Chapter Eight: The Secret is Out

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“I love you,” Sergio murmured as he kissed Megan, they had just come home from the doctor’s appointment and he couldn’t have been happier; he was still in awe that they were going to be parents.

Megan smiled kissing Sergio back, she wrapped her arms around him surprised at how peaceful everything was; she was just glad that they hadn’t been stalked back to her apartment.

“I love you too,” Megan said pulling back from Sergio, she smiled as he rested a hand on her stomach; there was going to be a bump there soon and she couldn’t wait.

Sergio carefully got down on his knees and pushed up her top, he smiled at his girlfriend knowing that he was being a little silly; he pressed a kiss to the toned skin of her body.

“And I love you too,” Sergio murmured resting his face gently against Megan’s stomach, he smiled to himself as his girlfriend ran her fingers through his hair.

Megan couldn’t help but smile at his words, she felt so at peace right now and she doubted that it would last when everyone discovered that she was dating Sergio.

“How about some lunch?” Sergio said brushing his fingers carefully against Megan’s stomach, he knew that he was going to be a great father and they would deal with everything else when the time came.

Megan nodded her head, she was a little hungry and she had to make sure that she ate now because she didn’t just have to think about herself but her baby as well.

Sergio grinned getting to his feet and kissing Megan, he was sure that they could wait a little longer to tell their families about them but they would need to do it soon.

Sergio nodded his head, he kissed Megan before heading for her kitchen; he was going to carefully bring up the idea of her moving in with him especially now that she was having his baby and had lost her job.


“I’ve been thinking,” Sergio said carefully as he set some food in front of Megan, he sat down beside her on the couch with his own lunch; he felt nervous and it didn’t help that this was the end of their secret.

Megan nodded her head, she smiled at the pasta knowing that Sergio loved to cook; it wasn’t something that a lot of people knew about him and one of his many none footballing talents.

“I want you to move in with me,” Sergio said softly, he peeked at his girlfriend of six years wondering how he would explain this to his parents.

Sergio’s brother had an idea that he had been seeing someone since he had arrived in Madrid but had never said anything; it wasn’t going to be easy but there was no hiding anymore.

Megan paused as she looked at her boyfriend, she blinked a little knowing that moving in with him was the logical next step for the couple but it made her nervous.

“I just want you and the baby close to me,” Sergio said taking Megan’s hand, this wasn’t going to be easy and with them being stopped together; they were running out of time to break the news to their families.

Megan nodded her head, she looked away from Sergio and took a deep breath; she didn’t know how she would break the news to her father.

Gerard was going to be far from understanding and Megan truly feared that her father would lash out; she didn’t want him to hurt Sergio and she knew it would happen.

“Okay…” Megan said smiling at her boyfriend, Sergio was everything that she had ever wanted and they were going to face this together.

Megan just hoped that her brothers weren’t going to make thinsg worse, it was something that she knew that they would do especially if Gerard found out before she had the chance to tell him herself.

“Great… shall we do it next week?” Sergio said not wanting to rush Megan, he could see that she was nervous and he didn’t blame her; they had spent so long trying to hide the fact that they were dating and now they were going to be parents.

Megan nodded her head, she kissed Sergio softly as she tried to relax herself; there was no point in freaking out when she’d had a wonderful day with her boyfriend.

“We’ll have to think of which room to turn into the nursery,” Sergio mused pulling away from Megan, he was so excited to become a father; he adored his niece and he was sure that he would do a wonderful job at being a father.

Megan laughed softly and nodded her head, she was surprised how well he was taking all of this and she hoped that this was going to get better especially when they told their families about them.


“We should tell our parents first,” Sergio said thoughtfully as they settled into Megan’s couch after lunch with Lou already on Sergio’s lap; Megan looked at him as she nibbled on a biscuit knowing he was right.

It was only a matter of time before the press were writing reports about them and then they would have to answer to their angry families about why they didn’t know first.

“That we’re dating and about the baby…” Sergio said watching Megan, he smiled knowing that he couldn’t believe that things were going so well and he hoped his own parents would be understanding on why he hadn’t told them.

Megan nodded her head in agreement, she knew that he was right but that didn’t ease her nerves; her friends being upset with her over this was one thing, her family was another.

Turning the television on, Sergio felt his heart sink as the news came on with the one headline he did not want to see right now; this ruined everything and it made him curse the press.

‘Sergio Ramos’ New Girlfriend?’ stayed on the screen as Sergio pulled Megan close, a picture of the two of them appeared on television; this was the last thing that they had needed right now.

Megan closed her eyes, if it had made the news then this was going to be everywhere; there was no denying that the woman in the picture wasn’t her and her father was bound to see it.

“Buenas tardes and welcome to today’s Programas Del Corazon… in the main news, does Sergio Ramos finally have a new girlfriend, the Madridista was spotted leaving an apartment block this morning with Megan Martinez, the daughter of Gerard Martinez,” the presenter said grinning through the screen at the couple.

Megan and Sergio looked at each other, they hadn’t expected for them to figure out who she was; they both stared at Megan’s house phone as it started to ring.

Megan slowly picked it up before she groaned as she spotted her father’s mobile number on the caller Id; she was in a lot of trouble and there would be no hiding from him.

Sergio sighed and looked at her as she looked over at him biting her lip, this wasn’t going to be easy and this wasn’t how they had wanted things to come out.

Megan disconnected the call knowing that she was going to have to go to her father’s house to explain things, she couldn’t do it over the phone since it would only make things worse.

“I really don’t want to tell him over the phone,” Megan explained making Sergio nod his head in agreement, they both knew that Gerard wasn’t going to take the news well.

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