Chapter Twenty Six

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"Yes dad," Allen says fondly.
"I'm alright, haven't got a scratch on me."

"I sure hope so, knowing how reckless you can be.". Neah's voice teased from the other side of the line.
Allen huffed playfully, staring up at the titled ceiling of Kanda's room.

" I'm pregnant dad," He pointed out.
"And no matter how reckless I am, I know when not to throw myself in danger, I'm not stupid, I'll help when I can." He snorts.

"Alright, if you say so, my fluff ball." Neah coos, he clears his throat then.
"So, what's the results?."

"Basically, the guy was sent here to get me." He admitted.
"I'm sure you know who is Tyki Mikk, I don't know if you know this or not but could you remember a Skinn Bolic?."

"The sweets loving idiot?. Yea?."

"Well, it seems that him and Yuu had crossed paths before, Yuu's brother in law told Me that he goes around asking random people if they liked sweets and if they said no, he'll go on some kinda rampage." He rolled his eyes with a sigh.
"I'm sure you can figure out what happened next, him and Kanda, and you already know that Yuu doesn't like sweets, so when the answer was no and he went on a war path and finding out Yuu was a vampire, well.."

"Kanda killed him.." Neah sounds more amused than anything when he said that.
"I said this before, if  and honestly I'm not surprised, anything happens to you, that mate of yours will be out for blood. Doesn't matter whose."

Allen felt his cheeks grew warm and his heart singed with love and affection for that creature of the dark that Is his.
"Yea, so you've told me before." He huffed.
"Now as I was saying, Tyki asked me out a Friday, I refused and kicked him between the legs when he grabbed my wrist, I ended up with a sprained wrist and a angry vampire."

"So, let me guess he attacked Mikk." Neah mused.

"Well, he broke his nose, that was how far he could go on school compound." Allen laughed.
"He thought I didn't know what I was dealing with, thought I was a naïve, helpless human that needed saving from the likes of him."

"So he's figured out you two are together then?."

"Yup. And now he's sent someone to get me, think that if I'm in their clutches that it would be easier to kill Kanda." He snorted, finding that funny.
"As if it'll be that easy."

"Does he know that your with child?." Neah sounded concerned now all amusement gone.

"Nah," Allen yawned, eyelids drooping.
"He doesn't, Yuu and his brothers took care of it to actually stay that way...."
He trailed off into another yawn.

His dad chuckled from the otherside of the line.
"When you come I'll get the whole story. But for now go rest up, I'm sure you had a tough day."

"Tough?." He mumbled, twisting to his side and curling up.
"That's not the word to describe today."

"Alright, go to sleep, stay safe okay, I love you. Oh, and when you come home tomorrow, there's a surprise here for you."

Allen felt his eyes slide shut, a sleepy smiled painted on his lips. He wanted to ask what it was but He just managed to return the affectionate words right before sleep pulled him under.

When Allen woke again, it was to the slight pitter  patter of raindrops hitting the window, he twisted his head to look but instead his vision was blocked by a really nice looking, naked chest. The feeling of arms wrapped around him finally registered and he moved forward to snuggle up against his warm mate.

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