Chapter Six

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A quiet sigh left Allen's lips as he sat down in his seat, awaiting the lecture to start. It was nearing lunch and he was getting a bit hungry, seeing how he fell asleep last night without eating dinner and managed to sleep late this morning also, meaning no breakfast.

"Alright class, I would Like to introduce, Road Camelot and Tyki Mikk our two new students."

Allen felt a bit uneasy as the two stood in front of the class, they gave of this bad aura, it makes him want to take cover. The girl looked no more than the age of twelve, with short spiky purple hair and gold eyes. The boy who was taller had long wavy black hair, ear piercing on both his ears and also bright golden eyes. They just practically spelled trouble.

And when the girl made eye contact with him, Allen felt a repulsive shiver go down his spine at the dark look in those eyes. Okay, telling Kanda about this.

The Bell rung just In time for the next class and Allen wasted no time in grabbing his bag and bolting out of the room and towards the kendo club. He entered the room and quietly made his way to Kanda's locker, opening it and placing his bag inside, the uneasy feeling still didn't go away.


He breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Kanda enter the room and immediately rushed up to throw his arms around his vampire.
"There are two new students in my group, I don't like it, they give me a weird feeling.. I just want you to hold me..please?."

Kanda wordless lifted him up, wrapping Allen in his arms he moved towards the couch in the small office and sat down.
"What are their names."

"Road Camelot and Tyki Mikk."

Kanda felt his eyes grow wide and he swore.
"Fuck Allen, I want you to stay away from them okay.. Promise me." He said grabbing hold of Allen's face.
"Can you promise me that."

His mate nodded, eyes a bit dazed.
"They smell like trouble." He said.
"And they creep me out... Who are they."

"They're Noah clansmen, "

"The same one you killed that Skinn guy from?." He asked, Kanda groaned and hugged him tighter.
"The very same one." 

Allen laid his head down on his muscled shoulder and sighed.
"They're here to cause trouble.." He stated, he wished he was wrong.
He felt Kanda nod against his Temple and Allen sighed, closing his eyes. Today was going to be a long day.

And indeed it was, all through his classes, he could feel eyes on his person. And not in the nice way let him tell you. He made sure not to cause attention to himself or Kanda matter of fact.

As he reached home, glad that there was no trouble for once. He wasted no time in telling his uncles. Neah looked positively murderous and a bit guilty, Allen learnt that the Noah clan used to be his family before he was banished for joining the supernatural side. Allen didn't care for his past, once Neah stayed with him and Cross it was all behind them.

"So what are we gonna do about them?." He asked, flipping the page of his notebook to continue writing on the otherside.
"I'm willing to bet that Kanda would throw a fit."

Cross snorted as he blew smoke rings upwards.
"Fit?. I don't think that's the right word, if anything happens to you, Rampage is more like it."

Neah grinned his agreement, true, he has never met anyone who is so possessive of his nephew before and that's a good thing. It means that Allen would always find himself with help if he gets into trouble, though trouble likes to come looking for him from time to time.
"Yes. Now that would actually be scary."

Allen crossed his arms with a pout as his family teased him.

"Is Kanda here?." Neah asked as he and Allen washed the dirty dishes they had dinner with.
"Like right now?"

Allen made a short humming noise at the back of his throat as he wiped the dish dry and placed it on the rack near the sink.
"He usually comes when I'm doing my assignments." He murmured.
"Then there's the times that He's a creep that likes to stalk me!." He said with a voice raised a bit, know if Kanda was nearby he would no doubt hear him.

They both swore they heard a chuckle from upstairs, coming from Allen's room. Neah shook his head at the happy smile that spread across Allen's face at that. He snorted when Allen dropped the dish towel and sprinted upstairs into his room, he heard the door open a small battle cry before laughter.

"When you two are done!." He yelled.
"Allen you still have dishes to dry." He heard a snort from Kanda, and a whine form his nephew.
Neah rolled his eyes, focusing on scrubbing the dishes in the foaming water. If Allen was happy, then he was happy as well.

Much later, when all chores we finished and his family was asleep. Allen laid curled up under the blankets with Kanda just breathing in the vampires scent and snuggling closer.
"If Tyki and Rhode give you trouble, I want you to come to me immediately or find Marie." Kanda whispered in the dark, arms wrapped around Allen tightly, nose buried into the citrus smelling gorgeous white hair.

"Can I kick him in the balls?." At that Kanda Snickered.
"I have a weapon to help defend myself you know."

"Then I want you to keep it with you every second of the day, love, even though I still want you to come find us okay?.". He felt Allen nod slowly against his chest, his mind surrendering to sleep. Kanda couldn't help but love how Allen fits in his arms, like the missing piece of a puzzle, sliding perfectly into place.

All his life he's been searching for his mate, Kanda wasn't someone to just let any one touch him, he has self respect and the urges of sexual intercourse were solely only for his mate. Its been five years since he had left his home, coming to London to study, something else was calling him here, drawing him in like a moth to a flame.

It was on one Dark night that he was lurking between the building of his home when the most delicious scent of chocolate and mint hint his nostrils and his eyes had immediately snapped to the small white haired boy walking by the shadows he was hidden in, wrapping a coat tighter around him. Kanda felt his fangs drop and his eyes flash red, and a moved a bit causing his clothes to rustle silently but apparently his little mate had heard him.

He smirked as his mate forced himself from looking where he heard the noise, instead seemed to walk even faster finally reaching a medium sized home, he watched his little love sprint inside and slam the door shut. Kanda just had to chuckle at that.

"Uncle Neah?." Jesus his voice was so sweet that Kanda had a hard time not shivering at the sound of it.

"In the kitchen Allen," So, Allen was his name, unique for his little Moyashi. He was so small and white.
Kanda watched him as a fell asleep and sighed. He had found his mate now all there was to do is woo him.

Kanda smiled at the memory, bringing his precious bundle closer, he didn't really have to do any wooing, Allen had fallen for him on his own and Kanda was glad, he couldn't wait until they official mated. Though he had to tell Allen something important before they made love.
With a sigh he closed his eyes and snuggled closer, letting sleep claim him.

There was a hand in his shoulder and Kanda snapped his eyes open to see Allen's uncle Neah standing over him with a smile.
"Good morning, Yuu." He said, they had met a few weeks after Kanda had kissed Allen and Neah and him immediately hit it off.
"Mind coming to help me with breakfast, let the two weirdos sleep."

"Shut up uncle Neah." Allen mumbled from his position on Kanda's chest, a eye half cracked open to send his chuckling uncle a sleepy glare.

Kanda and Neah snickered as Allen whined at them both, and Kanda couldn't help but compare his Moyashi to a small kitten when he gets up, stretching out on top his chest and yawning. If the boy had fangs he surely would have seen them.

"Alright Allen, since you're both up, let's go make breakfast." Neah sang walking out the room.
Allen huffed.

"My family is insane."

Kanda snorted.
"Compared to mines, yours is normal."

Allen laughed out loud at that and Kanda placed his arms behind his head and let Allen giggle on top his chest.

If he helps it, he wants to wake up Like this every time

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