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I see arrows bieng shot at the minator holding up the bridge as I run toward the gate too. I was breathing heavily; my lungs felt as if they were set on fire and my feet ached, begging me to halt.

But I didn't. I couldn't.

Caspian and Peter were way ahead of me. They had mounted their horses and were almost at the gate. I pushed myself to run faster.

"Almost there Aves" i mumbled to mysefl "dont give up now"

I was only a few feet away from the gate when an arrow whizzed close past my ear and went straight into the already wounded minator's side. The iron gate fell and my heart stopped.

Peter and the rest along with Susan, Caspian and Reep, made it out while there were few of us Narnians trapped on this side. Susan turned and looked at me with her sad eyes. Peter and Caspian waited on the other side, helpless.

"Its alright" I say to Peter. "Go!"

Eustace huffed in annoyance. As if he was annoyed at something.

"Not enjoying the story?" Avelyn asked as she looked at the dragon who shook his head.

He narrowed his eyes and nudged Reep, knocking him off his feet.

"What was that for?" The mouse grumbled as he dusted the sand off his fur.

Eustace made a low growl and tilted his head toward Avelyn and then back at the mouse.

"Well I couldn't do anything at the time" Reepicheep crossed his arms "the drawbridge was closing. I did help her later though. Just stop being grumpy and let her finish"

Avelyn looked at the two bicker with amusement. Well technically, it was just Reep ranting since Eustace couldn't talk. She cleared her throat and went back to the story.

I was locked up in a cell unlike the others who were either shot dead or taken away for immediate execution.

It had only been a couple of house but the iron cuffs around my wrists were starting to itch and sting the skin. And the more I tried to tug and wriggle my hands out of it, the more it would scratch and tear at my skin. To make the pain worse, my arm had two deep cuts and there was another deep wound in my left side. Both my elbows were grazed and my knees were slightly bruised.

I stopped moving around when I heard the sound of the door being unlocked. Two guards walked in followed by Mirza himself.

He looked tired and he had circles under his eyes.

"I'm here to make an offer" he said, waving his hands dramatically.

"It's been declined" I rolled my eyes at him.

"It's will set your miserable self free" he went on despite my comment "if you promise to help me"

"Well I won't-"

"Oh you will" he smiled.

I swear I could have punched him but both my hands were cuffed.

"You will play a very important part in this ongoing war with the Narnians by well uh switching sides" he stepped closer "as a reward I will reward you by marrying you to my youngest cousin"

Our Last (book 3)// Edmund Pevensie✔Where stories live. Discover now