Chapter Twenty Seven

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Allen dug through his drawers until he pulled a dark grey sweatpants out and tugged them on with a sigh. Turning he looked at his sleeping mate with a fond smile, before slipping out of the room while slipping on a T-shirt.

"Morning dad." He greeted through a yawn.
"What's for breakfast?."

Neah tsked at him from where he was making pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes to be exact. Allen perked up at the smell.
"Hold your horse child, " Neah laughed.
"Here, I have some already done, why don't you go have breakfast with Kanda hmm?."

Allen grinned, moving forward to help stack the dishes on to the tray his uncle held out for him.
"You don't mind?."

Neah shook his head at him, taking a minute to turn around and smack a kiss to his temple.
"I don't,  I'm spending breakfast with your father."

Allen pretended to gag, laughing when Neah pushed him playfully to the side, scoffing about how he was Like that with Kanda all the time.
Allen could only shrug, cause hey, his mate was a walking Adonis that needed attention all the time.

Allen blinked when something crossed his mind, like a stroll in the park and he was suddenly pointing at his dad with a unimpressed look on his face.
"Hey, where's my surprise you promised me?."

Neah paused briefly, like he had forgotten what it was himself. Finally he sent Allen a sly grin over his shoulder and laughed softly.
"I'm sure you'll be surprise, its waiting for you at school."

"School?." What else could be waiting for Allen at school other that books, annoying teachers and Miranda.
"What... I'm lost here."

"Stay lost then."

"Dad!." He huffed, crossing his arms and puffing his cheeks up like a chipmunk. Neah laughed turning the Stove off when the last pancake was finished. He pushed his finger into one of Allen's inflated cheek and all the air whoosed out.

"You'll enjoy more if I don't tell you love, " Neah said gently,
"Now, go eat your breakfast with your mate and get ready for classes."

Allen relented, sticking his tongue out at his dad before hightailing it up the stairs with the tray, laughing when his dad called after him to be careful.
Pushing open the door with his hip, Allen entered and kicked it close with his foot.

Kanda was laying on his back, one hand buried in his thick hair and another on his bare chest, the blankets were up to his waist and one of his feet was hanging off the bed.
His eyes were open though, and watching as Allen lifted the tray onto the nightstand by the bed.

"Ready to get up yet?." Allen hummed, he opened the draw underneath the stand and grabbed two black colored hair tie and a hair brush.
He gathered his shoulder length hair in his hands and tied it up in a sloppy bun, immediately feeling eyes zoned onto his exposed neck. Allen pushed his bangs out of his face and kept them back with two hair clips.
"Babe?." He asked, looking at Kanda from the corner of his eye.

"Yeah?." He answered followed by a yawn.
"I don't feel like getting up yet."

Allen laughed at that, it wasn't everyday that his mate wanted to laze around. He faced him now, hands on his hips and a teasing smile on his face.
"I'm sure our baby would find it funny that its father was this lazy."

Kanda gave him a fanged fill grin.
"That's alright," he said airily.
"They'll have moments of laziness too."

Allen scoffed, pulling on Kanda's foot as he passed him to head into the bathroom, he had to brush his teeth before he ate.
He was placing a good amount of toothpaste onto his toothbrush when Kanda came in, yawning.

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