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The five of them looked around, taking in the appearance of their surroundings.

It gave off an eerie feeling. There was moss almost everywhere and the entire island seemed to be made of rocks. The green mist hung over their heads like a warning that they wrre now surrounded by nothing but evil. A thick fog spread out before them, making it hard to see anything more than 6 feet away from them. The sky above them was cloudy, not a single ray of sunshine reached them and temperature dropped down tremendously.

An occasional yet distant howling of the wind could he heard from time to time along with few whispers and voices of people screaming, crying and laughing, making the already scary looking island even more scary.

"Well this is lovely" Avelyn joked "might just move here after school"

"Loads of potential husbands too" Ed joined "like the fog here, and the fog there and oh look at that rock.. looks a bit like Eustace in the morning"

Eustace huffed in annoyance and shoved Edmund making him trip.

"Enough" Lucy said sternly to the three of them "let's go look for the sword"

"Come on then" Reep happily said as he marched off, the other following him.

The cold was bad enough. The fog made it worse and the slippery moss just added even more fun to the already frustrated teenagers.

"I've fallen down almost eight times now" Benjamin complained as he stood up and looked at his greasy palms.

"Eight? I've fallen down nine times!" Ed exclaimed as he helped the boy steady himself since he looked like he was about to slip again.

"I've fallen down eleven times thanks to you" Avelyn snapped at Ed "is it really necessary to hold on to me when you're about to fall?"

"Well it isn't fair that I'm the only one falling, you ought to fall with me"

"Was falling for you not enough?"

"You guys could avoid falling as much if u stop bickering and just look down and see where you're stepping" Lucy said as she carefully avoided that one slippery stone and hopped onto the next one.

"You are all turning into susans" Ed said pretending to be horrified before turning to Benji "who's next, you?"

"I don't even know who that is mate" the boy replied.

The five of them stopped when they heard the sound of a man yelling.

"Eustace shh" Ed said in a hushed voice as the dragon crept close behind him, obviously a bit afraid now.

"I think the noise came from this way" Reep spoke so fly while pointing to his right "come on"

Avelyn unsheathed her sword, Lucy, Edmund and Benji doing the same.

The voice grew louder and with every passing minute the words became clearer and clearer.

"You lie to me!" The voice yelled again "There's no one else here! I've been trapped for years, no one is coming to save me!"

There was a strong wind followed by some incoherent whispering.

The same loud voice, which belonged to a man by the way, spoke again.

"No, it can't be them. Why would they be here? Do not try to deceive me! I won't give up the sword for my freedom, I swore an oath by Aslan's name!"

"Did you just hear him say 'sword'?" Avelyn looked over her shoulder to ask the others.

"Who is this man talking to?" Lucy asked.

"The mist perhaps? It seems to know we're here" Benjamin said "at least I think it does"

"Did he just say something about giving up the sword?" Edmund added quickly "come on, we need to get it before he-"

"Yes I know" Lucy cut him off as she took the lead "come on"

"Wait Lu!" Ed whisper yelled as he tried to catch up to her "you can't just go and- wait! We need to think this through! Aves help me ou- wait Aves come back!"

The boys along with Reep and Eustace trailed behind them, Edmund trying his best to stop his sister and girlfriend from just walking into a possible trap.

Another filler chapter because I want to take my time with the next part of the story. I wrote this and the pervious chapter in like 20 minutes and I don't want to do that with the next bit. I feel like I need to be patient with that part, you guys deserve something worth the wait so please bare with me if the next few chapters take a bit longer.

Also I have loads of chapters from all 3 books that I never published since I didn't want to add them to the plot but I'll post those in 'journal' which is basically the 'spam account' for this series lol.

And ughh I want to start with a corpse husband fic so bad but ill wait till I'm done with this first.

Love you guys❤

Our Last (book 3)// Edmund Pevensie✔Where stories live. Discover now