Chapter Twenty Eight.

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Eyes on the back of his neck was really disturbing, now if it was Yuu's eyes that were drilling into his skull, Allen wouldn't have had a problem but seeing that it  wasn't... That was definitely a problem.

At the corner of his right eye, spiky purple hair could be seen, the owners head propped up by her elbow, palm up and chin resting in the middle and staring at Allen from the position two seats away.

"Alright, class." The professor said, shuffling a stack of papers together on his desk.
"I'm giving an assignment that you would be completing in groups of three, so when I call your names, one person of each group can come collect the folder."

He cleared his throat, eyes glancing down to look at the first group on the list he made.
"Alright, first up. Matsumoto, Kira and Atsuhi."  And so on he went.

"And the final group, Walker, Lotto and...Kanda."

Allen let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and nearly slumped face first onto his desk. He had honestly thought that the teacher was going to pair him up with either Kamelot or Mikk.

"Oh. Walker." He looked up at the teacher, he sighed.
"Seeing that we have a odd number of kids here, I'm Adding Bookman to your group." He gestured for Allen to come for the file he was currently holding out for him.

"That's alright sir, I don't mind." He smiled, making sure to poke Lavi behind the head as he walked pass. He took the offered file and flipped it open as he walked back to his seat. His eyes roamed over the assignments and his lips twitched.

"What's it about?." Miranda asked, leaning over his desk to look at the file, her brows frowned for a second before she laughed.
"This is pretty simple, we could finish this in the library today." She leaned back and grabbed her green highlighter pen and reached over to circle the subjects that they had easy access to in the library.
"There, easy as pie."

"Now you're making want pie." He complained closing the file and putting it in his bag.
"Blueberry if I could get it."

Miranda giggled making Allen smile at her laughter. The feeling of eyes on him came back with more force than before. He looked to the side where Kanda was with his arms folded on the desk, head buried in them.

"Yuu." He whispered quietly, looking straight ahead, fingers reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind his ear, he glanced back to see one deep blue orb peaking back at him.
"She's drilling holes into me with her eyes."

His fiancé straightens himself, fist clenched on top the table so hard that they were more white that his already pale skin.

That's it, I'm killing her.

Allen stifled a giggle, quickly clearing his throat and sent a soothing vibe down their bond..

I know, love. I'm telling Miranda and Lavi when we go to the library to complete our work, and I'm calling Wisely and Link .

Kanda visibly relaxed himself after that, giving a small shake of his head and looking at the teacher.

Okay, we'll see how it goes.

After the bell that rung, signalling the end his first class for the morning, Allen gathered his stuff, not bothering to pick it up as he hooked arms with Miranda, both walking towards the library. His mate didn't want him straining himself to much and if Kanda wanted to hold his school bag then who was Allen to argue with his fiancé about it.

"So first is the history about Caribs and Arawak's, the first settles on the islands of the Caribbean." Miranda hummed, her free hand raised and finger tapping her bottom lip.

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