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"Another few months in Cambridge?" Lucy exclaimed "how will we survive"

"Susan and Peter are the lucky ones" Edmund sighed "mean while I'm here, battling with Eustace Scrubb"

The Pevensies had been separated ever since Peter and Susan finished school.

The older siblings went of to live by themselves while Edmund and Lucy were forced to live with their cousin Eustace until the war was over.

Avelyn too, had gone to live wither her aunt once they'd finished the year at school. The year they'd all gone back to Narnia.

Things were so different when they'd gone back. Their home, Cair Paravel was in ruins. The trees, asleep and the Talmarines nearly had the Narnians extinct.

Narnia, under the rule of the Telmarines seemed to be a very harsh and hostile land.

That was the time they'd met the Talmarine Prince, Caspian who fought alongside them and who was later crowned king of both Telamar and Narnia.

Once they'd returned back at the train station, with the news that Peter and Susan would never go back to Narnia, their spirits had drained entirely and the train ride to school wasn't much fun.

Yet, the hardest goodbye the children found was when they had to say it to each other.

The only thing that held them close now were the letters they wrote to one another.

Edmund rose up from the bed and stood in front of the painting on the wall.

"Lucy?" He called out "have you seen this ship before?"

"Yes" she smiled "it's very Narnian looking isn't it?"

"I see you both are still talking nonsense"

The two turned around to find their annoying excuse of a cousin by the doorway.

Ignoring him, the two continued to look at the painting.

"Edmund it looks like the water's actually moving" Lucy smiled.

"See?" Eustace scoffed "that's what happens when you read fairy tales. People like you become a hideous burden to people like me, who read books and facts of real information"

"A hideous burden?" Edmund snapped, shutting the door "why don't I tell aunt Alberta that it was you who ate all her sweets"

"You wouldn't-"

"And guess what? When I found them under your bed, I licked everyone of them"

"Ew! I'm infected with you!"

While the boys fought in the back, Lucy was debating whether or not the water spilling on the floor was actually from the painting or not.

"Edmund," She yelled over their banter "the painting!"

Both boys looked toward the painting as the water splashed against them and the ship began to draw nearer and nearer.

"Stop this right now!" Eustace yelled thinking it was some sort of trick.

"I'll just smash the old thing"

With that, he took the painting of the wall only for it to slip and fall to the floor, the water still flowing out of it and filling the room.

Withing minutes, the room was filled with water and the ceiling supposedly disappeared.

Not wanting to drown of course, the three swam towards what seemed to be the surface of the water.

When they rose above it, they realised they were in the middle of some sort of ocean.


Our Last (book 3)// Edmund Pevensie✔Where stories live. Discover now