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Avelyn's knuckles were bruised and she was pretty sure if she kept pounding the door any longer, they'd start bleeding. Frustrated, the girl kicked at a table in the room before sinking on the floor with a huff, slightly regretful about kicking the table since now even her foot hurt as much as her fists.

After an hour or so, the door opened, revealing the same man who'd asked for her to be held captive in his quarters. Avelyn jumped to her feet and started to look around for something to defend herself with.

If she couldn't find anything, she made up her mind about acting possessed and she would pretend to summon demons. That would scare him off right?

She remembered Collin in the hallway of her old school. Only this time, she didn't have Edmund or Peter to come help her.

"I'm not going to hurt you, your majesty" the man calmly spoke "no need to be afraid"

"Why'd you bring me here?" the girl snapped, her voice loud with a slight hint of fear.

"You honestly don't know who I am, do you?" The man sighed, looking slightly amused "and I thought the Narnians were close alias with the Archlanders"

Avelyn looked at him with confusion.

Was he drunk? What did an alliance with Archland have to do with knowing who he was.

"Who are you?" Avelyn asked.

"I'm prince Benjamin of Archland" he smiled. Noticing that the girl still looked clueless, he further went on "my great great grandfather was prince William, Queen Avelyn"

Avelyn's gaze turned to meet his before she narrowed her eyes.

"How'd you know who I am?"

"Portraits" he shrugged, as if it were obvious "besides I've read loads of books on Narnians so it's pretty easy to recognise you with the amount of pictures they've got in the books. Although, it's quiet surprising that you've not aged after all these years"

"Reading books and seeing portraits doesn't prove your related to William" Avelyn stated.

"My great great grandfather was intimidated by King Edmund and fancied you" he said swiftly "any common man wouldn't know that"

"How'd you know that?"

"He had a diary. It's still there at the castle"

Avelyn knew that bit was right. William was intimidated by Ed and Susan and Lucy had pointed out many instances where it was obvious that the prince fancied her.

"What do you want?" Avelyn sighed lazily "why have you held us captive?"

"I haven't" the boy quietly mumbled "these townsfolk have. I'm here to help you. I'm actually here to look for someone, these men don't know my real identity "

"You let them take away the others" the girl reminded "and they were king Caspian, king Edmund, Queen Lucy and their, um, cousin. So honestly tell me, are we going to be held for ransom?"

"No" Benjamin spoke "they want to either sell them off at the market as slaves or sacrifice them to the mist. They've even got Lord Bern, who I was looking for, the reason I'm here in the first palce"

"So why did you let those men take away the rest of them?" She asked, raising a brow "if you say you've seen portraits, you'd know that the others were Lucy or Edmund"

"That young lad was king Edmund?" He sounded surprised "I thought he'd be older. Nevertheless, he still looks intimidating"

Avelyn rolled her eyes in amusement. She couldn't deny the fact that Edmund did always have a very dark brooding expression.

"So now what" The girl looked at him sternly "we have to get them out of, where ever they are"

"I know, but we can't go now" the young man stated "the place is guarded. Tomorrow, when they take them out to the market, your friends will be easier to get to but we'll need help. Two of us won't stand a chance against all those men"

"It won't just be the two of us" Avelyn smirked slightly "can you get me to the boats before dawn?"

The prince seemed confused but nodded a yes.

If Avelyn could to get back to Drinian in time, she'd be able to get the others out of this mess. She didn't want to think about what would happen if she failed because she knew that wasn't an option.

Because she was a queen and queens can't fail.

At least right now she couldn't afford to.

Yes, I updated! I've been super busy with college and I was writing a new book on Newt from Maze Runner which is out now (it's called 'Sempiternal'. Please give it a read, I worked hard on it) and I've been trying to write as much as I could but there's just too much homework and stuff (ugh college) so yep, I will take a little longer to update chapters but I am going to finish the book. Thanks for the support. Love ya.

XOXO Renée.

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