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"I'm so happy you could spend your holidays with us" Claude hugged her friend, Avelyn.

"I am just as happy" Avelyn smiled "you're parents are too kind for having me over"

"You're a joy" Claude ushered Avelyn to her room "they enjoy your company, remember that lunch we had at the end of half term? Ah, here's your room"

Avelyn looked around. It was a decent room with a bed by the window and a closet beside the washroom. The windows overlooked Claude's green gardens.

"I wonder why you didn't pick this room" Avelyn said as she put down her bags "it's got a beautiful view"

"I chose the room overlooking the fence to the left because" Claude continued in a hushed tone "my friend climbs through my windows to meet me sometimes"

"Ok" Avelyn smirked "it that boy, what was his name again? Oh yes, Henry wasn't it?"

"Shh" the girl giggled "yes. Now put your things away and get dressed for a swim"

"A swim?"

"Why in the pool of course" Claude shrugged "did I forget to mention that I had one?"

"Yes" Avelyn looked at her friend "I think you left out that part"

Once Claude left, Avelyn began to unpack her things.

"What on earth!" Susan gasped.

"What happened?" Lucy asked, standing next to Avelyn.

Their room was a mess. Shirts, books, socks, you name it, we're sprawled across their bedroom floor.

"Edmund here," Peter threw a look at his brother "thought it'd be 'oh so wonderful' to place everything out before arranging it into the closest"

"Hey" Edmund shot back "you agreed to it"

"Well, it didn't seem like a bad idea then"

"Because it wasn't, you just didn't do it right"

"How can there be a right way to empty your luggage all at once?"

"Stop it" Susan raised her voice over the banter "let's just clean up"

Despite the 'no its alright' coming from the boys, Susan and Lucy started to help them sort out their mess. Avelyn didn't want to just stand there so she joined in too.

She helped fold their shirts and stack the books.

She picked up another shirt and almost bent down again to pick up the next material of clothing before she realised what it was and blushed.

Edmund saw what was by the foot of his bed and quickly picked it up and shoved the underwear under the blanket, earning a hearty laugh from Peter.

Avelyn smiled to herself as she arranged her own things in an orderly fashion.

Once she was done, she got dressed for a swim, pulling a robe over herself but waited in the room for Claude to come fetch her.

"Ready?" Claude asked as she dropped in a few minutes later to which Avelyn replied with an approving nod.

Both girls made their was to where the pool was.

"It's quiet sunny today, isn't it?" Claude pointed out as she took off her slippers and shrugged off her robe "that's a rare sight in Cambridge"

"I wouldn't know" Avelyn shrugged "I don't live here now do I?"

The girls spent the next few hours jumping and splashing about in the water.

"I can do a front flip into the pool" Claude told Avelyn.

Both girls had their fun for the day and were tying the sashes of their robes around their waist.

"That's easy" Avelyn rolled her eyes.

"Oh really?"Claude smirked before she turned toward the pool and actually did a flip into it, still in her robe.

After a few seconds she rose to the surface.

"I'd like to see you do any better"

Avelyn, who was too lazy to take off her own robe, mirrored Claude's actions.

She held her breath as she jumped and did a perfect flip before she splashed into the waters. Avelyn closed her eyes just as she jumped in and opened them soon after she was underwater. She'd found herself quiet deep.


Claude's pool couldn't be this deep.

Nonetheless, she swam her way to the surface. She squinted once her head was above the water.

Was the sun really that bright today?

As soon as her eyes adjusted, she found herself no longer in a pool but in some sort of ocean or sea.

Looking behind her, she noticed a huge ship sail toward her. Obviously doing what any wise person would,  she began to swim away.

She'd only gotten a few feet far before two men called out to her.

Now even though they called out to her by her name, she kept swimming but stopped when they said majesty.

"It's alright" one of them yelled "we're Narnians too"

She turned to face them.

"I'm in Narnia?"

Our Last (book 3)// Edmund Pevensie✔Where stories live. Discover now