Chapter Two.

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"Gave him your blood huh." Cross muttered, the gears working in his head that Allen and Neah could practically see it.
"I..think there's something else."

Neah nodded, he thought so too, his eyes scanned around his living room before the answer struck him hard.
He gasped before jumping up and grabbing Allen by the shoulder.
"I know!."

Poor Allen was shook back and fort as Neah grinned at him. Cross huffed, grabbing his hyper husband and dragging him back down on the couch.
"Tell us already idiot."

Neah pouted at him before he looked at Allen, a grin on his face.
"Everyone of us, no matter human or creature has another half Allen, a special someone who was made for them, to spend the rest of their lives with." Neah smiled gently at Allen.
"Vampires are just like werewolves dear nephew, they have mates for life, and you so happen to be Yuu Kanda's."

Allen felt his eyes grow wide with surprise, him, a mate to a supernatural creature?. He was shocked that he wasn't upset about being Kanda's for life. It made him, dare he say it in all his nineteen years of life, happy
Utterly happy, something he never felt before.

"Are you alright with that?." Cross interrupted his thoughts and Allen shook his head with a soft smile, eyes tender.

"I don't mind that, I don't mind being with Kanda for life either." He sighed.
Neah grinned at him and Cross nodded.
"Do you?."

Cross clicked his tongue at his nephew.
"Of course not, we're happy if you are." With that Allen launched himself at them with a laugh, tangling their limbs together making it hard to get up from the couch.

Later on, he had already showered and was once again out in the balcony, assignments laid out on the table and him chewing on his pen cap.
He fell onto his back on the small cot outside, eyes moving along the words of his work.
That was until the feeling of being watched creep onto him once again, slowly he lowed his papers and sat up, looking out into the pitch dark night, gaze moving over everything, dark trees, stars, leafs, two red eyes looking at him from across the street-. Wait... Allen's eyes shot back to the eyes and he felt the familiar tingle run through his body as he realized who it was watching him.

He stared at those mesmerizing eyes a few seconds longer before he fell back onto his back with a low, throaty moan.
"Fucking, Yuu... Get up here."

No sooner he said those words, said person was already on top of him, arms on either side of his head and legs caging in his hips.

"Hello my little Moyashi." Kanda purred, leaning down to run his nose along the length of Allen's throat, loving the way the small white haired boy moaned.

"You're such a creep, you know that."
Even as he said this, his hands were already tangled up in Kanda's long hair.

"Much worse than that love." Kanda smirked, brushing his fangs against Allen's throat.
"So much worse than that."

"Ass...... My..." He stopped to take a deep breath as Kanda nipped along his neck.
"My answer is yes... By the way."
He felt Kanda stop, a smile against his neck before he was being dragged into a soft, gentle kiss.

"You're mines now, no one else's." He growled, kissing down Allen's shirt, sucking bites here and there, let's just say Allen got help on his work and not much sleep either.

Yawning, Allen covered his mouth as he cleaned the display glass, before placing his freshly baked goodies in.
His neck and collarbone throbbed every thing he twisted this way and that. They didn't have sex last night, but Kanda wasted no time in marking his body with bruises and bites.

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