Chapter Nineteen

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The feeling of lips against the skin of his abdomen woke Allen up, it was early judging by the darkness that still coated the sky.
He blinked tiredly wondering what woke him up so god damn early.

A smooth chuckle reached his ear and Allen whined when he got the answer with no verbal reassurance. He rolled to the side, away from the lips and fingers that were still trying to grasp onto his skin. Pulling the covers over his body as he did and wrapping himself up like a Allen-burito.

"Really now?." Kanda asked, playfully seductive, Allen could feel the bed shift as Kanda moved towards him.
"You think that's going to stop me from touching you?."

Allen huffed, eyes wide away now and a fond smile on his face. Did his gorgeous mate really think he was that gullible?.
Allen sprang off the bed, as quick as his still sleepy body would let him, and throw the covers over Kanda, pushing him down onto the bed before running into the adjacent door of his bathroom. Laughing all the way.

"Ah, fuck." He heard his mate growl along with the rustling of the sheets being ripped off him.

Allen made sure to lock the bathroom door when he ran in and was now leaning against it, snickering away with tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Yeah?." He gasped, palms wiping the moister off his cheeks.
"Something wrong, Yuu?."

The door handle jingled above his head and another growl left Kanda's lips.
"Allen." Geez did he have to use that voice on him? Allen felt a shiver run down his spine at the seductive purr.
"Open the door."

Must not give in... Must not give in...

"Nope.." He sang fighting against the urge to just open the damn door already.
"That's what you get for waking me up at god knows what time."

A grunt was heard as Kanda slammed his forehead against the painted wood.
"4:39 to be exact." He mumbled, forehead still slamming against the door.
"Allen, love, you forgot that we have a long trip ahead of us today."

Allen gasped, shooting up from his position on the floor and quickly unlocking the door, causing Kanda, who was leaning on said door, to stumble inside the bathroom.

"You could have just said so!." He cried hurrying out of the bathroom to grab his towel, and a fresh pair of clothes. He made it two steps into the bathe once again before muscular arms wrapped themselves around his waist. He was about to protest but the feeling of fangs sliding into his neck stopped his words from forming instead he gasped, back arching and mouth falling open with a soundless moan.

"Y...Yuu.." He shivered, Kanda's hair falling forward onto his own chest as his mate had to bend down to get his neck. It wasn't his fault he was short, but Kanda said he loved his height no matter what people say about it.
"We...have ready." He stuttered out, hands reaching backwards to grasp Kanda's hair as said man sucked a bit forcefully.
His vampire must have been really hungry if he was so desperate to get to him. And that must be the reason he was waking Allen up.

Kanda's palms were caressing his stomach, though he wasn't showing yet, Kanda loved to prep kisses along his abdomen. His fingers slipped underneath Allen's shirt and gently pressed his palms against the warm flesh.

Allen smiled at the tender display of affection, immediately groaning when Kanda's fangs slipped from his throat, a warm, wet tongue lapping up at the extra blood and sealing the wound close with a swipe of his tongue.

"You were hungry." He inquired softly, leaning back against Kanda's chest with a smile.
"Yuu... It won't hurt if you tell me."

"Correct me if I'm wrong." Kanda whispered by his ear where he was still hunched over his body.
"But you love it when I bite you out of nowhere."

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