Chapter Twenty Nine.

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"Hey, Allen."

Said guy looked up from furiously scribbling down his notes, to see his classmate Rika looking at him from where she stood in front his desk.

Allen blinked at her in surprise, though in the back of his mind there was something was something nagging at him that there was something going on. He ignored it for now.

"Yes?." He asked slowly, because despite being the smallest guy in the class, most girls didn't go out of their way to speak to him, so seeing that The popular girl of his class was speaking to him sent alarm bells ringing in his head.
"Is there something you need?."

"You see, I've got this friend." She smiled.
"And she really, really likes you and was wondering if you would maybe like to go on a date with her."

Now that had him suspicious even more, this practically had trap written all over it. Another thing that only a few selected people at the university knew that Kanda and him were together, and those being part of the supernatural themselves, the majority of the school didn't know that the resident bad boy was mated to the shorty of the school. Allen would like to keep it that way, but when times get tough, the truth comes out.

"Uhh..." He laughed nervously, looking any where but where she was standing, trying to come up with a good lie instead giving his fiancé away.

You know, I could just come and get you.

Kanda sounded amused at his predicament that Allen wanted to smack him.
He mentally rolled his eyes and not even to seconds later Kanda was walking through the door with Lavi at his side.

Allen couldnt help the relieved sigh that left him, looking back at rika.
"Sorry, but I can't accept that proposal." He stood, wanting to get to his mate quickly.

"Is that because you're with Kanda?." She said not even two seconds after he had gotten up, causing Allen to freeze, his blood running cold at the accusations. He could see both Lavi and Yuu stiffen at the same time.

"I mean come on, that can't be true right?." She continued
"I mean like, why would someone like Kanda go for someone like you, you're so small and you're hair is white-."

Apparently Kanda had heard enough, and with a sudden burst of wind near him, rika was gone, Allen reeled back In surprise he twisted around to face an equally angry Lavi, who only shook his head and motioned for Allen to follow him.

Together, they found Kanda with the girl in an empty classroom, Kanda was hunched over a desk, his shoulders were trembling violently and his hands were buried in his hair, fingers digging into his scalp, Allen dropped his bag to the ground at once, scrambled over to his mate and prying his hands away from his head.

"Don't do that." He whispered, using his foot to drag his school bag closer and pulled out a packet of wipes and gently swiped it over Kanda's fingers, humming when his fiancé slumped forward into him. Allen let out a soft sigh as Lavi sat besides him, eyes still on the terrified girl in the front of them, now that he thought about it, the only person to spread the truth Like that to make it sound like a rumor would be no one else but Road.

"Wh...what.." She stuttered, scared. Allen says, serves her right, she shouldn't have said those stuff, knowing Kanda was there.
"What the fuck is he!?."

Lavi chuckled darkly, Like some villain In an action movie, a bit of a growl mixing Into his voice. Allen merely continued cleaning his mates hands, cradling Kanda's slump body against his.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Lavi muttered, his fists tightening and bones creaking with the amount of pressure he was squeezing them with.
Allen reached over and patted his arm, the werewolf immediately stopped and relaxed, never taking His eyes off rika.

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