Chapter Five: Being Forgiven

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It was nearly two and a half weeks before Marisol and Nicola contacted Megan to speak with her, she had been surprised when they had contacted her and nervous; especially since they wanted to meet her alone.

Sergio had done everything in his power to keep Megan out of the press, though there was only so much he could do without questions being asked. Sergio was worried about his girlfriend, he didn’t want anything to happen to her and he knew that it wasn’t going to be easy as their secret slowly came out of the shadows.

Megan sat quietly as she waited for Marisol and Nicola to arrive, she hadn’t been waiting long and was sipping nervously on her coffee; she didn’t know how they were really going to take it when she saw them.

Hearing the bell on the coffee shop door ring, Megan looked up and swallowed nervously as Marisol and Nicola approaching her; she hoped they weren’t too mad at her still.

As the two women sat down, Megan wished she could have asked Annie to come with her however her friend was busy at work leaving Megan alone.

Megan had opted to wear a navy burnout T-shirt and black skinny jeans paired with black quilted ballet pumps for the lunch, she shifted nervously setting her coffee down on the table.

Marisol pursed her lips as if angry while Nicole rolled her eyes at her and smiled friendlily at Megan; it was pointless to drag this out and she was sure Megan had her reasons for keeping her relationship a secret.

“Don’t look so nervous,” Nicola said gently, she understood why her friend had kept them in the dark; she was just hurt that she had done so; they wanted to understand everything and they were sure that Megan would be able to explain.

“I can’t believe you kept that from us,” Marisol snapped making Megan sigh and look at her, she knew that Marisol wouldn’t have taken it so well.

“I know your upset Marisol… I promised Sergio, I wouldn’t say anything to anyone until we were both ready, the last thing we want is the press finding out,” Megan said trying to explain, it wasn’t easy and Megan hated that she hadn’t been able to tell her friends but it just wasn’t that simple.

Marisol rolled her eyes at Megan’s words not believing them, even if she did understand why her friend had hidden that she was dating a footballer from them.

Nicola sighed, she could tell that Megan hadn’t wanted to lie to them; it was obvious that she wanted to protect her relationship without being judged, she was dating someone famous and her father would never approve.

“We know Megan… it’s just hard, you could have trusted us,” Nicola said making Megan look down guiltily, she nodded her head knowing she should have trusted them but she hadn’t wanted anyone knowing.

Marisol crossed her arms, she wasn’t falling for the puppy dog look and she was sure that Megan was hiding so much more from them; she was hurt and wanted answers.

“I’m sorry okay… I never meant for it to get this far,” Megan said shaking her head, she dreaded the moment when her father discovered that she was dating Sergio it wasn’t going to be pleasant.

Marisol sighed and reached out to her friend, Megan closed her eyes, it wasn’t making things better and she knew that there was little more that she could say about all of this.

“You really like him don’t you…” Marisol said watching Megan, she wasn’t sure what it was but she had never seen Megan like this before; her friend looked so in love and she had never thought she would see the day.

Nicola and Marisol look at one another then back at their friend, they couldn’t believe that they hadn’t noticed this before and it was clear that Sergio made Megan very happy.

“I don’t know how to describe it but… he’s perfect,” Megan said shrugging with a smile, she was being honest and it felt nice; it didn’t mean that she was ready to go fully public with her boyfriend yet.

Marisol and Nicola smiled at her words, they had never seen her like this before; it was nice but they were sure that it would be better if Megan was forced to lie to everyone in her life.

Sitting quietly for a minute, Marisol finally sighed before she looked at Megan; she wanted to be there for her friend since she was sure that sooner or later he would break Megan’s heart.

“If you really like him Megan… then we’ll keep it quiet,” Marisol said softly, she smiled a little watching her friend; she didn’t trust the footballer and she knew that he had to have a motive for keeping quiet about all of this.

Megan looked at her surprised before Nicole took her other hand and squeezed it; while she knew that Marisol and Nicola would keep her secret Megan wasn’t sure how much longer she could hide the truth from her family.


“So tell us… what is it like to be a WAG?” Marisol asked messing with her carrot cake, she looked at Megan dying for information; she loved the entire idea and she hoped that her friend had some cool stories.

Megan smiled sipping on her drink; Marisol had always been interested in the idea of living like her idols, Victoria Beckham, Coleen Rooney and Cheryl Cole.

Suddenly Marisol squealed excitedly making Megan look at her and Nicole rolled her eyes, whatever had happened into her blonde head couldn’t be good and it was going to be trouble.

“I can see the headlines now: Sergio Ramos dates Gerard Martinez’ daughter,” Marisol said excitedly making Megan bite her lip; she never wanted to be remembered that way, she hated that it was her claim to fame and she didn't want it.

Nicola sighed as she looked at her friend; she knew that Megan didn’t want to be remembered that way, it wasn’t easy being a footballer’s daughter.

“So how is Sergio? I saw in the papers that Ruud had a black eye,” Nicola said while Marisol continued to ramble about Megan being the new WAG on the block, she had been keeping an eye on the news since the fight.

Nicola was a lot calmer than Marisol and knew that Megan didn’t think of things like being a WAG or how much money she could spend on new clothes and looking good.

“He’s good… I don’t think he’s forgiven Ruud though,” Megan said making Nicola nod, having seen how Sergio reacted when it was El Clásico and he lost his temper; Marisol thought for a moment before she looked at Megan and smiled.

“Do you know what this means… we’re going to have to go shopping,” Marisol said excitedly causing the smile on Megan’s face to fall, she hated shopping and she didn’t think that she needed a new wardrobe; no one knew that Sergio was her boyfriend.

Nicola laughed as she looked at Megan while Marisol started talking about becoming Megan’s stylist and giving her a new look that fitted her new status.

Marisol was a designer and had so many great ideas on how Megan should dress now that she was dating Sergio; she was sure that Megan would look the part.

“We haven’t gone public Mari,” Megan reminded her friend, she didn’t want Marisol getting carried away, they wouldn’t be going public anytime soon and she doubted Sergio cared what she looked like.

“Details, details,” Marisol replied before going back to planning Megan’s new wardrobe.

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