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"What makes you think one of the Lords stopped here?" Avelyn asked as she wiped a bit of sweat off her forehead.

She, along with Lucy, Eustace, Drinian and a few of the sailors, had stopped at this volcanic island. The place didn't look like much, just stone and fine sand all over the place.

"Well they must've stopped here to look for supplies or clues" Drinian tried to come up with something "let's go look around.

"Do we really have to?" Avelyn asked, not really happy about having to walk in the hot sun "it's a bit too hot"

"Come now" Lucy nudged her playfully "you're acting like Eustace"

"Right. Annoying and picky. That's me. Of course" Eustace mumbled.

"Well with all due respect" Reep chimed in "that is you"

"With 'due respect' wha- that's really offensive" Eustace snapped which made the others laugh.

The girls along with the captian and Benji, who insisted on going along with them, walked away from the others to look around the place. The found a sort of opening that led underground. What got them curious was that there was a rope tied up to a rock near by which was let down into the opening, as if someone had climbed down. Benjamin was the first to go down the rope followed by Lucy, Avelyn and then Drinian.

There was a small clearing underground with a pond in the centre. There was also an odd gold statue of a man by the water.

"Why would anyone put a statue here?" Avelyn asked in confusion. She walked toward the golden man, fer feet kicking aside stones. One of the stones rolled over and fell into the shallow pond. Seconds later it turned into gold.

"Aves wait" Lucy held the older girl's arm "this man, I don't think it's a statue"

"He must've reached for his sword" the Benjamin said softly

"What sword?" Avelyn asked looking at the boy oddly. She let an 'oh' escape her lips with he pointed to the water to show her the sword which was lying flat in the pond.

Avelyn unsheathed her own sword, the one she'd spent loads of time cleaning. She bent toward the pond while Lucy still held on to her other hand. After 20 minutes of struggling, she finally managed to get the other sword out using her own.

"Funny how these didn't turn to gold" Lucy stated.

"Must be magic?" Avelyn joked.

"We better get out of here" Drinian stated as he took the sword from Avelyn "I have a bad feeling about this place"

The walk back was quiet except for Avelyn occasionally muttering about how hot it was and how she couldn't wait to get back on board.

The supplies they found weren't as much as they hoped, even for a volcanic island. Sighing with discontent Drinian ordered for everyone to get into the boats.

"Where's Eustace?" Lucy asked Reep who simply shrugged.

"I thought he was following you, your majesty" the mouse informed.

"You go on" Avelyn told the others "I'll go look for him"

"By yourself?" Lucy spoke "don't be daft. You can't go looking for him by yourself"

"Did you forget that I went looking for Agramon by myself? Not to mention that I killed him. Sorta" Avelyn rolled her eyes "I'll be fine"

"You had Edmund with you" Lucy mumbled.

Hearing his name sent a sharp pain through Avelyn's chest but she decided to be playful about it. She would not break in front of the crew.

"Oh please" she chuckled "I didn't have Edmund. He had me. That boy wouldn't last a day without me-"

Avelyn bit her lip the moment she said that. She tried to lighten the mood and somehow she made it worse.

"Uh I'll just go" she said quickly

"I'll go with you" Benjamin said sweetly "maybe i-"

"No, wait here. And please have two crewmen and a boat waiting till I get back"

She jogged away from the others, mentally cursing herself.

Seriously she thought to herself how do you manage to always mess up?

She shoved her hands into her pockets as she looked around for Eustace. A bit filled with gold caught her eye.

She struggled a bit with climbing down but after a few curses and minor scratches she landed on her arse near the gold.

"Son of a-" she swore a little as she dusted the back of her pants.

She looked around and nearly screamed as he almost fell into a skeleton. There was a shield and a sword lying besidethe dead person and judging by the fact that these were the only items that weren't gold she picked up the sword since the man could've been one of the Lords.

She kicked aside few gold pots and slipped multiple times over few coins and jewels. The fifth time she fell, she noticed a green diary near her left hand. She sat up and grabbed the book, flipping to a random page

"...The stupid mouse won't shut up and having to look at stupid cousin Ed everyday is..."

"Definitely belongs to Eustace" Avelyn smirked as she shoved the diary into her pocket "but where is that little- oh no"

A few feet away were the clothes Eustace was wearing, now burnt halfway. Avelyn slowly walked toward it. How could she let this happen? He was just a small kid. First Caspian and Ed. Now Eustace. What would she tell the crew? What would she say to Lucy?

She sank to her knees and meekly touched the charred fabric. She caught whisps of green mist floating off the gold in the distance before it vanished completely.

"What did he even do to you?" Avelyn yelled as her voice cracked slightly "what did any of those people do? You took Caspian! You took Edmund! WHY did you have to take him?"

Avelyn didn't care that she was crying at this point. She was angry and she would take out her frustration tight here.

"This is the last time, THE LAST TIME you hurt me. I'm going to put an end to you I swear on Aslan!"

Furiously wiping away tears Avelyn stomped away from there mumbling a soft 'I'm sorry' to Eustace.

Our Last (book 3)// Edmund Pevensie✔Where stories live. Discover now