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Avelyn sat in her own cabin aboard the ship.

There was a storm about to start so she decided to stay here and go through the map again to find the best route possible to get to the island. It had been fourteen days and the routes she found were either trespassing through other territories or had a really bad reputation for the storms that always raged on.

She decided that fighting a storm was better than trespassing.

Wrong choice.

It honestly wouldn't be a problem trespassing since they weren't planning on an invasion. She could easily inform the authorities there that she was high queen and get away with it.

But no use thinking about that now.

Sighing heavily, she pinched the bridge of her nose and sat down on her bed, annoyed at the fact that this storm wasn't willing to calm down.

Looking over to the trousers hung up in her closet, of which the door was open, she stared at the folded piece of paper sticking out from its pocket. It was the same paper she'd ripped off from the book of incantations.

Slowly getting to her feet, she walked over and took the paper in her hand, unfolding it as she made her way back to her bed. Her sat crosslegged and leaned back onto her pillows as she skimmed her eyes on the words.

Clearing her throat, she read the spell out loud:

Make the earth halt to a still,
Bend all existence to my will.

Burn the forest or touch the sky,
Beneath oceans I shall swim and over the heavens shall I fly.

Win a war without shedding blood,
Be a goddess, raise dead from the mud.

Freeze time, master a skill,
Bend anything I wish, to my will.

Avelyn looked around, hoping some sort of spirit like a nymph or a fairy or something would appear to hear her wish but nothing happened. Thinking that maybe after the incantation, all she had to do was say her wish out loud, she looked out the window and softly muttered for the storm to go away.

There was a loud rumble of thunder followed by a blinding lighting strike and then it was quiet.

Too quiet.

Avelyn, who had already retreated under her blankets slowly peeked out from under before cautiously heading toward the window. She gasped.

No storm. The waters were calm as ever and the sky was clear. Whatever spell she'd used, worked.

"Yes!" She clapped happily "I can use this to bring Ed and Caspian back! I can use this to get rid of those wretched green mists!"

Squealing like a lunatic she jumped on her bed a couple of times like a six year old before sitting down again and taking the paper with the spell in her hand. Once again, she read it.

When she was done, she cleared her throat to say her wish out loud. And well, things didn't go as she hoped.

"I wish for the-"


The girl stopped mid sentence and looked around frantically.

That voice.

She knew that voice. It was the same voice in the library.

"Aslan?" She called out

"I am very disappointed child" the voice echoed through the room "is this your solution? Using a spell to fight your way out of this one?"

"Im.. well I" Avelyn was searching for words and for some reason she'd forgotten how to speak.

"You are going to run away from a fight, a task, a responsibility and do this instead? You know the others wouldn't want this. Edmund wouldn't want this. He wouldn't have done it himself and if he were here, he wouldn't let you do it either. I'd tell you that 'Kind Edmund says no' but then again, you'd say in your mind that 'Queen Avelyn says yes', eh?"

Avelyn remained silent.

"Let me tell you this, you became Queen because you used to run fearlessly toward a fight and not away from it. You worked your way out of a problem and didn't leave it to magic to be solved. You said 'yes' to standing up to a tough situation and battling your way through. This what you're doing, is not the answer"

Aslan's voice went from harsh and stern to soft and sympathetic.

"If you can't find a way out of this mess with one of your ideas then come up with another one. But this here isn't an idea, it's an act of cowardice because you didn't do anything beside steal a spell"

That's when Avelyn couldn't take it any longer. She dropped the paper and brought her hand up to cover her face as she broke out into sobs.

"I've tried so hard" she cried as she looked arround to see if he was there in the room. When she realised he wasn't, she buried her face in her hands again "all I do is fail, over and over again. I can't have that happen once more. It cost me Edmund and Caspian the first time. I can't afford to lose anyone else because I'm incapable of doing things right. Maybe I'm not good enough to be a queen. Maybe I'm no good at all"

Avelyn felt something soft brush against her upper arm. Something similar to Claude's soft powder brush. She looked up to find Aslan looking at her sadly.

"I made no mistake choosing you, Avelyn" he smiled slightly as his mane brushed against her arm again "I knew what you were capable of and what sort of person you were when I saw you the first time. Being a failure was never part of your traits and it still isn't. I trust you just as much as I did years ago and I believe that you are a strong, perspicacious queen just as mush as I did while I entitled you as one at your coronation. Things haven't been going your way, I know. But all of this is going to shape you into the best version of yourself. No one wins a war without any bruises and wounds do they? Some are minor, some severe but in the end, they're the ones who've had the most experience and are of course rewarded with victory. Give it time, sweet thing, I have faith in you. All I'm asking, is you have faith in yourself too"

Avelyn threw her arms around the lion and sobbed harder, not caring at all how pathetic she might look.

"Crying is alright child" Aslan chuckled, somehow managing to read her thoughts "you aren't pathetic, that's another thing that doesn't go with your personality"

"I promise I'll do things the right way" Avelyn hugged him tighter "I'll make you proud"

"I know you will. For now, rest"

Avelyn woke up with the sound of thunder and tear stained cheeks.

So it was all a dream? No. It couldn't be, it was far too real.

She did however find that the paper from the magician's book was next to her instead of being in the pocket of her trousers.

Crumpling the paper into a ball, she marched over towards the fireplace and threw it in.

Avelyn could've sworn that she saw some green mist retreat out the small gap between the floor and the bottom of the door of her cabin but she just yawned and went back to sleep.

Our Last (book 3)// Edmund Pevensie✔Where stories live. Discover now