Chapter Three

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Allen hurried along the hallways trying not to bump into anyone and overthrow the books he had in his hands. He maneuvered his way around the bodies and finally stumbled into the doors of the library.

Yesterday his teacher had asked him to help sort out the books in the library for him, the new ones from the old. He loved books so he couldn't refuse. So here he was humming as he piled older books from the new ones, happy for the piece and quiet. Well how long it lasted that is.

The library's heavy wood doors were suddenly pushed open and a tall red head guy stood in the doorway.
Green eyes immediately found his and Allen raised an eyebrow at the way a grin broke across the unknown males face. Pretty soon he was bouncing over to Allen.


Allen blinked at the boy slowly.
"Can I help you?." He asked politely.
The red head grinned before his nostrils flared and suddenly he was invading Allen's personal space and taking a whiff.

"You smell... Like Yuu-Chan!." He exclaimed, eyed wide in amazement and awe.
"Why does a human smell like Yuu-Chan?."

Before Allen could answer him however, the door was slammed open once again and a black blur was suddenly inside, sweeping him off his feet and away from the red headed teen.
He swayed bit on his feet as he was placed several feet away from the stunned red head, he looked up to see Kanda holding  him protectively against his cool body.

"Yuu-Chan?." The red head guy asked slowly, earning a warning growl from his vampire.

"I told you not to call me by my  first name, Baaka Usagi!." Allen was surprised at that revelation, secretly happy that at least he was allowed to call his gorgeous mate that.
"What are you even doing here, idiot?."

The guy pouted at him, before his eyes drifted to where Kanda's arm was wrapped around Allen's waist, and a wicked grin etched onto his face, making him look a bit deranged.

"Who is that by the way, a fling?." He asked, Allen barely concealed a flinch at the accusation, he was still a Virgin thank you, he didn't go sleeping around like others, its not his style.
Kanda felt that little jerk of his beloved body against his and rubbed his thumb against the skin his hand could reach. He himself was pure, not one to allow anyone to touch him, much less that way.

"I'm still as pure as you love, when the time comes for us to learn we'll learn together." He whispered from the corner of his mouth and felt Allen's body sag against his in relief.
He snapped his eyes up to glare at the idiot who appointed himself as his best friend.

"You know very well that I don't do flings you fucker," he snarled.
"And its non of your business, Usagi.. Now what the hell are you doing here?."

"Usagi?." Allen murmured, eyes darting back and fort at the two, he was still in Kanda's arms by the way.
"Rabbit." Kanda supplied and Allen giggled.

"Aww, Yuu-Chan, mouuuu... Don't tell him that, my name is Lavi!." The one name Lavi pouted, Allen giggled again snuggled closer against Kanda's chest

"What the hell did I just say, idiot." Kanda growled, pulling out a Katana out of literally nowhere and releasing Allen to go decapitate the annoying bunny in front of him.
His lover watched as Lavi yelped and dashed out the door, screaming like a girl.

Kanda huffed, sheathing his sword before turning to face an amused looking Allen.
"Who was that Yuu?."
He rolled his eyes, walking forward and bending slightly to press a kiss to his mate tempting lips.

"That was the idiot of my so called best friend." He drawled, letting a soft 'Che' he looked at the stacks and stacks of books his little lover was sorting through and sighed.
"I'm a Prince Moyashi," he said rolling his eyes once again as Allen's eyes grew wide.
"The youngest, my brothers are the oldest and currently ruling, so I can do whatever I want."

Allen tilted his head to the side and hummed.
"A prince." He grinned, sliding a hand slowly up Kanda's chest, pressing himself closer..
"Am I in trouble, Your Highness?." He purred, no idea where such boldness came from.

Kanda snatched his waist In his grip and pulled Allen flush against him.
"Very much trouble, Moyashi." He husked.
Allen smacked his chest at the name.
"M'not a Bean sprout." He stopped as cool lips came crashing down into his. Allen moaned softly tip toeing to wrap his arms around Kanda's neck and pull him down to kiss him more deeply, Kanda's hands clenching on his hips, bringing him closer.

Lips parted with a thin string of saliva between them, Kanda's tongue flicking his lower lip before he pulled away completely.
"If Lavi is here, it means everyone else who's close to me is."

Allen smiled up at him, eyes shining.
"Then I will gladly like to meet them Yuu." Kanda huffed, leaning down to bump his forehead against the smaller boys.

"Then get prepared to be driven crazy."
Allen merely laughed.

When Allen reached home that evening, his uncles were still at work so he heated the left over dinner and ate before heading up to his room. He had pushed open the door, pulling off his shirt as he dropped his bag by the door and yawned. A chuckle had him snapping his eyes to his bed where he found Kanda's stretched out form, hands behind his head and ankles crossed looking at him with a smile.


"Hello, love." Was the purred response.

"What are.. No how did you get in here.?." He asked, hands on his hips, not noticing he was half naked in front of his vampire mate who had a thing of seeing his marks on Allen's small body.

"Window was open, beloved." He smirked at the rosy blush on Allen's cheeks every time he called him a sappy endearment, Kanda just loved that reaction.
He watched as his Moyashi just roll his lovely sliver eyes before he turned around to walk into his closet.

"Are you hungry?." Allen's voice reached him from inside the closet.
He appeared with a few articles of clothing in his hands and a towel.
"Do you need a drink?." He asked tilting his head to reveal his neck.

"No, I'm good go ahead and shower." He muttered, closing his eyes and sinking further in the soft bed.
A blanket was thrown at his face and Kanda laughed from beneath it.

Allen came out freshly showered and dressed twenty minutes later, toweling his hair dry and yawning.
"I feel like a zombie."

"And what are zombies supposed to feel like?." Kanda asked, his eyes closed with his hands behind his head.
Allen plopped down besides him with a groan, and burrowed against him when Kanda threw the blanket over them both.
"Like it has no life left." He mumbled.
Kanda snorted, pressing a kiss to the top of Allen's head.

"Oyasumi, Moyashi." He whispered
Allen smiled in his sleep, smuggling closer to him with a content sigh.

Kanda huffed before he closed his eyes and drifted along besides his little lover.

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