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Ruki x Kai

"What the fuck?"

Two heads turned towards the door, one guilty, the other nonchalant. The door closed behind the vocalist, the soft click far too loud in the dead silent room as Ruki stepped in, the expression on his face unreadable.

"It is not what you think it is..."

The elder tried to reasoned, one that doesn't quite make it, not with his cock in Kai's mouth, the younger on his knees, still unperturbed by the interruption by his lover. Aoi pulled away as Kai sat back on his heels, watching the guitarist quickly buttoning up his pants as he edged away from Ruki who still stayed silent, cold eyes on Kai's. The door closed yet again for the second time, leaving the two lovers in the dimly lit room. Kai stood up, taking a few steps back to sit himself on the black leather sofa, hand reaching for his cigarette box on the table next to him.

"Why did you ask me to come here on purpose?"

Kai took deep inhale of the lit cigarette, eyes still on Ruki before he shrugged.

"Do you have nothing to say to me?"

The anger in Ruki's voice was picked up by Kai as he raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you have something to say to me?"
"What do you mean?"

A snort of sarcastic laughter was heard as Kai snubbed the cigarette on the table, not bothering to find for an ashtray, something that is very unlike Kai.

"I know of you fucking around with others. With Reita. You don't have any right to ask me any questions"

Kai walked past Ruki who stood there dumbfounded, the cruel irony lay thick in the air between them. He didn't mean for Kai to find out, not when he finally know who he really wants, something that he only know now, something that was confirmed after he seen Kai with another man. But then, Ruki know Kai, far too well sometimes, a fact that he love and hate about himself. If he doesn't know Kai so well, then he could at least fool himself that perhaps there is another chance.

The door was slammed shut before Kai could leave, the younger caging the other against the door. Harsh lips descended on Kai's, the other not really surprised by the move. Ruki pressed small nips along Kai's jaw, settling on the arch of pale skin presented to him as Kai leant back, biting back a soft groan when Ruki's hand started stroking him through his pants.

"You still want me"

The smug intonation was not missed by Kai.

"Just because I want to fuck you, it doesn't mean that I love you"
"That's fine. I'll take any of you that I can have"

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