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Edmund excused himself from the table once breakfast was done.

It had been a week since they'd returned from Narnia. Lucy wrote and sent out letters to both Peter and Susan about everything that happened.

Edmund walked up the stairs to his room and shut the door gently before going to sit at his desk.

He opened his drawer and pulled out a sheet of paper and a pen. He closed hid eyes and sighed.


He scolded himself

Don't cry all over again. Stop.

He looked out the window, noticing how dull it looked, how nothing seemed to have any colour or life to it anymore.

Looking back at the empty paper, he uncapped the pen and began to write.

Dearest Avelyn,

I honestly don't know why I'm writing to you, I can't possibly send this to you since we're-

He ran a line over the last bit of that sentence to cancel it.

I know you're in a better place Aves. You don't have to worry about the war or school. And I know that I'll see you again someday, not anytime soon but... someday.

If I could do anything differently to change the way things turned out I'd have done it without thinking twice, even if it meant giving that Collin bastard a hug.

Who would've thought that when we ended up in Narnia it would be out last. Or when I hugged you on that ship it would be out last. Or when I kissed you or held you tight and rocked you to sleep. Watched you smile, made you laugh. Who would've thought it would be our last time seeing each other.

For now, I know.

It's a bit funny isn't it. How even though it was you all along who was so afraid of people leaving you, abandoning you. How you were scared that once you got close enough to a person they'd just pack up and turn their back on you. Yet, this time it was you who left me.

I'm happy you overcame that fear though, because even though you're gone, I'm still here. I never left and I won't ever leave. I'll always be here, a million miles, literally worlds apart, waiting for you.

We came a full circle didn't we? I was afraid to love because all it did at first was put everyone at risk, how all it did was break me. And then I met you and I didn't want to fall in love with you because then I'd expect you to love me back. And when I expect to be loved, I tend to hurt people. How I kept pushing you away because I just feel like I didn't deserve it or more importantly, how you didn't deserve a broken a mess like myself.

This one time, I'm thankful you were stubborn enough to not give up on me.

Even though I was just fifteen, I just knew I would never love. And then you happened and it just-

Edmund striked out that last line again as he wiped his eyes furiously to stop the tears.

You gave me a glimpse of what love would feel like. You gave me a reason to love again, a reason to let someone love me. And then once we got back I messed up because I let the fear take over me all over again. And I honestly don't know why you took me back but I'm not complaining. I was the happiest I'd ever been with you until you left.

And now I'm back to where I started.

I'm afraid Avelyn,

And you aren't here to help me this time,

I'm afraid of love,

And this time, I have a bloody good reason to be afraid of it.

Your idiot,

The boy stared at the paper, wishing there was a way to get it to her. He folded it neatly and put in into his binder, along with the other letters Avelyn had written to him in the past that he'd saved.

He looked out the window again and sighed.

He rose up and kept the pen near the tiny vase of lilies on his desk, before grabbing his coat to head out for a walk.

OMG I can't believe we're at the end of this series!

Thanks to everyone who stuck with me till end, despite my slow updates and writer's block nd shit.

Thanks to everyone who voted and commented. I read every single comment you guys leave, like literally every single one.

And I'm still not over the fact that book 1 is like at 97k reads like wtf? I wrote and published these books for fun.

I'll have the deleted chapters and alternate endings posted in 'Journal'.

I was originally going to have the prologue be everyone fighting at the last battle and then going to-

Just read it in 'Journal' lol.

Also listen to 'let you love me' by Blake Mcgrath. It fits book 1 Edmund and Avelyn so well.

I love every single one of you jshsjanjajs

Find me on ig @ reneetrinidade
I'd love to talk to you guys


Our Last (book 3)// Edmund Pevensie✔Where stories live. Discover now