But why

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Kyo x Reita

“Why did you do it?”
Wide eyes stared at dark brown ones. A shrug was received. A shrug that was not well received.
The blonde looked up from the book that he was reading, cocking his head at the bassist who looks increasingly irate if not bit comical with hands on narrow hips, looking like a nagging mother.
“So this is the first greeting I received from you?”
Reita flushed a little at the soft teasing, this being the first real communication he have with Kyo other than the numerous e-mails and phone calls in almost one month since both were busy with touring.
“Don’t change the topic”
“Most people would be honored”
“But I’m not most people”
Kyo resigned himself to not being able to read the book that he was halfway through. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, glad for the light breeze from the open window that provide reprise from the hot summer. Letting the book drop carelessly on the floor next to the couch he was seated on, he reached a hand to pull Reita to him. The other still glared at him, waiting for an answer, waiting not too patiently for the blonde vocalist who took his time with languid stretching of his sore back.
Kyo grinned to himself, knowing that Reita is growing antsy and soon, the bassist would probably wreck havoc. A finger tapped on Reita’s nose, making the bassist wrinkle the said nose.
“Why not?”
Reita silenced at the question before gathering his thoughts again.
“But it’s so permanent”
The older know the doubts and the worries in his younger lover. He pulled Reita closer, arms around the slim waist in a loose hug before hands reached to cup the other’s face, both of them staring intently at the other. He caressed Reita’s jaw with two calloused thumbs, the other continued watching him. A thumb caressed the slightly cracked lips; a tongue darted out to swipe at the errant thumb, drawing a smile from Kyo, a cheekier one from Reita. Nobody knows who had leaned forward first, but it doesn’t matter. Two set of lips met and mated, stoking the embers into a full fledged flame, tongues tangled with one another, darting into the other’s warm mouth mimicking age old rituals. Both finally parted for want of precious air, both eyes slightly dilated.
“What if..”
“Even if this doesn’t work out, I am still proud to carry it. I would not want to forget any of this”
Reita finally gave a small nod, understanding now why as his finger idly traced the new tattoo on Kyo’s forearm, one that meant something special to them both.

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