Chapter Thirty Three.

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The chill from the cell floor had Allen bolting up form his sleep, a tired groan leaving his lips.
Squinting around his eyes widen slightly at what he saw.
He was in some kind of cell from what he could see, it was damp, smelt like the gutter and...was that mold growing on the walls?..

A sharp pain from His lower back reminded him of his predicament, he was in some cell in some place, god knows where really, and on top of that he was pregnant.
All he could remember was going to the washroom a few minutes before classes and that was it, his memory was a blur afterwards.

God damn.

Allen prayed he wasn't missing long, because Yuu was going to go on a fucking rampage.

"Ah, I see you're finally awake?." The deep, smooth voice that always made Allen want to punch the owner's light out spoke up. His gaze snapped up to see Tyki standing out the bars, hands in his pockets and a cruel smirk on his lips, a cigarette hanging of his lips.

Allen closed his eyes with a sigh, god damn it all. Knowing the situation he was in now is the most serious than his fiancé going on a rampage.
He carefully sat up, grateful that Miranda's spell was still glamouring his stomach, didn't want to spoil the surprise now, he folded his legs gently, along with his palms to the underside of his belly.

"Mikk... I should have known." He sighed, rolling his eyes.
"How long have I been out?." That was the first thing he needed to know, cause it'll give him time to plan ahead.

The grin on the dark skin man's lips was malicious and Allen had the sudden urge to smack that grin right off.

"Well sleeping beauty, you've been here about two weeks now." He smirked.
"Was quite easy to get you here without your bodyguards."

Two weeks?!. Fucking... Allen paused in his thoughts to take a deep breath. No need to panic like some mad man. He needed to think straight, stall for some time because he knows without a doubt that his mate would find him. Yuu was going to tear this place apart form the ground go up.

"Is that so?." He leaned back against the wall, Lucky to have his coat around his body.
"Don't you find that what the hell you're doing is a bit.....childish?."

"This is not childish." Tyki immediately responded, all defensive.

Allen snorted gently, shaking his head.
"Yes it is." He rolled his eyes, oddly calm.
"You're just throwing a tantrum because I rejected your sorry ass, I mean why would I leave my boyfriend for you, have you seen that gorgeous son of a bitch?." He shrugged then, lifting his left hand to show the dark skinned man his ring.
"Said son of a bitch is my fiancé now."

Tyki was fuming now, his teeth was clenching the cancer stick between his canines so hard that the cigarette flopped downwards like a sad looking tree.
Allen grinned, eyes bright with challenge, probably shouldn't be antagonizing the fella but Allen couldn't help himself.

"Well that's too bad there's not going to be any wedding, cause you aren't getting out of here anytime soon." And with that final statement, he stormed out the door.

Allen stared at the door for a few seconds before he snickered. Ahh, that was fun while it lasted, he thought as he pushed himself up with the help of the wall behind him and took a minute to shake some feeling into his legs, sleeping for two weeks straight, what the hell did they do to him?.

Allen carefully walked to the door, legs shaking slightly but otherwise they would hold up. He reached the bars, a hand reaching out to inspect the large rusty looking lock, he scoffed letting it drop back into place as he reached backwards into his hair to grab one of the many hairs pins he had in his sliver hair.

"Does he seriously think I'm a helpless damsel or something....grrr he pisses me off." With his grumbling going on, Allen bent the clip in his hand to some weird shape, a triumphant smile on his face.
He stuck the clip into the lock, jerking it around a couple of times, he grinned when the clip hooked something inside and with a one more twist and a small click the lock popped open.

"Ha, take that Mikk." He preened kicking the bars open, Allen looked around for any thing he could use to fight with, eyes quickly find a suitably piece of steel that was laying conveniently to the side of his cell, it looked like one of the bars had broken off, it was still in tip top condition so it'll work fine.

He picked it up with little difficulty form his stomach and proceeded to head out the door, thanking the gods that it was unlock. He crept along the walls, eyes alert and steel gripped tightly in his hands.
Allen rounded a corner, spotting Two guys in black  uniforms.... Guards.

Quietly sneaking up to them, he quickly slammed the steel into one of the guys head, knocking him unconscious and delivered a uppercut to the other before he could make any noise.

Forgetting the two behind him Allen carefully made his way through the twist and turn of this godforsaken prison.
He was about to go further when the wall to his right exploded, he scrambled backwards to avoided getting hit with the debris. The dust was terrible though.

He coughed, a hand under his stomach as he looked up, what looked like a huge dog was shaking itself out of the debris, Allen felt his heart stop as he saw the familiar rusty red color of his fiancé's best friend.

"Lavi!." He gasped, stumbled forward eyes bright as Lavi immediately perked his head up, a low whine greeting Allen's ear. He laughed ad he reached the huge wolf, batting at his fur when Lavi licked his face.
"Am I glad to see you!." He laughed.

The wolf In front of him starting shrinking until it morphed back into regular old, goofy Lavi.

"Allen!." He exclaimed, checking him over for any injuries and what not.
"Are you okay? They didn't do anything to you did they?."

"I'm fine.." He shook his head.
"Where's Yuu?."

"Yuu-Chan is outside... He's kinda unapproachable right now." Lavi laughed a bit nervously, seeing as he nearly had his head cut off earlier.
"His beast's in control right now, I thought if I found you and brought you too him that he would calm the fuck down, so here I am."

Allen snickered.
"Alright, let's go." He rolled his eyes, nudging Lavi's bare sides with his small elbow.
"Cause everyone knows only I can calm the raging beast." He rolled his eyes.

"Damn right you are." Lavi poked him back, in the cheek this time.
"Come on chibi let's go."

Allen smacked his side once more for that comment, cause he damn well knows what chibi means. And followed his soon to be brother in law out of the large hole he knocked through the wall.

Immediately, a roar echoed around them, shaking Allen to the core, the raw, desperate need in that sound made  Allen's heart ache, his baby seemed affected also moving around as if responding to its father's agony.

"Ah, looks like Yuu-Chan is at it again." Lavi sighed besides him, shaking his head fondly.

Allen started forward, the direction the sound came form, his steps sure. Lavi strolled besides him, hands stuffed into the pockets of his sweats.

"Oh, your dads are here also." His red head friend said.
"Your dark haired dad saying something about killing Adam... Whoever that is."

Allen hummed as he kept walking, he knew who was Adam indeed. Now for once this was going to be something his dad has to fix on his own. Not to say that they won't be right behind him.

Allen sighed, fingers flexing as he thought, he will help his dad figure things out once this stupid fight is finished, but that could wait for a bit.

He had a beast of a Lover to tame first.

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