Chapter Twenty-One: Unexpected Surprises

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Ellen smiled at the couple as she greeted them as they stepped into her office, she blinked a little surprised to see Maria wondering who she was and why she was with the couple.

Neither Megan nor Sergio wanted her at their scan but Maria seemed determined to plant herself into their lives; it had been a week since she had shown up in their lives and she was sinking her claws in as deeply as she could.

Maria had insisted that she come with the couple for their weekly check-up scan to see her first grandchild.

Megan had snorted at her words, her eldest brother had two children; Samantha and Stefan, not that she thought her mother cared and it only made it clearer that she was up-to something.

Ellen did all the necessary checks before it was time for the scan; she looked at Megan who rolled her eyes as Maria talked excitedly about Megan becoming a mother.

“If you could just step outside Mrs. Garcia,” Ellen said making the older woman frown at his words, but she did as she was asked; Megan looked relieved that her mother was gone, it was the first time she could breathe since she had arrived.

“So everything seems to be going find after the miscarriage…” Ellen said softly, it was still a sore subject and she had hope that everything would be okay; she wouldn’t let the couple down again.

Ellen started the scan and stared at the monitor as she did her checks for the baby, she blinked surprised at what she was seeing; she couldn’t believe it.

Megan and Sergio felt the breathe catch at the sound of not one but two heartbeats filled the room; Ellen smiled at them before she quickly checked again that she was seeing this right.

“It appears Ms. Martinez that you are currently having twins…” Ellen said confused looking at the screen, she had been sure that Megan had miscarried and she didn’t know how she had missed the second smaller healthy baby.

Sergio stared at the image as Ellen slowly pointed out the small second baby that Megan was carrying, it had made itself known now and the footballer was so confused about what was going on.

“How’s that possible… you said Megan had lost a baby,” Sergio said staring at the screen which held the image of two healthy babies, he felt relieved to hear that things were okay.

Ellen nibbled on her lip, she wasn’t quite sure herself as she checked the womb with then scan to see if it could give her any answers about what was going on.

Megan looked at Sergio as he kissed her, they couldn’t believe that they were having twins; they had grieved for their loss and yet they were still having two babies.

“It appears that Ms. Martinez was pregnant with triplets… one of which seems to have blocked the other from view,” Ellen said doing a quick check as she made sure both twins looked alright after all that had happened.

The pregnancy was turning into a roller-coaster of emotions and Megan was so lucky to be having twins after what had happened.

Megan couldn’t help but blink back tears, she may have lost one baby a couple of weeks ago but now she had gained another; she couldn’t believe that she had been carrying triplets at one point.

“They both seem to be healthy…” Ellen said smiling at the couple, she could tell that this had been an emotional shock for them; Sergio pulled Megan into a kiss, he didn’t know what to think of their surprise.


Paqui looked up from her cleaning as she heard Megan and Sergio return from their appointment, she wiped off her hands knowing that she couldn’t wait to hear what they had to say.

Paqui wasn’t happy that Maria was hanging around like a bad smell, Megan had hinted repeatedly at her mother that she didn’t want her around but Maria seemed determined to stay.

“What did the midwife say?” José María asked looking up from his newspaper as Sergio led Megan into the living room; he worried for his youngest son and he hoped that everything had gone well.

Megan smiled as she sat down, she didn’t know what to say right now especially with twins coming in January; she was still in awe at what she had learnt.

“We’re having twins,” Sergio said sitting down beside his girlfriend, he ignore Maria who hadn’t been told anything about what had happened when she was out of the room.

Sergio didn’t trust her and he never would, Megan and the twins were his to care about now and nothing would change that.

Paqui and José María stared at each other before looking at their son wondering what he was talking about; Megan had miscarried and now they were telling them this.

“We were originally having triplets… we are now having twins,” Sergio said clarifying what was happening, he still couldn’t believe that they were going to have twins; it seemed so unreal after they had spent so long grieving about their loss.

The room was silent for a moment before Paqui and José María moved to congratulate the couple on their news; they couldn’t believe that this was happening.

Maria pursed her lips as she watched the four, she couldn’t believe that Megan wasn’t following her around like she had as a little girl; she needed Megan and she wasn’t going to give up.

Maria knew that she needed help with getting what she wanted, she was going to have to bring Lilly with her and get her to manipulate Megan into giving them what they wanted.

Paqui looked over at Maria, she wanted to make it clear that the woman wasn’t welcome; she wasn’t listening to Sergio or Megan and yet she seemed to still be hanging around like she was important in all of this.

“I think we should start thinking about names,” Maria said trying to pull the attention back to her, she forced a smile to her face wanting to have control of everything that was happening.

Megan was her daughter and she owed it to her to do as she wanted; Megan was the only chance that Maria had of paying off her debts.

“Isn’t it a little early for that?” Megan asked resting a hand on her bump, she didn’t want to rush things and she wanted to ensure that the twins were okay before she started thinking about names.

Sergio nodded his head, he glared over at Maria knowing what she was trying to do; he had spoken with his parents and siblings to make sure that Maria was never alone with Megan.

“We’ll pick names when we are ready,” Sergio said making it clear that Maria’s opinion wasn’t wanted or needed; he kissed Megan hoping that Maria would take a hint and leave.

Maria huffed as she crossed her arms, she couldn’t believe that this wasn’t working out as she had planned with Carlos; she was going to need a little more help and time if this was going to work.

Megan brushed her fingers through Sergio’s hair, she was so happy and she couldn’t believe that they were having twins; she did feel sad about their loss but today’s surprise had made her so happy.

“I’ll make a special dinner to celebrate,” Paqui announced clapping her hands, she couldn’t believe that they were having twins and it was something to celebrate after all the couple had been through.

Paqui hurried into the kitchen to get started, finally things were starting to look up for the couple.

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