Chapter Twenty: Unwanted Visitors

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Megan took a deep breath as she brushed her fingers through Sergio’s hair, it had been two weeks since she lost one of the twins and slowly things had gotten better.

The couple had recovered from what had happened and were slowly focusing on the remaining twin that they still had.

Sergio kissed down her neck as a movie play in the background as they cuddled on the couch; Megan rolled her eyes amused at her boyfriend, she was glad things had calmed down for them.

“Sergio,” Megan warned making Sergio chuckle as he slowly moved to nibbled down her neck; they were home alone and the couple were enjoying the peace and quiet while they could.

Sergio’s parents had been staying with them after what had happened and things had slowly gotten better between Paqui and Megan.

“Megan,” Sergio said in the same tone, he knew that she was trying to concentrate on the movie that was playing in the background; she couldn’t remember what they were watching but she knew that she couldn’t give in to him just yet.

Megan shifted making Sergio look at her concerned, he had been keeping an extra eye on her since the miscarriage; he didn’t want anything happening to her and their baby.

“We’re fine seriously,” Megan said though she knew he had right to worry, even after the loss of one of the twins, Megan had only dropped a little of the excess weight but she was still heavier than she was meant to be.

Megan was seventeen weeks pregnant, Megan had put it off to the baby getting bigger but now she wasn’t so sure.

“Amor…” Sergio said concerned making Megan look at him, he was worried about her and he didn’t want them losing their baby like they had with its twin; he was hopeful that there was nothing wrong with their remaining baby.

“I’ll speak with Ellen when we see her tomorrow,” Megan promised him, they were due for another scan since Megan was under a weekly watch by her midwife to make sure that she didn’t lose the other twin.

Sergio sighed as she pressed a kiss to his lips, he pulled her close however they pulled apart as the doorbell rang; he groaned resting her head against her shoulder.

Megan chewed on her lip, she knew that they weren’t expecting any visitors and Sergio’s parents were currently visiting his brother’s family across town.

Sergio grumbled as he pulled away from Megan and stood up, he walked to the front door as the person continued to ring the doorbell impatiently; he hoped that it wasn’t anything important.

Opening the front door, Sergio stared confused at the woman on the other side of the door; he had no idea who she was but she looked familiar and he didn’t know why.

The dark haired brunette smiled as she pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head, she had come here and she was surprised that she had been able to get here without being stopped.

“Hola… can I help you?” Sergio asked confused, he had a bad feeling and he knew that it wasn’t going to be a good thing; the woman nodded her head as she smiled, this had almost been too easy for her.

“Of course, I am looking for Megan Martinez,” the woman said making Sergio frown, he knew most of Megan’s friends and relatives but this woman made him nervous.

Sergio didn’t move for a second as he tried to figure out why she looked so familiar, it un-nerved him and he wished that he knew why she looked so familiar.

“Sergio?” Megan asked appearing behind him, she wondered what was going on and she could see the tension in his shoulders making her curious what was happening.

The woman smiled and quickly pushed Sergio aside so that she could approach Megan, she had to do this and she was hopeful that with Gerard out of the picture that she could finally get what she wanted.

Megan felt her stomach twist as she realised who the woman was, she stepped back knowing that she didn’t complete trust the woman before her in anyway.

“Madre?” Megan said not believing that her mother was standing in front of her, she hadn’t seen Maria Diaz since she had been four years old when her mother had walked out on her father to marry her lover.

Sergio frowned as everything fell into place, he felt his stomach twist as he realised that Maria was here; he didn’t know much about her and it made him nervous.

“Megan sweetheart,” Maria said pulling her daughter into a hug, she knew that she looked different and she was pleased that Megan was all grown up now.

Sergio could see that his girlfriend was uncomfortable with her mother hugging her; not that he blamed her, she hadn’t seen her mother in nearly twenty years.

“Madre what are you doing here?” Megan asked pushing her away, Maria frowned slightly at her daughter’s words; she at least thought Megan would be pleased to see her especially after all of this time.

Sergio slowly approached his girlfriend, his brown eyes watching Maria knowing that this was more than just a visit; he didn’t trust her and he never would.

“I’m here to help you silly… with the pregnancy and all,” Maria said smiling at Megan who looked at Sergio who came to stand next to her, she really didn’t like her mother showing up out of nowhere to see her.

“Anyway… me, Carlos and Lilly just moved back into town and I thought I’d come see you,” Maria said pleased with herself, her daughter was dating a rich footballer and she was sure that she would be able to sink her claws in.

Megan swallowed feeling sick, she had heard of her mother’s remarriage and she had heard that she had a half-sibling; she just never thought that she’d have the chance to be a part of her mother’s life.

Maria had made it clear when she had divorced Gerard that she wanted nothing to do with the five children that she shared with him; she had left him with nothing but the children and she was now back.

Sergio drew his girlfriend close, he didn’t want to upset his girlfriend but he had a feeling that Maria had only shown up because they were dating.

Megan cuddled close to Sergio, her mother still talking in excitement about the fact that she was going to be a grandmother; she peeked at him seeing how tense that he was.

“Where are you staying?” Sergio asked trying to be polite, he didn’t want to cause any problems and he hoped that Maria and her family didn’t expect to stay here with them.

Maria smiled knowing that she had to plan this perfectly, she may have taken everything when she had divorced Gerard; she had left him for broke and with five children to raise but now she had no money.

“We have an apartment,” Maria reassured, she would have to work not only to gain Megan’s trust but Sergio’s as well; she needed money and this was her chance to get everything that she had ever wanted.

Sergio nodded his head, he pressed a kiss to the top of Megan’s head wondering what to do about Maria; Megan deserved a chance with her even if Sergio didn’t trust her.

Megan closed her eyes, she didn’t know what to do and she had a feeling that she couldn’t trust her mother; she just wanted things to be easily for once in her life.

“I’m here to stay,” Maria said determinedly, she wasn’t going to allow either of the couple to drive her away; she would play things nice right now and then she would get what she wanted from Sergio and Megan.

Sergio frowned, he had a feeling that they weren’t going to be getting rid of Maria anytime soon. 

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