bisexual, he could literally be in love with Sakura right now and Naruto wouldn't even know. He could secretly have a thing for Neji and once again Naruto wouldn't even know.

In order for Naruto to fully heal, he needs to either cut Sasuke off or understand his feelings and Sasuke just avoids the topic. Every time he brings it up Sasuke bails. Even thinking about it makes Naruto sad, it makes him furious that Sasuke is leading him on like that but ignoring the real question. Do you want to be with me? That's all Naruto wants to ask.

Naruto was staring at the table when Kiba hit his shoulder, he looked up and turned to his right where Kiba was pointing. Sasuke was standing there talking to Sakura, her face was red and Sasuke had his hand on her shoulder.

Even the smallest of things make Narutos insides turn, Sasuke has to know that this is hurting him. Naruto doesn't want an on again off again relationship, he wants a steady one and if Sasuke can't give him that then he's going to move on. Maybe he should anyway. No he loves him, he wont move on until he knows he has to.

Naruto watched as Sakura went back to her table happy and Sasuke come back to his seat with a satisfied look.

Naruto looked at Sasuke and waited, "Well, what was that about?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke turned to him and raised an eyebrow,  Naruto definitely sounded jealous "I invited her to hangout, you invited your friends so."

Naruto glared at Sasuke, this isn't helping him in anyway. He doesn't want to go back into a depressive episode he's stronger than that but Sasuke appears to be his weakness. He follows him around like a puppy looking for attention he is no better than Sakura. But at this point at least he knows who Sasuke would rather hangout with. The pink haired girl with green eyes and a loud squeaky voice.

Naruto looked back down at the table and pulled out his phone, he's been keeping track of everything since he got out of the hospital. All the times he needs to take his pills, he writes down everything that happens in his notes on his phone. Other stuff as well like birthdays and important health stuff.

Naruto began to type away on his phone ignoring everything around him and relieving all his stress onto one page. The story of Narutos life, typed in notes, easy to find and easy to hide. Tsunade doesn't look at his notes because who uses the notes app? No one.

"Is that a problem, Naruto?" Sasuke spoke his voice normal and mono toned.

"Were we still having a conversation?" Naruto asked still typing at his phone, he exited out and looked at Sasuke. "I couldn't care less who you bring, I can't stay long anyway" Naruto got up from his seat and walked out of the cafeteria.

Step one of Naruto's new plan, get Sasuke alone and ask him the question if he says no then Naruto moves on. Easy as pie. Right?

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