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Heat - Aoi x Uruha

White lights exploded behind close lidded eyes as Uruha gasped out loud at the particularly hard thrust on his prostate. Arms that were holding himself up weaken as he continued to spill white pearly liquid on the black satin sheets. A strong arm pulled him back, sweaty back parallel to the heaving chest behind him. Aoi continued thrusting into the willing tired body, each thrust into the oversensitive body causing the blonde to jerk and clench around the hard length. Another snap of the hips, and finally, Aoi buried his face into Uruha's neck as he too reached his oblivion.

Taste - Aoi x Uruha

A finger was pressed against the tight ring of muscle, one that resisted for the briefest of a second before allowing entrance to the first knuckle. An accompanying groan accompanied the thrust of the finger, one that intensified with the insertion of yet another finger, fingers mimicking what is soon inevitable. Half lidded eyes watched Aoi's lazily as another groan emerged from the swollen lips as Uruha added yet another finger to his own entrance, scissoring them languidly, almost too slow for the liking of the older brunette.

"Come taste me"

At that, Aoi never moved faster in his life.

Sensations - Ruki x Kai

Kai could only whimper against the gag. Pleading eyes met amused ones. Ruki leant close but not close enough to the throbbing erection that was secured with a cock ring. Ruki breathed on Kai, air acting as stimulant to his already too sensitive erection. Kai could moan when the vibrator now pressed against his prostate with a flick of Ruki's wrist. He was soon going into sensory overload, one acknowledged by his lover. The cock ring was quickly pulled off as Ruki whispered heatedly into Kai's ear.

"Come for me"

Hot moist warmth enveloped Kai's length as he cum hard.

Surprise - Kyo x Reita

It was a pleasant surprise when he woke up to lubricated fingers stretching him, teeth biting down on his earlobe, sucking on the lobe, sending warm tingles down his stomach. Reita turned his head to the side, meeting Kyo's lips in a brief kiss, one that was broken when Kyo slid his length into him, both of them groaning at the familiar sensation of being filled and being enveloped.

"I love you"
"But me more"

It was a long standing argument between them both which don't need repeating, not when each slow thrust against Reita's prostate made him see stars.

Please - Kai x Ruki


Teeth bit down on already swollen lips to still the words ready to spill as Ruki refused to beg. Not yet anyway. Kai's eyes twinkled in half amusement as he again took Ruki's length in his mouth, sucking ever so tantalizing at the leaking tip, pulling back only to let pearly white liquid stain his lips before he licked at them, looking up at Ruki who could watch his beautiful lover on his knees before him. Kai let his teeth scrape against the large vein underside, the added stimulant being the last straw.

"Please let me fucking cum"

Again - Kai x Uruha x Reita

As Uruha lowered himself on Kai, Kai caressed the guitarist's hips comfortingly. Uruha stilled for a moment before starting a slow rhythm, one that barely started before a finger was inserted alongside Kai's cock. Kai pulled Uruha for a harsh kiss, distracting him from the second finger inserted, one that prodded and searched for the blonde's prostate. Kai saw the triumphant grin from Reita who finally found it as Uruha moaned aloud.


As Reita slowly pushed in, the sensation foreign to them all, but not less welcomed, all three had the same thought.

They have to do this again.

Hurt - Ruki x Kai

The hurt was clearly shown on Kai's face, one that is not missed by Ruki, but then in the heat of the moment, it was not acknowledged. It was pride that held the younger back, even when half the closet was emptied and dumped into a bag that could barely fit it all, it held the younger back even when unsteady hands pushed the door open, letting it close shut, shutting the vocalist in, the silence even more unbearable in the enclosed space. A soft beep startled him from his thoughts, a hand reached for the phone, flipping it open, eyes glancing over it, only to drop it onto the floor with a loud clatter from cold fingers.

You've once said that love is bittersweet. But what happens when it is 2/3 bitter, 1/3 sweet? Sometimes to love is to make the decision to let go. Wouldn't it be better to leave with sweet memories instead of bitter ones?

Ruki walked towards the bathroom, fingers reaching for the water knob, movement frozen at the sight of the forgotten toothbrush left by the other. The lump in his chest ballooned then, choking his breath. A fist slammed against the mirror, the sound of the mirror cracking doing nothing to ease the constricting lump. Red dripped into the white sink, marring it.

No, not like this. It shouldn't just end like this.

Fool - Reita x Kai

Kai's eyes were still staring straight, unflinching right at his errant lover, no surprise there. Reita on the other hand struggled for words, anything that can make things seem just a little bit better. But then there was none. Nothing left. Not this time. As the door closed behind the silent drummer with a soft click, Reita knew that this was the last time.

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

Kai is never one to be played for a fool.

Encounters - Kai x Ruki

His head bumped harshly against the door, his fingers gripping the brown strands tightly, glad that Kai had finally let go of the braids. The braids might look hot on him but then it is a bitch to hold on to, especially during moments like this. He stopped thinking when the sinful tongue curled around the head of his cock, teeth slightly scrapping against the long vein pulsing along the red hard length as Kai took Ruki in bit by bit.

He moaned in appreciation when Kai started to hum, sitting back on his haunches, looking at the pink flush on Ruki's cheeks, the perfect image of an angel debauched. With another hand, Ruki caressed Kai's cheek, another hand pushing Kai closer, almost forcing the other to swallow him. Kai didn't mind the rough treatment, swallowing around Ruki, letting his throat massage the thick cock in his mouth, loving every taste of the volatile vocalist.

With a blunt nail scratch across the perineum, Ruki let go, letting his warm cum flood Kai's taste buds, the drummer taking all the other had offered. He pulled back, tucking Ruki back into his pants before standing up, letting Ruki rest his head on his shoulder. The younger took several deep breaths, trying to steady his fast beating heart as the older held him close, hand stroking the other's hair. The younger curled around the warmth that the older exudes almost instinctively, drawing a soft laugh from Kai.

He gasped when Ruki purposely pushed his hips against his own still hard erection. Ruki changed their positions easily, pushing Kai against the door despite his smaller frame.

"My turn"

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