Chapter Fourteen

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Kanda sat at the back of the cafe, where the shadows seemed heavier as the sun went down, his drink long since melted and drank sat in front of him on the table. He was relaxed against his seat eyes glued on his busy mate. A glance at the clock told Kanda that it was half past eight meaning that Allen still had half an hour again to go.

He was determined to talk to his beautiful mate before anything happened, he didn't want no unexpected surprise that would freak Allen out.

Vampires along with Werewolves had the ability to get their mates pregnant, meaning if both are males and they mate, the bottom would end up pregnant.
Kanda can see Allen adores kids so it wasn't a hard guess to know that his Moyashi wanted kids of his own.

Now that he had gotten permission from Neah and Cross, he would finally complete their bond making Allen his for eternity... Well there was the other question if Allen wanted to be turned or not. He decided that they'll cross that bridge when  they get there.

Allen looked over at his vampire, Kanda had his head tilted back against the seat and his eyes closed, hands stapled together on top his stomach. Shaking his head fondly, he made a small cup of coffee and strolled towards his mate, placing the cup gently on top the table he carded his fingers through Kanda's hair, startling the man slightly.

"Brought you a cup of coffee." He said softly.
"Looked like you were about to fall asleep."

Kanda grunted, straightening himself to reach out to grasp the cup, pulling it towards him and taking a grateful sip.
"Ah." He exhaled leaning back to close his eyes again.
"I didn't know I needed that."

Allen scoffed, leaning his hip against the table and crossed his arms, from there he was looking down at Kanda instead of the other way for once.
"Did something happen, why are you so tired."

Kanda sighed, wrapping an arm around Allen's waist to pull him closer to rest his head against the white haired boys stomach.
"No, I just have a headache...nothing bad."

Allen smoothed his hair down with a hum.
"I'll be finished in ten minutes, up for walking me home?."

Kanda chuckled and Allen felt shivers run up his spine at the sound, that and the fingers currently groping around his waist had anything to say about it.
"You're not going home tonight, my little Moyashi." He purred.


"You're coming with me tonight." He clarified.
"I'm not going to make love to you under your uncles roof, I'll get my bits blown off."

Allen blushed at that but snickered at the last statement because it was true, if his uncle cross knew he was having sex under his wont be pretty.
"I get it." He said quietly, petting Kanda's head that was still leaning against his stomach.
"Now let me go so you can have me to yourself huh?."

His vampire did as he was told with a huff, sliding his palm along Allen's bum before he released him fully, inhaling the scent of warm blood that bloomed the blush on his Moyashi's cheeks. He watched as Allen shook his head with a smile as he turned to head back to the register.

Allen hummed as he packed his stuff and closed his locker shut and walked outside, he expected to see Kanda but instead he was met with a empty table. A shred of fear took over his heart at the thought of his mate leaving him, his eyes burned at those thoughts whirled around in his mind.

But before he could let the tears loose a sudden weight landed on his head, startling him. Allen tentatively reached up, fingers grasping onto something small and furry. He covered it as he walked out the door still standing in the light and took whatever was on his head into his palms, bringing it to face level.

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