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Once Drinian and the rest of the Narnians reached Avelyn's burrial site and finished paying their respects, Drinian informed Caspian about this land they spotted once they'd docked here.

It was toward the far right of the dark island and it was something he couldn't quiet find on his maps.

Caspian along with the Pevensies, Reepicheep, Eustace and both Benjamin and Collin decided to have a look at the island before sundown, which was in a few hours.

Collin didn't want to go at first but Edmund wasn't willing to let that bloke stay out of his sight. He wasn't sure what to do with him yet but throwing him in a dungeon once they got back was at the top of his list.

The boat ride was silent at first until Caspian started to ask questions about all that happened while he was gone, and how things turned out the way it did at the end.

Eustace and Lucy were the only one's replying, Benjamin chiming in at random intervals.

No one brought up anything about Collin's past and Edmund didn't even mind. He knew that if they'd tell him, Caspian would throw the boy off the boat and have him swim till the island.

Once they'd got to the part about Avelyn dying, Caspian simply nodded, not wanting to ask anything more and prolong that part of the conversation. He just sighed in response and let the silence fill in once again.

Once they were close enough to the island, they noticed the waters were covered in white lilies. The island itself didn't look too big, if anything it just seemed to be covered in sand.

As soon as the boat touched the shoreline, everyone jumped out to look around.

What caught their attention was the huge wall of water that rose to a great height.

Everyone was so engrossed with the odd way the water was flowing upwards that they didn't notice a certain someone following them until Eustace saw a shadow behind him.

"Aslan" he stated simply.

He didn't get how he knew who that was, he'd never met the lion and yet in that moment he just knew.

Everyone turned around and bowed their heads slightly with respect.

Everyone except Collin of course who received a whack in the back of his head by Benjamin.

He sighed in annoyance before bowing his head half heartedly.

"Your grace" he said mockingly "pleasure to meet you again"

The lion just chuckled at his sarcasm before turning to the others.

"It's been a long time since I last saw you" he smiled "you've all fought bravely through whatever was thrown at you"

"Some more than others" Caspian said gravely, referring to Avelyn to which Aslan's expression shifted to a sad one.

"She was the strongest one" Eustace looked up "stronger than I could ever hope to be"

"You all are equally brave and strong" the lion said kindly "you've all proven that in ways of your own"

"She didn't deserve to die" Lucy spoke "with everything she did, she deserved to-"

"She didn't, I agree" Aslan stepped closer, his mane shining like gold in the sun "but everyone has to go eventually dear one, it's just that Avelyn's time came before the rest of you"

Edmund stayed quiet. Nothing that he'd say would bring her back. The very thought of her broke him.

"Is she alright?" Reep asked hopefully "is she in a better place now?"

Our Last (book 3)// Edmund Pevensie✔Where stories live. Discover now