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"Why is this so tough to take off?" Avelyn grumbled as she tried to clean the sword Benjamin gave her.

Well, technically the sword Lord Bern gave Benjamin.

"It's been in that cave for who knows how long" Benjamin chuckled "it naturally will be difficult. I can help if you want tho-"

"I've got it"

Lucy chuckled as she sewed in a button that fell out of a shirt in her hand.

"She's very keen on doing things herself" Lucy informed with a smile "you'll see for yourself"

"Stop flapping your wings like a drunkard pelican!"

The three turned around to see Reep and Eustace in the middle of some sort of dual. Eustace looked full of rage and a tad bit embarrassed.

"Let them have their fun" Avelyn told Benjamin who look sort of concerned "it's all jokes and games"

"But Eustace has never swung a sword before" He stated with a slight hint of concern "he won't be able to-"

"Aw, how sweet" Avelyn sassed "don't worry Reep won't hurt him, too much"

Hoping that whatever Avelyn said was the truth, Benjamin turned away from the 'fight'.

"We're running out of provisions" he spoke "we have to get to land to get more supplies and-"

"Land Ho!"

Both Lucy and Avelyn chuckled at the coincidence, Benjamin joining in.

"Looks like you got your wish, lucky charm" Avelyn smiled as she stood up "let's get the boats ready, eh?"

Avelyn, along with Lucy, Eustace, Reep, Benjamin and the crew, rowed their way to the island they'd spotted while at sea.

The place had lush green bushes and loads of trees so gathering provisions was not an issue. They decided to sleep by the beach for the night before looking for a pond or lake to get fresh water for the rest of the journey, that is until they found another island or so on their way.

Avelyn sighed heavily for the fifth time. She couldn't fall asleep and she didn't know if it was because of Eustace's loud snoring or because she couldn't stop thinking about Edmund.

Deciding that it was hopeless to try and fall asleep, the girl did what she used to do every time she stayed up: she decided to wander around the place.

Getting up from her sleeping bag, she slipped on her boots and tied her belt with the sheath of her dagger.

Tucking her brown locks behind her ear, she left the others to catch up on their sleep while she explored the place.

She passed all the trees and bushes that were close to the beach. She passed few green lawns that were surprisingly mown to perfection and the bushes there oddly looked freshly cut.

Considering the fact that she was in a place where animals could talk, she ignored these few details she noticed before continuing to walk until she bumped into something and fell backwards.

"What in the name of Aslan.." Avelyn hopped on to her feet, confused as ever.

"Watch where you're going"

This caught the girl off guard.

She was hearing voices!?

"I'm going mental" she mumbled "I guess I really need sleep"

"Oi" another voice grumbled "you talking to yourself? Then please don't do it here, we're trying to think"

"Wha..who are you?" Avelyn asked, looking around "are you even here or are you-"

"She asks a lot of questions"

"Aye, ya' think she can read?"

"The lass is yapping an awful lot to be dumb"

"Hahaa! That's a good one-"

"Um, I'm still here?" Avelyn cut in, still looking confused as ever.

If the girl was afraid at first, she certainly wasn't anymore. Whoever these creatures were, they seemed as harmless as Eustace. And if they did want to scare her off they were doing a terrible job.

"Say, can you read?" One of those 'voices' asked.

"Uh, yes?"

"Great! She goes!"

Before Avelyn could respond, she felt one of them push her toward her left.

"Ouch, will yo- ow" the girl muttered as she fell on her knees when one of them shoved her too hard.

"Easy, don't break her" one of them snapped "we need her to get inside the oppressor's house"

"Wait" the girl rose to her feet as she dusted her trousers "I'm lost here"

"When you get inside this house," a voice proceeded to explain "you'll find  the book of incantations. Read the spell to make the unseen seen, aloud. Got it?"

"Wait a minute, get inside which house?"

"This one"

Suddenly a dim yellow light began to appear. It appeared in the shape of a slit before it illuminated the silhouette of some sort of invisible door. Peaking in, the young queen saw a huge staircase. The place seemed to be some sort of mansion.

"You know what" the girl spun around "you all are a lovely lot but I don't think I want to go in"

"Now listen here-"

"No you listen" Avelyn crossed her arms "don't you know it's rude and unsafe to go into a strangers house?"

"She's got a point"


"Shut it! He's not a stranger, we know the magician"

"Yea, yea. It's alright you can go in, he's not a stranger"

"No" Avelyn tilted her head while she decided to be a stubborn brat.

"We'll uh..kill you" one of them tried to threaten.

"Go on" the girl shifted her weigh from one leg to another "do us both a favour"

"We'll torture you till you agree" another tried, his voice sounding chirpy as if it were a game to throw threats till they convinced the girl.

"Might as well dig you're graves and carve your coffins before hand because I won't agree till the end of time" Avelyn smirked.

"We'll just kill your friends" another suggested as they clapped their hands like a kid.

They were all doing a terrible hob at being threatening and Avelyn found it amusing so she too decided to play along.

"Well i- heyy" Avelyn scrunched her face as she stomped her leg, joining in on the little game to try and piss her off "don't drag them in. This is between us"

"Can't make any promises" another voice said "it's not like we don't have our knives and spears with us"

Avelyn huffed in annoyance. If there was one thing she didn't want to mess with were her friends' lives. Deciding not to push too much, she stepped into the mansion repeating the instructions given to her:

Find the book,

The book of incantations,

Read the spell to make the 'unseen seen',


And then get out.


"The things a queen must do" the girl muttered in annoyance as she walked up the stairs.

Yes! I updated (like once in 3000 years...oops) I just got the week off from college and I didn't sleep the entire night so I decided to write at like 4 am and finished by 7 am (I started to watch Benji's YouTube videos, sorry not sorry😂) So yea, new chapter coming soon...I hope.
Loveee you guysss!💕

Our Last (book 3)// Edmund Pevensie✔Where stories live. Discover now