Chapter Twenty Two

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Earlier, Tiedoll had taken it amongst himself to inform Allen that every new moon, which happens to be tonight, that the castle plays host for a party where all creatures are invited usually ending in some finding their mates.

That kinda intrigued Allen, if he was a supernatural creature, would he have been invited to the party and would Yuu and himself find each other by then?. He shook his head with a small smile, snickering at such crazy thoughts. He loves his humanity while he has it, well until Yuu turns him that is.

Quickly pushing the door open to their room, Allen skipped in with a smile on his face.
"Yuu-kun~." He sang playfully watching as Kanda shuddered, from where he was sitting at the small table, feet propped up on the desk with a book in his hands,

"Don't call me that." He grimaced.
"Trying to give me nightmares?."

Allen grinned, making his way towards his mate, plucking Kanda's feet off the desk and onto the ground before  plopping his butt down onto his lap. Kanda huffed, shifting to make himself comfortable and pulling Allen more stable on his lap.

Allen wiggled in place, smiling mischievously at Kanda's groan of torture.
"Did your dad tell you about tonight?."

"Ugh." He replied, forehead thumped against the back of Allen's neck.
"Do I have to attend that stupid party, I already found my mate." He rubbed his forehead against Allen's neck and smiled at his mates giggles.

"You're dad said its alright if we attend,"  He reached backwards to pat Kanda's head in mock sympathy.
"What are you worried about, I'll be right there with you."

"Its not that, that old geezer always makes me attend these stupid things when I don't have any intention at all for hooking up with anyone whose not my mate." He sneered.
"There's always these bitchy set of princess that have their eyes set on me, Lavi and Daisya.. I'm sure you could imagine Alma and Lena's reaction."

Allen frown hearing that and snickered at the look that must have been on Lenalee's face.
"Will they still have their eyes on you if you have a mate?."

Kanda snorted and Allen felt him sigh against his sensitive skin.
"Depends, knowing my father he'll announce to the world that I found my mate. I hoping that's enough to keep them away."

"Girls can be persistent."

"No." Kanda corrected, hands rubbing Allen's hip.
"Bitches can be persistent."
Allen leaned back against him and Snickered.

"Wait." He sat back up and twisted around on Kanda's lap, ignored the way Kanda seemed to groan in agony.
"I don't have a suit, Yuu."

Okay, now he was starting to panic. All he could think about was out of this world that party was going to be and how many creatures he was going to meet that he had forgotten that he doesn't have the proper clothes to attend said party.

"Relax." Yuu whispered, lips pressed to the shell of his ear.
"I'm sure I have one about your size in my huge ass closet."

"Are you forgetting that you're taller than me?." He asked with a raised eyebrow.
Kanda smirked, arms wrapping around Allen's slim hips.

"Hmm.. And I do remember telling you that I love your height, shortness." His smirk widen at Allen's beet red face.

Allen then jabbed him in the chest with his index finger, huffing.
"You did not just call me shortness." He sound so affronted that Kanda just had to chuckle.

"I'm not a big fan of pet names." He admitted smoothing back Allen's hair.
"But for you, I'll try something."
He shook his head and smacked Allen's small Butt.

"Alright up, I still have to find that damn suit."  Allen hopped off him with a snicker and followed as Kanda shoved the doors open to his really huge closet. It was like one of those celebrities closets he's seen on TV.


"Its not a huge deal." Kanda said from where he was digging through his rows of really nice looking suits.
"The old man likes to out do himself."

"Still nice though." Allen said, turning around to look at all the stuff in his mates closet.
"This is as big as my room."

"I happen to like your room very much." Kanda protested, finally pulling out a body bag that was folded neatly.
"Ah, this is the one." He held it up so the underneath could unravel out.

Allen tilted his head to the side, eyes widening in awe as his mate pulled the suit out of the bag.
It was plain white suit, with a crisp dark blue shirt and a equally blue tie.
And the best part was, that it looked brand new and was his exact size.
"Holy.. That's .."

"I was a skinny kid mind you." He shrugged.
"And I only wore this once, so it's perfect for you." He flashed Allen a fang filled smile that had his petite white haired mate rolling his eyes.

Allen reached out to take the clothing from Kanda's hands, smiling when said man kissed his temple softly before returning to his racks of clothes, grumbling about his stupid father and equally stupid party.

Yuu was adorable when he was grumpy, it made Allen want to squish me him.

After taking a shower and Allen laid the fresh ironed suit down on their bed, next to Kanda's. It looked like an all black suit and Allen had no doubt that his mate was going to look amazing in it.
He was toweling his head dry when the door open and Kanda stepped in, he had left a few minutes after Allen had went to shower to check with his dad and now he was back.

"We have got an half and hour." Yuu said with a mighty yawn, his fangs showing.
Allen blinked up at him from beneath the towel.

"Already?." He turned to peek out the window and it was indeed getting late.
"Time goes fast around here."

Fingers ran along the dip of his spine beneath his shirt and Allen shivered.
"Lets just get dressed, the sooner this is over the sooner I can cuddle the hell out of you."

"You just said cuddle." Allen giggled, poking Kanda's bicep, smiling when Kanda flexed them playfully.
"I'm so telling Lavi you said that."

"God curses the day I let the two of you become friends." Kanda bemoaned.
"Its the end for my remaining sanity."

"You say it like its a bad thing, love." Allen teased, palms sliding up Kanda's chest.

"Che, hush." He pulled his short mate closer for a kiss.

"Let's just get ready, and crash this party."

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