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By the time the crew reached Ramandu's island the sun was already sinking beyond the distant horizon. Eustace along with Reep flew in circles over the island while Avelyn, Edmund and Lucy hiked up the steep hills of the island along with few of the crew men to Aslan's table while Benjamin stayed on the ship. 

Avelyn was expecting a grand table with  grand silver chairs and a shrine at one end and a dome over the entire thing. instead, the table before her seemed to be sitting there for about a couple years with benches for chairs. Apart from the food, which she found odd, the table was littered with dried leaves and flowers. In place of the shrine that she'd invisioned there was huge thorny bush at the far end.

Lucy was the first one to walk up to that 'bush' to inspect it while Edmund used his torch to illuminate the shrubs. Lucy jumped back with fright when she spotted three men entangled in the bush. They all sat there still, their eyes were wide open but they never blinked. 

Edmund walked closer and his eyes widened in shock.

"They're breathing" he stated "which means they're alive"

"odd" Avelyn exchanged glaces with Drinian "do you think they're under some sort of spell?"

"It's the food!" Ed exclaimed aloud to which some of the crewmen, who were helping themselves to the food off the table, quickly kept the plates down and stepped back.

"These are one of the lords who were sent out" Lucy pointed out as she noticed the emblem of lord Argoz. She had noticed a few of the drawings of the lords' emblems scattered in Caspian's study.

When Avelyn stepped closer she noticed the white witch's stone knife, the same one she'd used to kill Aslan at the stone table. This confirmed that this was indeed Aslan's table. She was till puzzled as to why eating the food sent those lords to sleep.

Avelyn found it very confusing and odd. Why would something at Aslan's table be cursed? Did these men do something? Are only certain people allowed to dine here? Was there going to be some sort of test?

Her train of thought was interrupted when Lucy nudged her and yelled "look" while locking her gaze on something in the sky. At first Aves thought it was something to do with Eustace but when she looked up she saw the same blue star they'd been following, descending. It began to glow brighter until eventually the light grew too  bright for them to gaze at directly.

Everyone looked away and shielded their eyes until they noticed the bright light had faded completely. When they opened their eyes, they saw that now standing among them was a beautiful young maiden who had a faint blue glow surrounding her. she had long yellow hair, that looked platinum blonde because of that same blue glow, that cascaded down past her shoulders till her hips and she wore a simple, long yet beautiful sky blue dress littered with silver gems and tiny crystals that almost resembled the stars. She had icy pale skin and the most captivating striking blue eyes.

Avelyn felt that she looked like Susan. She was convinced that if Susan was some goddess of the stars and was blonde, she would look like this. Yet, according to Avelyn  Susan still seemed like the most beautiful ruler Narnia would ever see.

"Greetings" the lady smiled warmly at everyone.

Avelyn felt like she should know about her since she was queen of the heavens. After racking her brains for agood ten minutes her eyes widened.

"Are you Lilliandil?" she asked "you're partly a star, correct?"

"Yes" Lilliandil nodded with a smile "I'm the daughter of Ramandu, the one who sent you here. I have been your guide"

"I read about you" Avelyn mumbled under her breath, proud that she knew who she was.

Edmund looked down and smiled when he heard her. If there was one thing he knew about her really well it was her habit of reading everything she could possibly get her hands on about the realm. She felt good about herself when she educated herself on her domain, it made her feel like she was a worthy enough queen. She always thought what good would she be if all she did was dress up and look pretty and not know anything about Narnia.

Edmund slipped his hand into Avelyn's, intertwining their fingers and giving her a light squeeze.

Avelyn wasn't sure if he just did it out of habit or because he was trying to get her flustered in front of Lilliandil. Either way, she gave him a smile while she prayed her cheeks weren't tinted pink.

"You all must be tired" Lilliandil spoke to the crew "are you hungry? The food on the table is for you"

With a slight wave of her hand, the candles on the table lit up, giving a warm glow. Some of the men exchanged nervous glances while some went to serve themselves again.

"Wait" Ed narrowed his eyes as he pointed at the three men entangled in the vines "what happened to them?"

"Ah yes, these three lords were beginning to turn mad by the time they reached here and began to threaten violence upon each other" she cast a sad glance at them "Violence is forbidden at the table so they were put to sleep"

"Will they ever wake?" Lucy asked to which the god-like maiden nodded a yes

"When all is made right" she replied to the youngest queen

"Why is it called Aslan's table?" Lucy asked

"It is set here by his bidding for those who have come so far. Some call this island the World's End, for though you can sail further, this is the beginning of the end" Lilliandil explained before turning arround "come, follow me"

She began to walk down a path farther away from the table. Drinian accompanied the three royals as they followed Lilliandil.

I decided to use my laptop to write today and it took way longer to type everything because of my long nails. Next time, I'll just use my phone lol. Hope u guys are doing okay, much love!

Our Last (book 3)// Edmund Pevensie✔Where stories live. Discover now