Oblivious (2/2)

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Reita's POV

Did I tell you how much your new hairstyle compliments you? My eyes can't help but wander back to you again and again. Following you as you move across the stage in your own typical style. The looks you give the crowd, the flush in your cheeks, the excited grin on your face.

You looked up at me, a puzzled grin still apparent on your face as you stared at me. Shit. The only one who is still playing is me. I felt Aoi hugging me from behind, Kai laughing as Ruki too grinned at me. I too stopped playing my bass, moving up to the microphone to murmur an embarrassed apology to the crowd.

"Let's start Carry again!"

As Kai again started the intro to the song I fabulously fumbled, I tried concentrating on the song and not on the sinful guitarist at the other end of the stage.

The hazel eyes widened in surprise and perhaps distress? This is probably the first time I seen him looking lost for words as he stared at me and then away and then back at me and then away again. Perhaps it was wrong of me to tell him so abruptly, so suddenly. But then this is typical me. To not want to waste any more time than I have to. To want to know as soon as possible for any hope or chance.

"Rei... I..."

I plastered a forced grin on my face, a hand halting his train of words.

"Think about it. At least that"

The coward in me take over then as I walked away, knowing that he wouldn't chase after me, knowing that at least I bought us both time, time for me to prepare myself for rejection, time for him to prepare himself for perhaps feeling something more for me. I reached the entrance of the building, groaning inwards when I see dark clouds above me. I do not look forward to getting wet, especially when we are so near a live date. Getting sick now will ensure constant nagging from an overly concerned vocalist and motherly drummer.

I peeked into the room, letting out a sigh of relief on not seeing Uruha there. But where is he? I don't see him on my way back. Grabbing the umbrella that I had left in the room a long time ago, I then proceeded back to the lift but not before a nagging feeling overcome me. Somehow, I made my way to the rooftop where I left Aoi there earlier. I know how close the two of them were. Perhaps Aoi is now counseling Uruha?

A rumble of the thunder alerted the coming of the rain. I pushed the door open just enough to peek through it. The rain fell then. I was unable to move, seeing the rain wetting them, my feet wouldn't move, my body wouldn't turn around, I could just stand there and look at them, at him, at the briefest flash of pain in his eyes before the grey of the rain mixed with what I know is his tears from his eyes. I saw the in different mask on Aoi's face crumble in the rain, naked emotions apparent on his face mirrored Uruha's.

I turned to see Kai grinning widely at me and then a wink at Aoi who also turned around to face him. My eyes darted to Uruha, seeing him laughing to himself as he played his heart out to the fans. A vicious life cycle we live in. He is not for me, Aoi is not for him, Kai never owning Aoi fully even though he is with him. Perhaps here in the end, Kai and Ruki is the happiest of us all, oblivious to everything.

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