Chapter Fifteen.

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Kanda stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the doorway of his bedroom. Eyes soft and focused on the small pale figure of his mate tangled up in the sheets.

Allen's body shone like gold in the morning sun and he looked heavenly, like a Angel.
Kanda shook his head with a smile, pushing off the door to make his way over to his still slumbering mate, slowly pulling the covers a bit away from Allen's body Kanda slipped under.

He buried his nose against Allen's barely there happy trail and inhaled deeply, nose twitching as his and Allen's scents combined. His lips trailed upwards, placing feather light kisses as he moved upwards.

Allen whined in his sleep, hands battering at his head that had Kanda snorting a laugh, a smile on his face full of love, affection and fondness.
"Its almost ten Moyashi, time to get up."

"No." Allen mumbled, his hips twisting as he tried to roll away from Kanda's body heat.
"You wore me out last night, let me sleep."

Kanda hummed, his hands running along Allen's curves, over his hipbones and more.
"If I make breakfast, will you get up?."
At the mention of food  Allen's eyes flew open and his hands grasped Kanda's hair.

"What kinda food are we talking about here?."

"Japanese. American. Anything."

Allen smiled, blinking his eyes up to the ceiling, and yawned.
"Can I get some clothes?."

Kanda rolled off him, and stretched his arms above his head, causing Allen's eyes to snap to his visible V line, since he was just wearing a pair of black silk pajama pants.
"You don't need to ask, Moyashi.. Go ahead and take a bath, and after I'll give you a back rub."

At that he nodded because, god his back, hips and bum was hurting him, like a throbbing ache.
So he pushed the covers off as Kanda closed the bedroom door, and stumbled to the adjacent doorway in the room, pushing open to see the inside painted a dark grey color, spacious to. With a toilet and sink to the right, with a mirror and a towel rack. A long tub sat to the far back in the shape of a huge clam shell, a black and white shower curtain with a stormy design hung above it. All in all it looked amazing.

Allen quickly shed the underwear he had on and stepped into the shower, turning the temperature up to how he liked and let the hot water soak into his tired muscles, he sighed and leaned his head back, before reaching for the soap and shampoo.

After he finished his bath, he wiped the steam away from the mirror and stared at his reflection, eyes catching the Y on his neck that looked like a tattoo. He traced his fingers over it with a soft smile, this must be Kanda's mark on him, showing that he was indeed mated. Shaking his head Allen walked over to Kanda's drawer, pulling it open and digging through the items, he tugged out a small looking sweatpants and a thumbhole sweater that was really to big for him but he slipped it over his head none the less.

The smell of food hooked his nose and Allen inhaled as he followed it out the door. Just as he turned the corner in Kanda's apartment, said man was laying out their plates. But instead of the ordinary flat, circular pancakes, these were thick like a small cylinder.

"Japanese style pancakes." His vampire said, placing a cup of what looked like green tea along with his plate and a cup of orange juice along with a couple of pain killers.
"Made it like a twist."

Allen shook his head and wobbled to the table, sitting down gingerly.
Kanda sent him a heated look before he shook his head out of his trance, leaning across the seat to kiss Allen's head in greeting.
"I hope you know, that now we are mated that I won't keep my hands off you."

Allen blushed, causing Kanda to inhale deeply, he pulled his face back and took a sip of his steaming tea.
Allen brought the fork to his lips, his eyes widening at the first taste, the fluffiness and the rich taste had his taste buds screaming for more.

"This is amazing Yuu." He said, moaning softly.
"Where did you learn to cook?."

"About eighty years ago." That had Allen stopping to stare at his mate, mouth hanging open in surprise, eyes wide.

" old are you really?."

Kanda smirked at that and ran his fingers through Allen's hair, his eyes sparkling.
"I'm really  a hundred and thirty, in human years I only took like twenty three"

Allen blinked, his eyes dazed for a brief moment then he blinked again and it was cleared.
"I kept you waiting... All those years."
Tears build up in the corner of his eyes, spilling down the sides into his cheeks.

Alarmed, Kanda quickly pulled him onto his lap, wiping at the stray tears with his fingers
"No, no. Don't cry." He murmured.
"Its not your fault you weren't born yet, my little Moyashi, I would have waited a decade for you if it meant that you'll love me the way I love you."

The words that left his mouth just made Allen cry more, burying his face against Kanda's shirt and sobbing.
"I...I...I do love you so much Yuu."

The deep chuckle that broke through the air had his small body melting against Kanda's. He loved this man, vampire, whatever, so much that it hurts sometimes.
"Does that Mean that your brothers are older?."

"Way older that I am." He responded, rubbing circles against Allen's tailbone.
"I'm not the youngest though."


"Yea?." Said person answered, eyes looking down at the small white haired boy.
"What is it?."

"If....I'm already mated, does that mean I can get turned?." He asked in a small voice like he was afraid if it was the right thing to ask or not.

Kanda smiled lightly, kissing Allen's temple.
"Do you want to get turn, my love?."
Allen perked up at that, looking up at him with beautiful sliver eyes.

"I.... Think I want to." He said looking thoughtful,
"If it means staying with you forever, then I want to....but not now."

"Oh?." Kanda hummed
"When then my little Moyashi?." He teased nuzzling behind Allen's ear making the boy squirm.

"On my twenty first birthday, when all this fighting is done and I'm finished with college." He said nodding his head in confirmation.

Kanda huffed out a silent laugh against his slightly damp skin, pressing a kiss to his ear before he spoke.
"Two years from now?." He mused.
"Are you sure?."

His little lover nodded his head firmly, pulling his plate to him and taking a bite.
"I am." He Said, eyes a bit distant.
"I want to be with you, for how many years ahead, no matter what happens, just know I love you."

Lips mashed to his and Allen moaned brokenly when a tongue pushed it's way into his mouth, licking along every crevice before entwining with his own. Allen cupped Kanda's cheek with one hand, holding his plate with the other and kissed him back just as passionately.

When they pulled apart, both were breathing hard and lips swollen.
"You always know what to say that turns me on." Kanda growled, nipping along the pale, creamy flesh in front of him.

"Haah... You're just perverted." Allen teased, eyes rolling to the back of his head as Kanda slid his fangs in and started to suck.

Kanda licked the wounds clean, hugging Allen close to him as well.
"I'm happy we met, other wise I don't know what i would have done if I  didn't find you."

"Probably go crazy.. Oh wait you already are." He giggled as Kanda growled faintly, and started to tickle him.

"I love you." Kanda Said, kissing his forehead and closing his eyes.

"I love you also, Yuu." He smiled, leaning against Kanda's chest as both enjoyed their breakfast.

"Just checking, are we still hunting down Lavi?."

Kanda curled his lip upwards and scoffed.
"I plan on it."

"... Can I help?."

Kanda gave him a look but shrugged.
"If you want."

"Then I want to help you catch Lavi."

"You up for rabbit hunting then?."

Allen smiled.


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