Perfect Kiss

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Kai's POV

The tongue flicked across my lips, seeking permission for entrance, permission given as I too responded tentatively to shy kiss, the taste overwhelming me, each stroke and caress sending jolts of pleasure through my veins.

As he pulled back, I let my eyes open, staring at him giving me this unbelievably love filled look in his eyes. I am sorry. Regret filled me then.


His face hardened as a forced easy grin slide on his face. He shook his head as he backtracked, leaving me alone in the rehearsal room, only regret as my companion. Perhaps I should have seen the signs. Perhaps I should have distanced myself as to not lead him on. Perhaps I should have given this a chance? A nagging thought in my mind says otherwise. He is not the one.

Aoi returned to the rehearsal room, his eyebrow raised at the hurried escape of a fellow artist signed on the same label as ours.

"What's wrong with Nao-san?"

I pulled a face at Aoi's unbelievably too innocent question, knowing that he know what is going on.

"Yes, you can say you told me so"

He shook his head, joining me on the couch.

"I wouldn't say that"

I sighed. We sat in relative silence, never really needing words to fill up the air between us.

"Why didn't you give him a chance?"

I could feel the heat rising on my face. Can I really tell him without sounding and feeling like a silly teenage girl?

"Ah that red on your face says a lot. Spill"
"I don't know whether was it real or was it a dream"
"That kiss"
"The perfect kiss. Somehow, everyone else's felt wrong since then"
"Perfect kiss?"
"I woke up remembering the feeling on my lips, my senses still tingling. But was it real? Was it a dream?"
"Perfect kiss"

I pulled yet another face at his incredulous tone and gave him a half hearted smack at his head. I need to get my head cleared. Perhaps washing my face would do me some good. When I finally returned to a full rehearsal room, full meaning the remaining members of our chaotic band had finally arrived, I knew then that Aoi had told them. Stupid bugger. A wide teasing smile were apparent on Uruha's and Reita's face. Ruki's nose was buried in the notebook he often carried, probably jotting down some inspiration he has. I just pray that it was not along the lines of me being pathetic and lovelorn over a kiss that may and may not have happened. But knowing Ruki, he could just do that just to tease me a step further.

"Shut up"

Uruha chuckled loudly, coming over to my side, his arm across my shoulder, face intensely near to mine.

"Want to try pucker up and see whether I am the one?"

I ended up trying to hold Uruha's puckered lips away from mine, the rest laughing and cheering Uruha on. I tried kneeing him in the groin but he had the height advantage over me before he finally landed a messy kiss on my cheek which I returned to him in form of a fist in his cheek. He released me, rubbing his cheek gingerly, and the infamous pout on his face.

"That is not nice of you, Kai"
"You are lucky that you are still able to feel your nuts"

Our bickering then started before Ruki finally called us to order to start yet another day of our rehearsing. After a long grueling day, I stretched my sore muscles tiredly, hating how the soreness set over my entire body, often reducing me to tears. I probably should start taking some protein pills or something to build my body muscles up. I lifted a hand to wave goodbye to the rest as I laid face down on the couch, wanting to rest for a bit longer before having to leave. The others were too used to me being like this to worry much.

Cool fingers touched my neck, startling me. Turning my head around, I see Ruki bent next to me.

"Move over a little"

With the little strength I have left, I scooted a little to the side to give him space to sit on which he surprisingly didn't. Instead he climbed over, sitting on my bum, his knees perched on both sides of my body. I gave a soft grunt of surprise as he hushed me, pulling my shirt over my head. I relaxed under him as I felt the warm oil trickling down my spine before he recap the bottle, his warm hands on my back, kneading the tense muscles. This wasn't anything different from what he usually do after concerts, giving me a massage to soothe my aching muscles. I always told him that he should consider this as another profession if his voice ever goes bust, something that he would hit me on the head for since he is very protective of his voice.

I was lulled into a sense of security and almost dozed off as he kneaded me into a putty of jelly, his humming the perfect lullaby. The soft kiss pressed at the back of my neck woke me up instantly. I turned my head around quickly, his face far too near to mine, almost unreadable. Questions formed in my head but words failed me as I stared into those soft doe brown eyes, unhidden by the contact lenses he favored often.


He shifted to now sit beside me as I groggily sat up beside him, him being too quiet.

"I reached early today"

He is starting to confuse me.

"I saw Nao. And you"

Okay. That clarified things. But not by a lot.

"Are you disgusted by the thought of me being gay?"

I haven't really ever told them of my sexual preferences. But I guess it could be disturbing to them. He shook his head quickly before letting a short scream of frustration which further muddled my mind.


He looked down at my hand placed on top of his before looking up at me again.

"Fuck it"

I felt those lips against mine, unsure and yet insistent, harsh but yet sensual. My eyes flickered close, the sensations overtaking me. Even after he pulled back, it took me a long minute to reopen my eyes, seeing those hesitant eyes searching for something in mine.

"It was you"

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