Chapter 20: Matsu's P.O.V

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I turned to see who Shadow was staring at. It was the same two who had originally upset Shadow.

"Go away!" I snarled.

"Please don't." Shadow muttered and I stopped.

"Who are you and why are you with Shadow?" The girl asked me.

"I'm Matsu, haven't I seen you before." Then I realized it was Stestial.

"Um... I'm Stestial. Aren't you the same person I saw in these woods one time?"

"Yes, it's Matsu. I guess now is as good as time as ever to tell all of you."

"Please don't, that's her brother. I don't know him very well." Shadow said and I glanced down at her.

"Okay." I said to where only she could hear.

"Thank you."

"What's going on?" Stestial asked.

"Can her brother leave?" She asked and then I heard her move to look at me.

"He may go but I'll have to go with him." I said and he looked worried

"Alright Kato. It's time that we left." Stestial said, so her brother's name is Kato. Why does that name sound familiar?

"Kato?" I asked and he looked at me with fear. I was about seven inches taller and a bit more muscular.


"Why does your name sound familiar?"

"I was going to ask you the same question. It was Matso right?"

"Matsu, thank you." I said pointedly.

"Aren't you the son of Annamorga and Castimere?" He asked and then I knew who it was. He was my apprentice. I was eleven when he was apprenticed to me.

"Yes, weren't you my apprentice?"

"Yes, it's been a long time since we spoken. I was a baby when I was apprenticed. My parents decided that as soon as I was able to be without milk that I should train. You were the top of your class so it was the perfect match. I was four and then you left because you got your girlfriend pregnant. Nine months later you have a daughter and I'm now five." He pretty much summed up the entire apprenticeship although he was a great fighter.

"There's something I wanted to tell you." I said and he looked confused. When he had spoken his voice was filled with disgust but I felt nothing but affection for him. He was my first and last apprentice. I don't quite know why I got him as an apprentice because there were teachers who would have taught him.

"What do you need to say?" He asked and my heart warmed at the look of confusion. He had always been a confused but quick leaner.

"You were my first and last apprentice. You were also my favorite person. I actually skipped a lot of needed classes to perfect my battle techniques that way I could teach you better. I hope you haven't changed that much from that awesome and really cool student. I got you one month after you were born and for four solid years I taught you. Within the next two months I had found a girl that I had fallen head over heels for. She was beautiful but she died soon after giving birth for reasons I don't want to discuss. Because of that I fell away and died but my spirit lived on inside of Mikal. Now Shadow is my daughter and I have a feeling you two would be great friends. Look, your sister and her get along well." I finished and his gaze softened when he looked at Shadow. He liked her with more than just a friendly eye. He must die, so I did the only thing a father could.

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