Chapter Twenty-Two: The Birthing Tape

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Megan furrowed her brow as Marisol handed her a DVD, she looked at her confused before her friend smirked at her; she knew it was the perfect gift for her friend who was going to have a baby.

Megan had just enjoyed a peaceful lunch with her friends and it was even better since her mother wasn’t around; she had no idea where Maria had disappeared to but she was glad that she had some peace.

Megan brushed her fingers through her hair wondering what Marisol was giving her; she was wearing a grey oversized floral top and dark wash slim boot cut jeans paired with block heel desert boots.

“My sister says to use it wisely,” Marisol said making Megan stare at the DVD wondering what was on it, her friend wouldn’t be giving it to her if it wasn’t important especially if it was from her sister.

Marisol grinned at Megan as she sat next to her in the living room, she had no intentions of watching it herself since she knew what was on it and it wasn’t something that she wished to see.

“So when is your first childbirth class?” Marisol asked, she had a feeling that it wouldn’t be long before Megan started to think about what would happen when the twins were born.

Megan laughed and nodded her head, Sergio had been all too excited at the idea of them attending their first childbirth class, she was now nineteen weeks pregnant and he wouldn’t stop talking to her stomach.

Megan rested a hand on her even expanding stomach, she was excited about the birth and she couldn’t wait to hold the twins in her arms; she had been through so much the past few weeks and they were her reward.

“Tomorrow… Sergio’s excited,” Megan said making Marisol smile; they both knew Sergio couldn’t wait to become a father for the first time.

Megan looked at the DVD again still curious making Marisol grin knowing that when she watched it that it would change Megan’s ideas on how she was going to give birth to the twins.

“Trust me… what’s on that will change your life,” Marisol said teasingly with a wink, she knew that Sergio would be home soon and she had to get to work; she loved spending time with Megan.

Megan stared at her friend concerned, she wasn’t sure that she wanted to watch it now; she chewed on her lip wondering what was on it, she had a bad feeling like it.

The sudden opening of the front door made Megan glance to see her boyfriend coming home from training, he gave her a smile as he moved into the living room.

Sergio gave Megan a kiss before smiling at Marisol who rolled her eyes at the couple and how sweet they were; he looked at the DVD that lay on the coffee table making him wonder what it was.

“It’s from my sister,” Marisol explained with a smile making Sergio nod sitting down next to Megan; Marisol laughed at their expressions before shaking her head knowing that it was time for her to leave.

“I’ll see you later…” Marisol said knowing they were curious about the DVD, though she had no intention of watching it with them; she sort of felt sorry for Megan and what was going to happen next when the twins were due.

As soon as Marisol left, Sergio picked up the DVD and moved towards the television to put it on; he doubted that it could be anything bad especially if it was from Marisol’s sister.

“It couldn’t hurt to watch it now right?” Sergio said making Megan nod, what harm could come from watching a simple DVD.


Megan sat quietly as Sergio turned the television off, she felt sick and unable to watch anymore of the DVD that they had been given; she couldn’t believe what she had just watched.

Sergio swallowed looking at his girlfriend, he felt a little ill after watching the birthing tape that Marisol’s sister had sent them; he couldn’t believe that was going to happen when the twins arrived.

“It won’t be that bad amor,” Sergio said trying to comfort his girlfriend making Megan glare at him harder, Marisol’s sister had given them a DVD of the birth of her daughter and it was only a reminded of what was to come for the couple.

“Of course not… it’ll be twice as bad,” Megan snapped emotionally, Sergio flinched he knew that she was now afraid of what would happen when she went into labour and this had only made things worst.

Megan stood and quickly walked out of the living room, Sergio sighed and quickly stood before he followed after her; he need to keep her calm, the labour wouldn’t be that bad.

“Nena…” Sergio said when he tracked her down to the home library, he sighed as he watched her sit quietly; she looked scared and he didn’t blame her right now.

“I don’t think I can do this,” Megan whispered resting a hand on her bump, she loved the twins but watching that DVD had only reminded her that she had to push them into the world.

Sergio sighed as he moved to sit next to her, he pulled her into a hug and closed his eyes; he wished that he could do it for her but it would be worth it in the end.

“You can nena… you’ll be a brilliant madre, it’ll all be worth it in the end,” Sergio said making her smile slightly, he took her hand knowing that he would do anything to make her relax.

Megan looked at him oddly as he led her down the corridor and into one of the bedrooms that was close to the library, she wondered what Sergio was thinking as he slowly pushed open the bedroom door.

“I was thinking this could be the babies room… we could paint it yellow, have the changing table in the corner by the window; the two cribs on that wall over there,” Sergio said making Megan smile.

Sergio pulled her close, he had been thinking about this since Megan had told him, she was pregnant; he was thrilled they were having twins.

“What else do you think about?” Megan asked kissing her softly; she hadn’t known he had been thinking about this but she had never thought that he had started to plan out their nursery for the twins.

Sergio smirked as he pulled her close, he was happy and no one would ever change what he had thought about; he had always thought about them having a family.

“Us having two boys and a little girl; we’d name the boys, Lucas and Mika… and we’d name the girl Lorelei,” Sergio said making Megan nod, she wanted to cry and she couldn’t believe how sweet he was being.

“Megan… I love you, I don’t think I have ever been this happy; you mean everything to me and I don’t know how to thank you for making me the man I am today,” Sergio said rubbing her cheeks with his thumbs, Megan looked at him confused wondering where he was going with this.

Sergio took a deep breath, he wish he’d been more prepared for this but he wanted to do this right now.

“I don’t have a ring right now but Megan Martinez Diaz, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?” Sergio asked Megan making her stare at him shocked that he was popping the question right now.

“Yes,” Megan said making Sergio smile pulling her into another kiss, he couldn’t believe that she had said yes to his proposal; they had been together for six years.

Sergio smiled into the kiss, he’d get Megan a ring as soon as possible but right now all he cared about was the pregnant woman that was in his arms.

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