Chapter Twenty-Four: For a Moment

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Paqui cooed at Megan as she rubbed the brunette’s ever expanding stomach, she was so excited about the impending birth and she couldn’t wait to have more grandchildren to spoil.

“So I’m getting a new nephew and a little niece,” Mirian cooed sitting on the other side of Megan making the brunette nodded as she rubbed her stomach; it was the first time that everyone had gathered together like this in weeks.

“I hope you name the girl after me,” Mirian teased softly, she had been away for work and had been thrilled to hear that the couple were having one of each.

Sergio walked into the living room and rolled his eyes at his sister, Megan was twenty-one weeks pregnant and everything was going so well for the couple after her miscarriage.

“Have you started to think about names?” Paqui asked making the couple nod, they had already agreed on what they were naming the twins and they were excited about the birth.

Megan smiled as Sergio sat down beside her, it was a nice calm day and she hoped that it would stay that way; she didn’t want to deal with her intrusive mother today.

“We’re naming the boy Lucas and the girl Lorelei,” Sergio said making Mirian roll her eyes while Paqui beamed at her son; she had to admit she did like the names and they seemed perfect for the couple’s unborn twins.

Megan took Sergio’s hand, she was still nervous about the birth of the twins but she was starting to think about the birth and what she wanted to do; she wanted to push the twins into the world if that was possible.

“Lucas and Lorelei Ramos Martinez,” José María mused with a smile, he was looking forward to the birth and he had a feeling that the wedding would follow soon after.


The relaxing day with Sergio’s family didn’t last long before Maria showed up with Lily; they had arrived just after lunch and no one was surprised that she had quickly made things about herself.

Megan looked at her half-sister concerned, she didn’t know what it was but there was something off about Lily; she kept pulling her sleeves down over her hands and her face was coated in make-up.

“How are you sweetheart?” Maria asked moving to fuss over Megan making Paqui frown; she had a great dislike for the woman and didn’t trust her, she didn’t know why she insisted in hovering around when it was clear that she wasn’t welcome.

“I’m fine,” Megan said watching Lily who sat quietly even Mirian could see that there was something wrong with the fifteen year old; Maria nodded frowning slightly that Paqui hadn’t moved so she could sit next to Megan.

Daniela bounced into the room followed by Vania, they had arrived late since the little girl had been at school and Vania had picked her up.

Sergio pressed a kiss to Megan’s lips before he moved back into the kitchen followed by his brother and sister-in-law; he wanted to check on dinner and René wished to speak to him about Maria’s increasing presence.

“Don’t you think Sergio and Megan should get married in a church, Paqui?” Maria asked making them all look at her; Paqui looked at the woman with distaste as she waited for an answer.

Paqui would never trust Maria and she was never going to agree with her on this, she wanted her son to be happy and that was what mattered to her.

“It’s really up to them,” Paqui said simply, she peeked at Megan and Sergio wondering why they should be forced to do something that wouldn’t suit them; they didn’t want to get married in a church and that was their choice.

Maria pursed her lips, she had expected the woman to agree with her and she didn’t know why everyone acted as if she was getting under their feet all the time.

Sergio saw the look his mother sent Maria, it was becoming clear that Megan’s mother had outstayed her welcome; he truly wanted to throw the woman out into the street since she wasn’t taking the hint about not being wanted.

Megan shifted before she climbed to her feet, making Sergio glance at her wondering where she was going; he didn’t like her going anywhere alone in case something happened to her or the twins.

“I’m fine… just going the toilet,” Megan said making him look at Mirian who nodded before she followed the brunette out of the room; she doubted that her brother would stop himself from following after his fiancée.

Maria shot Lily a glare as the blonde looked at her hands, she knew she’d get into trouble for not offering to help her sister but she didn’t want to do this.

Lily quickly excuse herself while Maria continued to talk about what she wanted from the wedding; René shrugged at Vania knowing that something was wrong with the blonde.


Lily found herself in the home library where she moved to sit down, she couldn’t stop the tears forming in her brown eyes; she didn’t want to be involved in her mother’s plot and wished that she could escape.

“Are you okay?” Megan asked stepping into the room after her, she had seen Lily walk into the room as she and Mirian walked back from the bathroom.

Lily nodded while Megan sat down next to her, Mirian watched the two for a moment before she joined them; Lily licked her lips knowing this was the only chance she would get to warn her half-sister.

“Don’t trust madre,” Lily said looking at Megan who looked at her concerned wondering what was going on, she could see something in Lily’s eyes that told her that made her worry.

“She’s using you for the money… my padre owes someone a lot of money,” Lily tried to explain, she didn’t know much about the situation and she wished that she had more to tell Megan.

Mirian stared at Lily, she didn’t understand why the blonde was telling them this and she wished that she could say that she surprised about what they were hearing.

Megan took Lily’s hand and pushed her sleeve up revealing hand marks that littered Lily’s skin; she felt sick that her own sister had to put up with abuse.

Mirian frowned as she stood and walked out of the room, Megan guessed she was going to get her brothers since there was no way that they could allow to carry on.

“It’s okay,” Megan reassured Lily as she started to cry, she buried her head into Megan’s shoulder as the brunette hugged her; she knew her mother was up to something.

“I had to warn you… they wanted me to befriend you, and then madre would try to get the money,” Lily whispered just as Sergio entered the room.

Paqui was distracting Maria about some unimportant wedding details, while he came to see what Mirian had told him about.

Sergio looked sadly at Lily, it was all too clear that the blonde was upset and scared; Megan glanced at her fiancé who nodded at her, they both knew that couldn’t trust Maria.

Lily took a deep breath her hands shaking, she knew Carlos would kill her when he learnt that she had told them the truth; she didn’t care, she would finally be free of them. 

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