Each other

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Kyo x Reita

Reita opened the door to the apartment that is increasingly becoming more like home to him, the silence that greeted him first indicated that there was no one home until he saw the carelessly shedded sneakers that Kyo favored cluttered in front of the entrance door. A soft greeting was called to which there was no reply. Slipping off his shoes, he then paused at the couch to pull off the light jacket that he wore, throwing it on top of the couch.

He then went on his mission on finding his blonde vocalist. A quick check to the bathroom confirmed that there is no half naked Kyo waiting or sleeping for him. A look towards the balcony that Kyo often sat at when he is in need of inspiration also turned up no clues. Last place to look for Kyo. Their bedroom. As he made his way towards the door at the end of the short hall, he pondered on it.

Their bedroom. No longer just Kyo's. But their's. A small smile tugged at Reita's heartstrings at thought of it before his inner voice told him to stop behaving like a girl. Pushing the door open quietly, he saw the lump under the blankets in the semi dark room, the dark curtains almost fully drawn close. The menial light is more than enough to show him the way to Kyo's side, not that he needs any guidance in the first place.

Kyo was hidden underneath the blankets that were pulled over his head, the slightest movement of the blanket indicating that Kyo was breathing steadily, fast asleep. Reita pulled the side of the blanket, not without a slight struggle as Kyo obstinately held on to the blanket before finally releasing it to Reita's insistency. The bassist sneaked under the blanket, and crept nearer to Kyo so that he could see Kyo's peaceful sleeping profile. A sudden move of Kyo's hand pulled Reita nearer that their noses almost touched each other's. Reita only given the time to release a soft squeak of surprise as the older man's eyes cracked open. Kyo then pulled the blanket over their heads, enveloping them in self created darkness before the said arm pulled Reita nearer, effectively cuddling the younger man.

"Why are we hidden underneath the blanket?"

Reita could make out the glint of Kyo's eyes staring at him as his eyes adjusted to the darkness.

"Because I say so"

The younger bassist could only grin at the obstinate answer given by his lover before Kyo curled up against him almost felinely.

"Let's stay in our little world for a while longer"

The only answer given by Reita was the wrapping of his arms around Kyo, both of them drawing comfort from each other, touches that don't have to be sexual to be comforting. Reita could make out the vulnerability underneath the sentence uttered so softly that he could have missed it if he hasn't been paying his attention. It must have been a bad day today. Like any other person, Kyo too have his vulnerable moments, have times that his confidence was shot, that he just needs assurance, times that he just wants to escape from everything. He too is every bit human as the person walking past in the convenience store. Kyo isn't the depressive man that everyone thought he is but at the same time, he isn't always the happy bunny either.

Reita knew that sometimes everything just grew to be too much for the little man to contain and sometimes, the strong mask that Kyo puts up cracks. He doesn't mind all of it, he doesn't mind as long as Kyo reveals them to him, trusts him enough to be there for him, to let Reita instead be the strong one in their relationship. It is almost scary how their relationship had evolved since their first meeting. Scary indeed but he wouldn't have it any other way. Neither would Kyo.

He felt the soft kiss on his chin, drawing his attention back to Kyo. After several long silent minutes, Kyo finally spoke, his voice muffled by Reita's chest.

"You do know that I love you right?"
"Would it be very predictable if I tell you that I love you very much too?"
"In the given circumstances, predictable is good"
"Good, because I do. Even though both of us sound like giddy girls saying these"
"Giddy girls are scary"
"Why are we whispering?"

A silent laugh shook Kyo's body as he shook his head at the puzzled question.

"You killed the moment"

Kyo silenced what other protests that Reita have with a tender kiss, a genuine smile on his face, a similar echoed on Reita's. Yes, they will hide for a little while longer in their own world, a world where two of them are just enough for each other.

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