Chapter Eleven

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"I pass here every night after my shift and I never knew he lived here." Allen muttered staring at the building just a few meters away from his home.

"Heh, just makes it easier to stalk you." Lavi said those words so matter of factly that it had Allen barking out a surprise laugh at the realization.

"You know that's true, cause when I'm usually doing my work outside at night there's always a pair of eyes on me." He said amused, following Lavi as they began climbing the stairs leading up to Kanda's apartment.

Lavi snickered at him, extending his nail to pick the lock on the door.
"Yuu-Chan loves you buddy, and he's bloody possessive on top of that. So if he stalks you day in and day out.. He's happy."

Allen shook his head, heart racing at what he just said. He knew his feelings for Kanda were strong and he  knew that he loved the temperamental Japanese man but he never said it out loud yet, Kanda neither. He wants to tell his mate how much he loves him, how much he adores him. Allen felt Like he could cry at the emotions attacking him.

"Hey, you okay?." Lavi asked, his face showing his concern.
Allen laughed wetly wiping his eyes.

"Its fine, I just realized something that's all." He smiled, happy for the first time in the years his parents died.

Lavi gave him a once over before nodding, his grin making a reappearance as he pushed open Kanda's door and gestured for Allen to step inside.
The Inside was so like Kanda, black walls with white highlights, shining floorboards and deep blue drapes hung over the windows, most likely to block out the sun In the morning.

His mate had a L shape couch and a television in the living room with a small coffee table all opposite the small kitchen area, which was packed with dishes, pots and silverware. His refrigerator was stocked and so was the small pantry. Allen swore he had to come over and Cook for Kanda sometimes.

"Onwards!." Lavi marched towards a closed brown door to the side and pushed it open. Kanda's bed was big with crisp white sheets and black pillow cases. Allen's mind went immediately to the things they would do once they mated in that bed, his blush burned his face.

"Now, what shall we do..hmm." Lavi muttered, stroking his imaginary beard, one hand on his chin while the other rested on his waist.
"Yuu-Chan is going to be so pissed." He cackled just by the thought of it.

"You really like ticking him off don't you?." Allen was amused, no one got on his mate's nerves than Lavi himself. Said werewolf just waved his hand in dismissal.

"Been doing it for ages, haven't died yet.". Was his response.

Lavi strolled forward, pulling out a bag of highly scented flower petals and began scattering them all over the bed and floor, then he messed up the bed while Allen opened all of Kanda's drawers inwardly grinning. Together they moved the furniture and got washable markers to draw little snippets here and there.

When they were finished, the apartment looked like a child's playground and that had Allen giggling wildly.

"Wanna hide with me and Alma when he gets here?." Lavi asked as they both sneaked back out, locked the door and sprinted down the steps.

"Then again, grumpy won't be here until tomorrow, their dad usually keeps them there for a while." Lavi added thoughtfully. Allen just shook his head, deciding that he'll rather take his chances home.

Next day found Allen at work, waiting tables and switching in between to the counter. Jason was there also, he's made several attempts to get Allen alone but he ducked him every time.

What was his deal, didn't the guy see that he already had a boyfriend? That he was content where he was and won't be changing his mind soon.
It was about ten, as he was giving a customer their drink that Kanda burst through the door.

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