Chapter Sixteen

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Sorry if the chapters that follow are gonna be all over the place, Wattpad is being a pain.🙀

The violent churning in his stomach had Allen slapping a hand over his nose and mouth, not even bothering to look at his professor as he all but ran out of the classroom.
This was unbelievable, he was throwing up more since a few days ago.

Allen made it into the washroom and dashed into an empty stall to let the contents of his stomach out.
"Okay, not a stomach bug." He murmured, feeling tears burn at his eyes, if what was happening was what he really thought it was...then...he may really be pregnant.

Oh, oh jeez..he has to tell Kanda.

Quickly flushing the toilet, he rinsed his mouth clean and washed his face before exiting the bathroom, a hand on his stomach he made his way to the history class Kanda had at the moment. He was so excited and it was going to be sweet, he could just imagine the expression on Kanda's face when he sees him, Allen had no doubt that Kanda would be able to smell it on him.

One hand kept on the wall besides him, Allen stumbled along to the history room, in a school full of humans Kanda would be the only one that's gonna react to his presence, more importantly, his scent. At long last he finally reached the door, zoning out the drawl of the teachers voice, Allen pushed open the door with one hand, eyes immediately finding his one and only and ignoring everyone else's.

Kanda though, was at the far back, hands propped on the desk and his face turned towards the window.
Allen watched as Kanda nostrils flared and it wasn't long before his head whipped in his mate's direction.

Allen gave him a slow smile, eyes hooded and seductive then winked as he turned around, ignoring the still staring students, and closed the door behind him like nothing ever happened. He made it as far as Kanda's kendo office before arms were wrapped around his waist lifting him clean off the ground.

He was placed on the sofa In the room, distantly hearing a door slam shut as Kanda all but pulled his shirt over his head in attempt to get to his stomach.
He laughed, gently carding his fingers through his mates thick, silky hair and smiled lovingly as Kanda pressed his nose against his bare abdomen and inhaled deeply.


"Mhmm." Allen hummed.
"Yea, we did it...I'm pregnant."

Kanda exhaled shakily against his skin, pressing his lips over the area the smell was strongest.
"You don't know how happy I am, what you are giving me is something amazing. I love you, my beautiful little mate." He purred raising his head to kiss Allen deeply.

"Do you think it's going to be a girl or a boy?" He mused, running his palm along his Kanda's cheek, cupping the cool skin in his palms.

"Too early to tell." Kanda murmured, kissing his palm.
"What do you want?."

Allen smiled down at him, eyes warm and glistening.
"I wouldn't mind a little girl to spoil." He sighed.

Kanda's lips lifted at the corners at that, the thought of  Allen taking care of a little girl, a small black haired, sliver eyed child with Allen's personality and his determination. The image that came to his mind nearly made his own eyes burn from unshed tears. Kanda decided that he wanted that, everything.

"I suppose a little girl wouldn't be too bad." He teased, caressing Allen's still flat abdomen.
"But I won't mind, boy or girl, I'll love them the same."
Allen gave him the most beautiful smile, and the brightness of it, no matter how cliché it may sound, lit up his entire world.

"Yuu?." Allen said, a frown on his face
"What am I going to tell my uncles?." Now he had a fearful look on his face, if Yuu got him pregnant without his uncles knowing then its gonna be trouble.

"Relax baby." Kanda soothed, hands running along Allen's side
"I have already talked to your uncles before we even mated, I explained it in great detail." He finished dully, remembering how loud Neah had screamed before tackling him in a hug saying how both Allen and him were going to give him grandchildren.

"Seriously?." Allen asked surprised, amazed that his mate had thought of everything that needed to be done before they even mated.
"Have I told you how amazing you are." He asked with a smile.

A knock came at the door before Kanda could even replied with a extra cheesy comment to make his Moyashi blush. He raised up and uttered a gruff come in. Lavi poked his head inside, grin lighting up his face even though he was currently sporting a black eye courtesy of Kanda's left fist.

"Ah. So I see you finally figured it out." He stated, stepping inside and closing the door.
"Good for you."

Kanda grunted, cradling Allen to his chest.
"Shut up, Baaka Usagi." Soothing his hand down Allen's back he looked at his self proclaimed best friend.
"How did you know?."

Lavi scoffed, index finger scratching his cheek.
"I caught his scent when he came In class yesterday. " he smiled.
"Figured I'll let him find out on his own."

Allen smiled at him from under Kanda's chin, happy beyond words.
He never thought he would be having a child, much less of his own flesh and blood, literally. But sometimes good things happen and he was grateful to be in love with a Vampire Prince.
"You're gonna be a uncle, Lavi." He giggled, snuggling closer to Kanda's body.

"Ah shucks." The red head werewolf blushed.
"I love kids, so I'm honored to be their uncle."

"I'm surprised that you don't have any of your own, the way you and Alma go at it all the time." Kanda deadpanned but a slight smirk was seen on his face .

Lavi sputtered and Allen laughed joyously.

"You can't deny that Lavi, I have a feeling that Kanda is the only one who has the misfortune of hearing you two." He said, clamping a hand to hide his giggles as Kanda bent his head to nose behind his ear.

"I am going to invest in a pair of ear muffs." He said dully.
"I never knew a rabbit could squeal so loudly before."

Lavi turned so red that it nearly resembled his hair and Allen bursted into laughter, his small body shaking from his giggling.
"Oh god...Yuu!." He gasped.

"I'm not doing anything." Kanda said, looking down at his mate lovingly.
He watched as Allen buried his head against his chest.

Lavi crossed his arms over his chest with a mock scowl, he was happy though that he got Allen to laugh again, even it was at his own expense.
"I'm glad I could provide good entertainment." He said sarcastically.

Kanda rolled his eyes pressing his lips on top of Allen's head before getting up with his bundle In his arms.
"I want you to keep an eye on Mikk and Kamelot, I have a feeling they are up to something."

Lavi's whole demeanor changed from smiling to serious in seconds.
"Got it, I'll tell Marie."

"Thanks Usagi." He grunted.
Allen looked up at them both, seeing how they were both taller than him.

"I have a feeling its gonna be something with you, love." Kanda said.
"Mikk now knows that we're together, but he doesn't know we're mates, so if I'm right him and Kamelot are gonna be up to no good."

"But don't worry, Moyashi-chan." Lavi grinned.
"We are gonna protect you. All of us."

Allen smiled at him, now that he was pregnant. He sure as hell wasn't gonna let some asshole ruined his future with his mate.

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