Smile (2/3)

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Kyo x Reita

Reita again watched the rest of his band members as he smoked silently at the window sill, the still cool spring breeze playing with tendrils of his hair before he turned to look out of the window, seeing the blossoming trees that lined the road below, naturally brightening the otherwise dull gray concrete buildings that seems far too identical in its structure and height which were dotted by plastic signage that had yet to lit up for the night. At the second floor, he had a nice view of the people rushing towards their destinations, men and women dressed in dark suits rushing back from work, the school children in their uniforms chattering happily with their friends as they made their way to their favorite hangouts, to their after school classes, the old men and women walking towards the park nearby for their evening stroll, the few single men or women waiting at the tower clock at the end of the street, looking at their watches periodically, waiting for their loved ones to arrive.

So many people, so many vibrant lives going on, all of which serves to remind him that he has no one. It is not that he has lack of friends or lack of family members who cares for him. He has all those, band members whom he wouldn't change for anything in the world and unusually supporting family. But then he still has no one. A bitter smile appeared on his face as he lit yet another cigarette, taking full advantage of the break they have in their grueling schedule, waiting for Ruki and Uruha who had just left to come back with dinner for them. He watched Ruki and Uruha disappearing from his view as they turned around the corner, presumably to go to the sushi shop that they often ordered take away from, his mind lingering on the guitarist, the smile still on his face.

He straightened, cigarette hanging precariously on his lips as he concentrated on the figure below, the small petite figure weaving his way through the crowd. It was almost surreal when the said figure paused at the convenience store opposite the street, turning around to slowly look up, eyes hidden behind sunglasses met Reita's, a now familiar quirk of the lips indicated that he had saw Reita.

"Damn it!"

He jumped off the sill, frantically putting out the ember from the cigarette that had dropped onto his lap, thankfully not burning any important part of his body but only serves to dint his dignity. A quick glance outwards saw Kyo chuckling to himself, seeing the whole incident before he entered the convenience store. Another blow to his already tarnished reputation in the vocalist's eyes. He cursed under his breath, drawing Kai to look up from the music sheet in concern. Reita shook his head, appeasing the drummer as he grabbed his coat.

"Getting some smokes"

Kai watched Reita leave as Aoi pointedly looked at the still full packet of cigarette on the window sill, Kai shrugging to himself, again amending the notes in the sheet.

Reita entered the convenience store, eyes looking out for the said vocalist, rushing pass by aisle by aisle, not seeing Kyo. Had the vocalist left as Reita was rushing down from the building? A sullen look took over Reita's usual emotionless face as he slowed his pace, quite certain that his search is futile.

"Looking for me?"

Reita whirled around to see Kyo holding onto a pack of beer, his sunglasses perched on the crown of his head, pushing back the wild blonde hair. Now faced with the person he was searching for, he didn't know what to say. He cannot comprehend why he was searching out the older man for in the first place either. Nothing makes sense to him other than the wanting to see this enigmatic man again. The man whose eyes barely hid the same emotions that reflects in his own.

"Want to finish this with me?"

Reita's eyes lowered to the pack of beer dangled in front of him and nodded blankly. Kyo then moved towards the cashier, paying for the beer and proceeded out of the store, fully expecting Reita to follow him. Reita did, he followed the vocalist as they made their way to the nearby park, finding an empty bench where it overlooked the calm lake. He accepted the can of beer as Kyo also opened one for himself, drinking slowly, his eyes intent on their surroundings.

"Funny how alone we can feel in a crowd"

Reita turned to see the vocalist who now turned his eyes on Reita, a knowing look in his eyes.

"I am not..."

The lie forming at the tip of Reita's tongue died at the dry tone of the older man, knowing that there is no point in lying to Kyo. A second can was finished, a third too and finally the fourth too met its fate. He reached for the fifth, hand stopped by Kyo.


Reita felt his head spin; taking liquor on empty stomach is never a good idea. He blinked at the increasingly fuzzy picture of Kyo, shaking his head, trying to focus his eyes before finally giving up the fight, letting his eyes close, head slumped on Kyo's shoulder, breathing in the scent of musk and spice radiating from the older man, deciding that he does like the combination of smell. He vaguely heard a soft chuckle as he finally slept.

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