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Edmund wasn't sure if he was annoyed or surprised at the fact that Avelyn and Eustace had grown quiet close.

More so, he wasn't even sure how his annoying cousin got himself turned into a winged reptile. Nonetheless, he was thankful that he didn't have to walk on board and be greeted with the younger boy's annoying voice.

As for Avelyn, even though she spent almost half the day with Ed, she'd spend the other half with Reep and Eustace, flying around or far ahead of the Dawn Treador.

He'd hear her laughing and screaming with excitement as Eustace soared past him on deck and held back muttering curses every time the dragon gave him a side eye.

"She probably just thinks of him as a pet" he shrugged as he stood beside Lucy "yea, an oversized pigeon"

The younger girl giggled before poking her older brother's cheek "You're jealous side is showing again"

"Shut up Lu" he swatted her hand away while giving her a soft smile "Anyway, that bloke there, he's William's successor?"

"What, you plan on smashing his head with a rock?" Lucy joked as she looked at who her brother pointed at. Benjamin stood to the far left of the deck, his gaze focused on some map he was holding.

Ed scoffed in response.

"I'm not jealous" he pushed back his dark locks away from his eyes "If William couldn't win her over, what makes you think this chap will?"

"He's not going after her" Lucy rolled her eyes "you need to stop thinking every male you come across is trying to steal Aves away"

"Well," Edmund rubbed the back if his neck and shrugged "it's hard being with someone as brilliant as her and not be protective. Look at her, she's perfect. Who wouldn't want to be with her?"

Lucy smiled and rolled her eyes at her love struck older brother.

After what felt like eternity to Edmund, Avelyn was finally back on board.

"Just because you're queen of the stars doesn't mean you need to stay up there the whole time" Ed mumbled as he swung an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to his side.

"Just because you find your cousin annoying doesn't mean you need to be grumpy if I spend time with him" Avelyn said with a grin before she reached up and pecked his cheek.

"Stay away from me long enough and you've forgotten where my lips are?" Ed smirked at her "come here"

Avelyn rolled her eyes, praying that she wasn't blushing too much, as Ed dipped his head and captured her lips with his own for a kiss.

"Not on deck you two" Lucy nudged Avelyn who pulled away and cleared her throat.

As much as they both were hopelessly in love with each other, they were also of the highest of nobility and as King and Queen, needed to present themselves, as well, decent.

"Did you get sight of the island?" Benjamin asked Avelyn as he walked toward them with the map in his hands.

Edmund met the boy just the night before and he indeed did resemble William to a certain extent. From his
Charming smile to his well built physique.

He wondered how much this Benjamin or Benji, as his Avelyn called him, would hover around the girl just like William used to.

He was slightly annoyed how this prince only acknowledge Avelyn when king Edmund was right in front of him.

Before she could answer, Edmund took a small step forward, still holding on to Avelyn loosely.

"She did get sight of some land in the distance, should be there before sundown" he said with a straight face.

"Excellent" Benjamin beamed as he turned to that map and wrote down something.

In all honesty, he seemed to be more interested in jotting down maps more than anything.

After a few more hours on board the royals went inside for a quick nap.

Avelyn's quarters were littered with papers filled with details about the island, the mist and possible places where Caspian might be.

Aves and Ed spoke for hours the day before about it and it was bothering them how they couldn't get any solid hints of where the mist might've taken Caspian. It annoyed them how after years and years of ruling, they realise now how little they truly knew about the land.

Edmund slept in her chambers last night since he was too tired to go walk to his own cabin.

He couldn't lie, he did hope to sleep next to her with her head resting on his chest and him stroking her hair.

Instead all he got was a restless sleep while Avelyn sat by the fire for most of the night, reading books and trying to find as much as she could about this so called evil.

"You need to clean this place up" he muttered as he yawned and flopped down on her bed, face first.

Aves just hummed in response but didn't bend at all to pick up a single piece of parchment.

She just made her way to her closet and pulled out something to change into. She had spent all day flying around in the hot sun and was sweaty. The last thing she needed was to spend the rest of the day in those smelly clothes.

"Don't look" she called out to Ed, who still had his face buried in the sheets .

"Who cares?" He mumbled, his voice muffled "we're going to be married in few years, might as well get used to me admiring you na- ouch!"

Edmund rubbed the back of his head where Avelyn had thrown a thin note book. Edmund pulled the covers over his head completely now to show Avelyn that he wasn't going to peek while she changed.

After she was done stripping down, she slipped on a loose white shirt that went down past her thighs.

She climbed into bed and sat beside Ed.

"Are you decent?" He asked from under the covers to which Avelyn mumbled a 'yes'. He slowly peeked out and smiled.

"That's my shirt isn't it?"

Yes, your girl finally updated! Whoohoo. I'm so sorry it took this long but after my exams I literally couldn't think of anything and I'm actually really really unsure about posting this since I wrote this 1000 word chapter in like 20 mins but I decided to do it anyway because at this point, if I keep postponing this chapter I might never get the story done lol. Hope you like it! Stay safe yall... love you xxx

Our Last (book 3)// Edmund Pevensie✔Where stories live. Discover now