Chapter Thirty: It's Twin Time

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Megan sighed as she rested her hand on her stomach, she winced softly as she felt a sharp pain in her stomach; the brunette frowned before shaking her head, she wasn’t due for another two weeks and she didn’t want to believe the twins were coming now.

It was early January and the holidays had been uneventful and Megan had enjoyed the holidays with Sergio and their families.

Pressing a hand against her stomach, Megan hissed as the sharp pains got closer together, she blinked back tears realising what was happening; she needed Sergio and he wouldn’t be home for an hour.

Megan quickly reached for her phone as she took a deep breath and dialled her fiancé’s number; she sighed in relief as he answered the phone.

“Sese… I think I’m in labour,” Megan whimpered as soon as he picked up the phone, she was a little worried what would happen; she heard him choke before he mumbled something to someone on the other end of the phone.

“I’m coming home nena,” Sergio told her as she heard Mourinho shout for someone to replace him; the brunette nodded as the sharp pain hit again, she took a deep breath trying to calm herself.

Sergio whispered comforting words to her, he hated that she was in pain and that he wasn’t there with her right now; he didn’t want to miss the birth of the twins.

Megan paced the living room, she felt the need to walk and she was sure that this would help with the contractions that she was feeling; she groaned to herself wondering why she was home alone right now.

Megan stiffened as she felt a warm pool of liquid run down her legs as she waited for him to get home; she looked down at the floor as she clutched the counter.

Megan had never been happier that they lived just down the road from the training centre, she didn’t know what she would have done if it had been further away.

It wasn’t long before Sergio was rushing into the home, dressed in his training kit since he hadn’t bothered getting changed out because he wasn’t sure how long it was before the twins would arrive.

Megan looked at Sergio as he skidded to a stop and stared at the puddle on the floor, he swallowed realising that this was happening; he couldn’t believe that the twins were coming now.

“Megan… is that?” Sergio asked concerned, she nodded making him curse as he quickly called the hospital; Megan watched him as she took deep breathes.

Sergio gently took her hand and pulled the brunette to his body, he couldn’t believe that this was happening now; they needed to head to the hospital and he wanted to be by her side no matter what happened next.


Arriving at the hospital, Sergio and Megan quickly made their way to the reception not wanting to miss a moment; they had no idea how long it would be before their babies would be born.

“Hola, we called from the car Megan Martinez,” Sergio said as the nurse at the desk smiled at them; she quickly checked the computer in front of her before she nodded as she signed them in.

Sergio sighed in relief, he felt better now that they were in the hospital and he had a feeling that it wouldn’t be long until the twins were born; they were somewhere safe right now.

“We have a semi-private labour room waiting for you. So in just a minute…” the nurse said getting a couple of things that the couple needed to fill in before they could be taken to their room.

Megan swallowed as she looked at Sergio who nodded, they had originally booked a private room but since she was now going into labour early, there wasn’t much luck of getting it now.

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