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Avelyn was beginning to panic with each passing second. She'd made it to the crew and told them about the mess the others were caught in.

Benjamin informed that the prisoners held captive would either be sold off at the market square or would be sacrificed to some odd green mist.

He was able to give them exact location where the bidding would be held but he didn't know where the slave traders took the others for the sacrifice.

Drinian and Avelyn were able to chalk out a plan that would help them got to Queen Lucy and Eustace for sure. The only uncertainty was what they'd do about the kings. The only thing they could come up with for that was to have one of the slave traders take the crew to where Ed and Caspian were held.

The girl was currently standing behind a pillar of an old building which was in shambles. Benjamin and a few of the crew men stood close behind her while the rest of the Narnians were already amongst the crowd in the market.

Avelyn sighed heavily.

"Okay so," Benjamin whispered to Avelyn "once Drinian and Reep give us the signal we-"

"Shh" Avelyn shushed him "I know the plan, I came up with it"

"We'll find them" the young man offered a smile to the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder "don't worry"

Avelyn gave Benjamin a genuine smile back.

Their little moment was interrupted by Reep's hollering in the market.

Without wasting a second, the two ran for it, the rest of the men following them. Avelyn went straight to Eustace since Reep had Lucy covered.

Eustace, who looked as lost and frightened as ever in this chaos, was slightly relieved to see Avelyn. The girl quickly strike her sword at the old rusty chains which bound his hands. The rusted metal snapped on the third blow and fell at Eustace's feet.

"Narnia is certainly a madhouse" Eustace commented as he stuck close to Avelyn and Benjamin "they tried to sell me off and they think I smell! Can you believe it? I won the school hygiene award two years in a-"

"I'm really proud, honestly but could you, I don't know, maybe shut up?" Avelyn yelled over all the noise as she kicked a man in the shin while her sword clashed with his.

"Hey kid!" Benjamin yelled as he grabbed the younger boy by his arm and pulled him by his side while he blocked a sword of a man who was about to strike at Eustace "go find yourself a blade and help out will you?"

"Oh I'm sorry I can't" Eustace shrugged apologetically "I didn't take fencing in school"

"What?" Benjamin asked in confusion.

"British boy here says he can't sword fight" Avelyn shouted over her shoulder.

"You might want to sit this one out" Benjamin said to Eustace "just stay out of trouble yea?"

Eustace was more than happy to go hide somewhere. Without any further thought, he dashed away toward an alley.


"Will 'ye shut up!"

Edmund and Caspian were giving the men a hard time as they took them along with a few other people in a horse cart.

The same men from last night had come to their cell at noon, dragging both kings to a secluded area behind the prison cells. There were a bunch of other people there too

"Stop moving!" One of the men snapped at Ed "or I'll cut 'yer head off!"

Edmund scoffed as he tried to undo the binds around his wrists. Caspian huffed in annoyance. This was useless, there was nothing they could do. What bothered them both was what happened to Lucy and Eustace? What about Avelyn?

Both of them didn't sleep at all the night before thinking about what Avelyn might be going through, unaware that she was actually safe. Caspian could swear that at one point Ed cried for a bit, feeling helpless.

The cart halted to a stop by a shore where loads of small wooden boats were kept. The men roughly dragged them out and forcefully had them all seated into the boat already half way into the water.

Both Caspian and Edmund knew what was happening. They'd watched the men do this earlier from their cell.

This was a sacrifice to the mist.

They were a sacrifice.

"We have to get out of here" Caspian muttered as he tried again to undo his binds.

"I'm trying my hardest" Ed grumbled.

The men pushed the boat into the water and mysteriously, the boat began to float toward the deeper parts of the waters without anyone rowing it.

The mist began to appear from a distance, like small whisps of green before it grew closer until it was like a cloud circling around them.

Edmund felt himself getting pulled away, as if a strong wave or a tide was dragging him along against his will.
The boy couldn't see anything besides green at this point and all he could hear were incoherent whispers. He tried yelling and screaming but he couldn't even hear his own voice.

He had to get away from this. He thrashed and tried to free himself from the grasp of the mist.

He didn't know how long he'd been thrashing around for, it felt like hours. He finally managed to free his hands. Ed could feel the hard wooden boat beneath him. Without giving it much thought, the boy leaned over with great difficulty and pushed himself forcefully against the mist and out of the boat, into the water.

Swimming to the surface, he looked around but saw no sigh of any boat or green smoke. All that was there in plain sight was some sort of island in the distance, not too far though. Sighing heavily, the young king swam toward the land, wondering if he'd see the others again.

Our Last (book 3)// Edmund Pevensie✔Where stories live. Discover now