Chapter One

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By the time nine, Allen had already clocked out and making his way home, night time was not always the best time to walk home alone, strolling along the dark streets with street lights a mere few metres apart. It still didn't stop things like stealing, kidnapping or rape from happening.

He pulled his jacket around his body a little more tightly and hurried along, he wanted to get home quickly. There are other things that lurked about in the night, the supernatural that not most people believe in. Allen however did, but he wasn't about to risk his life to see anything,

Allen had a scar on the left side of his face, a upside down pentacle, and a brunt arm up to his elbows. He grew used to both things so he didn't really bothered to care about what people thought about his appearance, he lived with his uncles, the only living relatives he had remaining. Allen worked for most of his things, paying of his school fees, helping maintain their house and having a bit of pocket change for himself. It was tough, but it worked for him.

His head snapped to the side as a sudden rustle came from the side of the building he was walking by, looking straight ahead he ignored the sound and walked even faster towards home. Not the night to get involved with the unknown, thank you very much.
Once he spotted his house up ahead, Allen practically sped walked all the way to the front door, praying to which ever God that what ever the thing was at that building didn't follow him home.

Boy, how wrong he was.

He bolted inside and quickly locked the door. He toed off his shoes and hung his jacket up and stretched his arms over his head with a yawn that made his jaw crack. Gosh he was seriously tired.
"Uncle Neah?." He called...
"Uncle Cross?." He tried again.

"In the kitchen." He heard, Allen breathed a sigh of relief before following the delicious scent of chicken stew that flowed from the kitchen. He walked into to see his family cooking away, with steaming and bubbling pots on the stove, it was making him hungry.

"Reach home safely?." Neah asked, turning the stew after adding a few dashing of spices. Allen smiled at him and sighed.
"Yea, there was something behind a building a few blocks down, but I ignored it and walked home even faster."

Cross huffed from where he was cutting a loaf of bread freshly toasted from the oven.
"You should have carried a weapon with you, anything could come after you."

Another thing about his family, they all believed in the supernatural and were always armed and prepared. Allen had a sword he uses to protect himself, Cross a gun and Neah a bow and arrow set. It was one way to protect themselves. Not all creatures were bad though,  his friend Miranda lotto at his college was a witch, she was nervous, bubbly, clumsy and overall a push over but she was a good witch and Allen accepted that, he protected her from those who bullied her.

"Yea, yea I know uncle cross." He rolled his eyes, washing his hands and helping with the rest of the dinner preparations before they all sat down to enjoy the meal.
Allen wished them goodnight before he made his way up to his room,  yawning again as he closed his door. After digging through his drawers for his pajamas, he dragged himself to the bathroom, and hopped in the shower, letting the hot water work its magic. And with a already full stomach with a warm meal and the hot water beating down his back, it made Allen's muscles loosen up, by the time he was dressed and ready for bed, his body was at the point of goo. So as soon as Allen's head hit the pillow he was out like a light. Unaware of the deep cobalt blue eyes watching over him, protectively and longingly.

Next morning he was already at work, since his classes were mostly at evenings.
He had whole day shift today and customers were filing into the cafe his other uncle all but by blood owned. Jerry was one of his uncle Cross's friends, and he loved Allen, therefore giving him a job and having him there helping with cooking and baking the pastries. Allen was an excellent Cook, he learned from the two bests after all.

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