Chapter Twelve

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Allen spun around so fast that he almost got a whiplash as a result. His eyes widen as he saw just who exactly had called his name.

Tyki Mikk stood in his line of vision, hands in his pockets and a small, lazy smirk graced his features.

Allen kept his face blank when he addressed him.
"Mr, Mikk?... Can I help you?."

Forgetting to add that he was alone in the science classroom, sorting through the students note books and piling them into a box neatly. He was nearly finished too, before this idiot turned up.
Allen had to be careful though, just because these brutal, unforgiving beasts hunted the supernatural creatures that roamed this planet didn't mean that they wouldn't stoop as low as to kill a fellow human. He had to remember that.

"You free this Friday?." Well that wasn't what Allen expected to come out of his mouth. Seriously can people just leave him alone, he wasn't catching attention before but now he had a gorgeous Vampire Mate and he's suddenly fucking irresistible!. Jesus Christ.

"Why?." He spoke coldly, arms crossing over his chest to stare at the man.

"I was hoping you would catch a couple of drinks with me." Mikk was practically oozing confidence. But Allen was about to pop his bubble.

"Sorry, but hell no. I'm taken so please leave me alone, not interested." He said gruffy, turning back to the books ignoring the growl behind him, he yelped as his arm -human one- was gripped tightly and he spun around roughly to face Tyki Again.


"I don't take no for an answer, just so you know." He smirked, Allen felt his irritation rise to an extreme level.
"So let's try that again shall we?. Come with me for a couple of drinks later."
This time it wasn't a request or a polite invitation. It sounded like outright command.

Allen flared his nostrils, glaring at the man, he tighten his deformed hand, the one that was hard as steel and growled
"I already told you no!." He yelled, swinging around his arm, making sure his fist connected smoothly with the dark skinned man's jaw, when Tyki recoiled from that attack, Allen kicked him as hard as he could between the legs before stepping rather quickly away form him.
"Now leave me alone, you pervert."

He hurriedly picked up his bag and dashed out the classroom, leaving a groaning Tyki on the ground, clutching his bits in pain.
He skimmed along the corridors, holding his wrist tenderly to his body, damn he didn't even notice that he had a bruise until he picked up his bag and the small flare of pain zinged up his arm. Allen bit his lip, fighting off tears of frustration and pain. Why can people just leave him alone, why can't they just back the hell off when he tells them he's taken!.

He doubted Mikk wanted to go for drinks, the dark skinned man probably wanted information from him or take him as hostage to lure his beloved Yuu out. And no way In hell was Allen letting that happen, he was stronger than that. Despite being short, with his petite body, sliver hair with equal sliver eyes Allen packed quite a punch.

He was breathing hard with the rising feeling of a panic attack sneaking up On him, shit he hasn't had a attack since his parents died. Stumbling now he managed to make it to the kendo room, and tumble his way inside, landing on his injured wrist. Allen cried out rolling quickly onto his back he cradle the now likely broken wrist against his chest as tears blurred his vision and streamed down his cheeks
He just wanted his mate damn it.

"Fuck, Allen!."

Said boy let the sound of the rich deep voice, flooded with concern and slight panic sooth him. His chest felt tight and his throat threatened to clog on him. Hands were suddenly on his face and he was being pulled Into a strong, cool chest.

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