Chapter Eight

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Three days left off the vacation and Allen had to prevent Kanda from murdering anyone who so much as looks at him the wrong way. Sometimes he swears his mate is way to possessive.. Then again he's done his fair share of death threats also.

Lavi just finds the whole thing funny.

Stupid werewolf.

"Any more flirting and I'm killing that person."

"No, Yuu, they're just humans."

"I don't care at this point." Kanda snarled, grabbing Allen around the waist and pulling him flush against his body, nevermind they were in public, and pressed a searing kiss to his lips, letting Allen know who he really belonged to.
"You're mines. "

"Alright you two, break up the love fest." Lavi's amused voice came from behind them, the werewolf was standing there munching on popcorn and watching them like they were some TV drama.
Kanda shot him a glare but didn't remove his arms from around Allen.

Allen rolled his eyes at Lavi and settled himself to be held in Kanda's arms a little more, when Kanda was feeling territorial, he usually holds Allen until he calms down.

"Lavi don't provoke him." He sighed.

"But Allleeenn!."

"Just don't, if you don't wanna end up rabbit stew." The red head merely took a step back and continued chewing as an answer.

Allen's stomach grumbled and before he knew it, he was being dragged to get food. Kanda kept an arm around his waist while pulling out his wallet with the next. And Allen was left happily chomping on strawberries crepes as he, Kanda and Lavi walked through the doors of the resort.

"Can't wait to be back home to be honest." Lavi commented, mouth still chewing. Allen hummed while walking besides him, Kanda right behind him, hands in his pocket scowling at anyone who looked at Allen.

"Is it because you miss Alma?." He teased, hearing Kanda scoff behind him, Lavi sputtering at his tone.
"Oh hell I was right!."

Lavi swatted his arm but Allen continued to laugh despite the red heads best attempts to get him to stop.
Let's just say they had a few people staring at them like they were insane. Not that Lavi already was.

Later that night, Allen had just stepped out of the shower in his room with a pair of swears and a vest on, toweling his hair dry and almost having a heart attack when he removed the damp cloth to see Kanda sprawled out on his bed, hand behind his head and eyes closed.

"Yuu...did you sneak in here?." He asked, folding the white towel and setting it aside in favor of climbing onto the bed, curling up against Kanda under the covers.

"I am a vampire Moyashi, I could get in here with no trouble." His dark haired mate said, running a hand along his side.
Allen swatted his bicep, pouting before snuggling closer.

"I'm happy you're here though." He yawned.
"Couldn't sleep well without you." His voice trailed of and Kanda snorted softly, pressing a kiss to Allen's head as he himself drifted off to sleep.

"Why hello there cutie."

Allen whipped his head around from where he was sitting on one of the sofas in the lounge. His eyes finding a dark brown haired male with black eyes staring back at him with a flirtatious smile. He sighed wearily, why does things like this always happen to him?.

"Uh.. Can I help you sir?."

"Why yes, you can help me in my bed." Allen jerked back at that, rather straightforward isn't he?. However he frowned

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